Chapter Five - Holiday!!

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Nicks pov -
Me and charlie packed our suitcases over the weekend so this morning we could pack our carry on bags, get my mum and go straight to the airport. We had to be there by 6am so we woke up at 4am to make sure we had plenty of time - Charlie doesn't like it when we do everything last minute.
Just as we were dragging our giant suitcases and bags down the stairs there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find my mum stood there with all her luggage next to her.
"Mum I told you we would come get you." I sigh.
"I knoww but I couldn't wait any longer!"
That's one thing about her. She is very impatient when it comes to stuff like this.
"Right then lets get everything in the car."
My mum starts walking towards my car followed by me, then Charlie. I was expecting them both to want to sit it the front seat but instead they both sat in the back, chatting away. I love seeing how close her and Charlie have grown. Especially because I know Charlie doesnt talk to his mum anymore and neither me or mum speak to David.

Charlies pov -
Me and Sarah are sat besude each other, talking about what we are going to do when we get there. I glance at Nick as he hasn't said a word the whole journey, but he is watching us through the rear-view mirror with a wide smile on his face. I think he likes seeing how close me and Sarah have grown, I don't really know why though.
We arrive at the airport and get through security surprisingly quick. Then, we had an hour to kill so we spent it looking around all the shops, trying on silly glasses and pulling out ugly clothes, telling the other person it would suit them. We continue joking around and after what feels like 5 minutes, we are called for boarding.

Sarahs pov -
We make our way to our row and Nick sits down on the middle seat, next to Charlie.
"Nick, move! I want to sit next to Charlie." I tell him. He rolls his eyes and moves to the isle seat. I love Charlie. I love how he cares for Nick. He is the reason I wasn't worried about Nick moving out. Charlie would never let anything happen to him.
Let me know if you want me to carry this on!!

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