Chapter 12

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    My head was dizzy, my legs were shaking. I feel like I could explode by any second. She made me feel like this. I can't understand how she can have that much effect on me.
At first I thought it was just attraction, she is a gorgeous woman and that was the perfect excuse I told myself. But I know she is more, I don't know if that more is what she needs.
I don't want to hurt her. I don't do relationships, I'm not the lovely dovely type of person. But the way I crave for her entire being is unreal. I can't turn my head to anyone cause I'll compare them to her. And I never met anyone like her. She's kind and sweet and innocent.

I searched for the girls through the hole club and no sign of them. After minutes that seemed like hours I got closer to the restroom where I heard yellings. I put my ear onto the door to hear what was going on.

" We can't be together, I am not gay!" Olivia's voice was rough and cold. And it felt like a knife twisted in the wound. " Really? Because that didn't seem to bother you minutes ago when your tongue was down in my throat and your hands in my pants. You can't play this card any more Olivia I put my heart on a silver plate for you and you keep throwing it away." Anastasia's voice was trembling and sounded like she is crying. She wanted to say more but her words were stuck in her throat. " I'm afraid to do this! You know how they are, and they won't accept this." Olivia sounded tired but still cold. She wanted to hide how bad was this conversation was affecting her. " This what? You can't even say it!" Anastasia said and burst into tears".

I open the door for them to see me. Olivia turn her head to see me and stand still like an untouched object. " Girls let's go home!" I said and tried to sound empathic. Olivia stormed out leaving Anastasia still crying. I stepped closer and she wrapped her arms around me tightly. She needed comfort and I didn't know how to do that but I just hugged her back and stood there. Letting her get all out. All the pain and suffering that she locked inside herself. It was not my place to ask her what is happening between them and I couldn't force her so I just tried to be there for her.

- Let me take you home! I said in a comforting way and she nodded.

... 3:47 ...

After we took home both girls we entered the house. The hole ride Beatrice kept looking at me. I know she wanted answers but it was not my place to tell her. If the girls doesn't fix their problems I can't do a thing.

I took Beatrice's hand and dragged her upstairs with me. Her smile widened and a smirk covered her face. She pushed my body into the door and kissed me again. How can every time I kiss her is just better?
  I pulled her into me by her waist, I wanted to feel her body, all of it. I wanted her scent to fill my nose so I can melt into her arms. She tasted so sweet like a living candy all prepared for me to eat it all night. I felt her hands squeezing my ass and a moan escaped my lips.
- Do you want me darling? She said and her accent made me grew wetter. I nodded and she took my chin in her hand so I can look her in the eyes.
- Use your words! She said and I felt my throat dry.
- Yes! I said breathless.
- How bad? A smirk covering her face.
- So bad!
- Good! 

We froze when the sound of the front door filled the room and a low voice came from downstairs. I turn my head to see Beatrice looking at me with wide eyes as I fix my hair and clothes. I put my hand on her mouth before she could speak. I bend closer to her ear and whisper.
-  Go to your room, take a shower and change I'll be back soon. Ok?
- Why?
- Your father can not see you like this!
- You're  right! She said befit giving me a last peck and going into her room.

I feel myself getting a little nervous while getting closer to the living area where the voice was coming from. As I enter I see Christian talking at the phone while singing on the couch. The moment he sees me he smile and get up from the couch ending the phone call.

- Ophelia dear, you look stunning as always, have you been out?
- Yes! Weren't you in Germany to represent your client?
- Yea but they cancelled it so I got back home to spend time with you guys!
- That is very sweet of you Christian!
- How is Bea, where is she?
- She is sleeping, I went to check on her about an hour ago.
- Good!
- Where is my mother?
- Well, your mother and I have some problems, but is no need to worry about that!
- Already? It didn't event passed half a year.
- Let's drop the subject Ophelia is to much!
- Fine, I just wanted to make you feel better. Don't come to me after she throws you away like she does with every man she had. I said firmly but he still looked mad about my words, so I got up and walked away. I am no cupidon to keep their flame alive...

  I got changed in a pair of shorts and a tank top and made my was to Beatrice's room. As I got closer to the room I see the door cracked open. I looked around and saw Bea sitting at the window looking out in the sky. I tiptoed my way to her and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her into me as I leaned closer to her year so I can whisper.
- Neither of these stars shine brighter than your eyes little star. I said making her smile wider and wider.
- Then why are you always looking up to the sky? She said leaning more into me, supporting her head on my shoulder.
- I tried to find you in some light but it felt so cold when the stars weren't bright and the moon didn't burn. I lost all my nights to count all the stars in the sky to see is they match with the ones in your eyes.
- Such a simp!
- Excuse me? I really tried to say something beautiful and you ruined the moment!
- Did I hurt your feelings?
- A little!
- Then let me make it up to you with some kisses.
- You better do little star!

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