Chapter 9

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"Reuben, come here, please."

I looked up, smiling at Nolan where he stood in the doorway of the Reubix cube, watching me prepare Mister Hopper for bed, my finger diligently rearranging his furniture of leaves and twigs into a comfortable bed so that he didn't wake up with back pain in the morning.

Having already showered, brushed my teeth and changed into my pyjamas, I was ready to collapse into Daddy's arms and sleep away the exhaustion of a long day causing chaos and mayhem. This was probably the most fun I'd ever had in my entire life!

Which was saying something because throwing that glass at Prescott had been a pretty fun highlight. Oh, and the time I bought a dildo at the mall, placed it in a see-through bag and walked by the local church on my way home, much to the horror of its scandalised patrons, had also been a fantastically fun day. But this day was even better!

Being naughty was a professional sport. It took a lot of effort - I needed to rest my troublemaking brain - but holy shit it was so fun! Even better when there were two, hot as fuck dominants, running around after you, giving you their undivided attention, negative or not. And when Nolan gave up on disciplining me half way through the day, I knew I'd won and that just made misbehaving so much sweeter.

I was almost disappointed in the man. I'd really expected more from him. He was, after all, supposed to be the best of the best, but I realised now that it was all talk, no action. It felt great to know I'd knocked him off his high horse. Imagine being a pretentious asshole, but having to give up disciplining a brat after only one morning.

Embarrassing, truly.

Pride I probably should've felt ashamed about, rushed through me, making my cheeks feel hot and my grin spread even wider. I doubted Nolan had ever lost a training battle with a boy before. I bet I was the only one to defeat him. I was a motherfucking champion and I had one-upped Master Nolan the great.

Smug didn't even begin to describe the way I was feeling.

Did this suck for Daddy? Yes. Was it the end of the world or our relationship? Hopefully not.

I eagerly wished Nolan stuck around, even as a failure, just because I was actually beginning to like the brute. But Daddy and I... we'd work something out together, even if it meant he gave in and decided to train me himself for the sixteenth time. Besides, I liked Daddy's discipline better. He never took anything away from me.

My smugness evaporated promptly. I had to rescue Kinnard from Nolan tonight. Not only was he my most favourite toy in the whole entire world, he was the most freaking awesome toy in the entire universe! He was a custom made, male doll, with Ironclad Beetle themed armour over his muscular body and he was basically a bug superhero!

Nolan had kidnapped a superhero. A national treasure.

Kinnard was probably having a heart attack. But I'd save him when my doms were dead asleep. The only problem was finding where Nolan had hidden him.

"Are you listening to me, boy?"

I blinked, nodding slowly up at Nolan. "I'm putting Mister Hopper to sleep. He needs his furniture rearranged at night. It's important for his Feng Shui."

"Now, Reuben." Nolan snapped and I startled, sitting up straighter. He hadn't done that all day and the sharp tone to his voice was like a whip, making my spine snap straight against my own will.

Nolan's eyes were dark. I didn't know how such startling blue eyes could suddenly take on such a stormy hue, or how such a handsome face could twist into a stern, sinister expression, but it had. This was Master Nolan I'd met at the club, not nerdy Nolan with his chewed up cat.

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