Chapter 2: Valentines Day

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Benedict wakes up from his slumber, rubbing his eyes and wears his glasses. He stretches his body from head to toe and notices Monty isn't inside of the tent. He crawls out, looking for him and finds him nearby.

"Monty, what are you doing?" Benedict yawned.

"Getting the brush, the toothpaste, and the water bottle." Monty replied, he handed Benedict with his toothbrush and gestured to follow him. He follows him to a small river where he begins to open the water bottle to wet his toothbrush, and starts brushing his teeth. He hands over the water bottle and toothpaste to which Benedict brushes his teeth as well. They both traded the water to gargle and spit out, of course not touching their lips at the tip of the bottle, they both know that's gross.

"Hey Monty, why didn't we use the river water?" Benedict questioned.

"That's because animals do their business there." Benedict immediately regretted saying the question. Speaking of business, he has to do his.

"Oh man I gotta go!" He puts his knees together.

"Ok then, go." Monty turns around and walks away from him. He waits for him to finish, after he does they both head back to their camp and brush their hair together.

"Monty, what will we eat for breakfast?" Benedict wondered.

"We're going to experience the good old American breakfast Ben! No more beans on toast on every single day!" Benedict's eyes widened, seemingly interested in this new American breakfast. He holds Monty's hand and he takes him to a seemingly plain dinner in Porkbelly. They both settled down in a booth and a waitress gave both of them a menu.

"Look at the options Ben! You can have classic eggs and bacon, french toast, waffles, or even pancakes!" Monty grins in excitement.

"Hmm... What's an egg's benedict?" Benedict wondered as he looked at the menu.

"Don't know, but maybe you should try it since it has your name." Monty giggled at the idea of it. Benedict likes the idea of it so he plans to order it.

"Do you think I should order chocolate chip pancakes Ben?" Monty questioned.

"Yeah! That sounds delicious!" Benedict's mouth begins to water. A waitress comes to them and asks them what they would like to order in a sweet voice, the brothers say their orders and the waitress writes them down and fills their glasses with water.

"So what do you want to do throughout the day Ben?" Monty asked.

"I'm not sure, but remember, don't drag me to your mission stuff ok." Benedict reminded him.

"Oh I remember, however that means I won't get to take you with me, so would you be fine just staying at the camp while I go?" Benedict was hesitant to answer, he doesn't want to get involved but he knows that he's going to just sit around and do nothing if he goes with him, at least in the camp he can take naps there.

"Um, I guess I can stay at the camp." Benedict shrugged. The brothers wait at their booths, Monty is using a piece of napkin, obviously writing down his plans and creating a map to expand territory. Benedict in the meanwhile is getting a bit antsy from hunger and wanting to meet with his friends in the afternoon.

"Hey Ben, after we're finished, I'm planning to do a bit of grocery shopping, wanna help me do the couponing to reduce our costs?" Monty smirked and raised his eyebrow.

"Why me?! Is it because I'm a nerdy bookworm to you?!" Benedict argued at Monty.

"Yes." Monty answered with full confidence. Benedict sighed out of frustration. Benedict checks his bandages he received, he takes a peak and sees that it's been completely healed, with no signs of scars as well. Benedict was relieved that it had healed but a bit concerned that it healed so fast, but he guessed it happened because he has a cursed bloodline. The waitress holds their orders with both hands and places them on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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