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Hey there!! Thank you so much for clicking on this book🎐. I hope you enjoy reading my work.

Please do comment and vote on what you enjoyed of.
It helps alot <3

This is the first ever simple and text AU book lol.




I don't own any of the characters in this book.

Do not copy my work... So far no one has since its all boring and not interesting,but still do not do that. Not just my work but others as well. They work day and night on making their stories perfect and when someone else just pops up to do a copy cat....your asking to get beaten up literally :))))

If there are any similarities between this book and another,know that it's pure coincidence as I plan on not copying anyone else's work.



Be aware that there will be...

- Fluff
- Angst
- Delulu shiz


"Oh Hi Jake..." Suyeon smiled as if it was a usual occurrence,opening the front door to see the most unexpected guest she would've ever thought would be standing infront of her door. It took her a second to realize the situation as her eyes widen,panick spreading through her.

"JAKE!" She almost shout in shock,slamming the door behind her to avoid any of her family members seeing the boy,walking few steps to him and pulled him to the side.

"WHY THE HECK ARE YOU HERE?!" She whisper screamed at him.

"Woah woah Suyeon,I thought you would be happy to see me" Jake said pouting his lips slightly,ignoring her remarks.

"Stupid that's not the point! Why are you here at my house? Most importantly how did you know my house?!" She asked confused of how his online friend would be there at her door step like it was something normal to him.

"Suyeon,who was that at the door?" The couple outside heard the girl's mother ask from the inside.

"Just a friend mom!" She replied closely to the door.

"Oh so I'm just a friend huh?" Jake asked with a raised eyebrow,licking his bottom lip feeling a little offended of how she addressed him.

Suyeon rolled her eyes at him and kept on poking the same question "Jake I'm serious why are you here and how do you know my house?"

"I'll tell you once I'm inside" He said lifting the suitcase to show her and that was when she noticed it.

"Suyeon come inside dinner is ready!" Her mom warned her of the meal and Jake started to go towards the door untill Suyeon jumped inbetween to stop him.

"Jake no you can't go! They don't know you!" She said,scared of what her parents might think of kf she brough a random stranger she met online to their house.

"We'll see about that" Jake said siding her away and entered the house with a grin to greet everyone at her place.

Coming soon 💌

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