~ Chapter IV ~

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I heard a soft whimper as I woke up in the morning, I moved my bed closer to Tadpoles so he could wake me up in the night if he needed to. He was still asleep, apparently dreaming. I smiled and carefully got up, not to wake him up. Poking my head out of the willow tree leaves the sun was just coming up. Shallow sunlight was filtered through the trees, casting shadows on the ground. It was a pretty sight, I hardly wake up early and I'm glad I did. I stretched and walked over to the burrow, realizing that the hole in the roof was finished and they were working on threading the vines through the roof. We needed it to be thick enough for cover from rain, yet shallow enough to cast good amounts of light in the place. Prystone was working on carving out his own place in the side of the burrow, making it his own home. I found one of the guards and asked her what I could do, she told me to gather moss. So there I was near the riverbank, collecting moss and putting it into a basket. It was very full by the time I was done. A few pieces fell out as I carried it back home, so I had to stop and put it back. I walked through the forest, some morning dew that was still there dripped on my back as I trudged through the trees. I set the basket down and wiped my muzzle before picking it up again, carrying it into the burrow. I nodded to Primleaf and stared spreading it around, making it look like grass on the ground. Once I was done there was still a lot left to go, but I was proud of how it looked so far. I went and got more, continuing this until she told me to take a break. I got a rabbit off of the prey stock and poked my head in through the willow tree; knowing dang well I wouldn't be able to eat this by myself. Tadpole was just starting to turn when I laid down by him. "Good morning." I said to him as he woke up. He stared at me then smiled. "Hi there. Did I wake up late?" He looked down at the rabbit then at me again. "Yes, I wondered if you wanted to share this however." I prodded the rabbit and he purred. "Sure." I smiled and bit down into the rabbit, and he did after me. "How's the burrow coming along? Did you work on it?" He looked over at me, curious. "Yes, I put moss down on the floor. It isn't coming out any time soon I think the ground claimed it." I smiled and he laughed softly. "I wish I could help." After a bit we finished the rabbit and I told him goodbye. Instead of going to throw the rabbit away I headed towards Laura. She greeted me when she saw me and asked what was wrong. "Is Tadpole aloud to do anything to help?" I asked her quietly, in case he overheard. "It's better if he doesn't, he needs rest. Everyone does when sick." I nodded and told her thank you, going to throw the rabbit out. I dug a hole little ways from our resting place and set the rabbit in it, shoveling dirt over it after. I trotted back to home and saw everyone in the clearing, sharing prey like me and Tadpole had done. I realized that I had no clue where my father was, but just brushed it off. All of the sudden, I got called by Laura and she asked for me to help with sorting herbs. I agreed and started sorting at her guide. 

It was later in the day, I finished sorting Laura's herbs a while ago and now we were going on a giant patrol together because another one of the fledglings got chased by the humans, and the strange item that shot out of it hit her. Most of my bracket was going to look around there and hopefully chase those humans away from our territory. As we were about to leave I saw Tadpole leave the willow tree, staring in my direction at shock. "Where are you going!" He called, heading over to me. "We're gonna try and chase the humans out of our territory." I said to him in an even tone. He lit up and looked around. "Am I gonna go?" I flinched. I don't think my dad would want him to when he's sick. Nonetheless Prystone noticed him and came over here. "Hi there, how are you feeling?" He smiled at Tadpole and then looked sad as he asked if he could go. "I don't know, you're sick. And I don't want you to be left behind because of that...if that makes sense." A wave of sympathy washed over me as I realized he wouldn't be able to go. "Why not? I won't be in the way." I paused and looked towards my father, who just shook his head. "I'm sorry but-" Tadpole interrupted him. "Please let me go." He put his ears down and stared desperately at my father. "Why can't he go?" I asked quietly. "I can stay by him I can make sure he doesn't get in trouble." Prystone and Tadpole looked over at me, Prystone confused and uncertain while Tadpole was happy and kinda shocked looking. I reasoned with my dad a bit more before he finally sighed and let him come. "Thank you!" I looked over at Tadpole, whom pressed his cheek against mine. "You just looked really sad, I felt bad." He pulled away and nodded. "I wanted to  be apart of something." He nuzzled me again and I laughed. "I wish you could be apart of more." He nodded and we started walking with the group towards the cabin. We were halfway there when it started storming, not heavily but still. My fur was dotted with raindrops, and Tadpoles was aswell. Everyone started walking closer together because of this. We reached the edge of the forest, we could see the cabin from here. "Think we're gonna out-wait the storm?" I looked over at Tadpole and nodded. "Probably." Pretty much right after we said that Prystone paused and looked towards the sky, then turned to us. "We're gonna wait out the storm, as it looks like it won't last long." A few people murmured their thoughts about it while others silently agreed. The bracket broke up into groups while me and Tadpole went under a pine tree, licking each others wet fur that was sticking up to make it not look like we just got out of a bunch of spinning tree branches. Once we were done we simply talked, and talked, and talked talked talked. Eventually I realized Tadpole wasn't responding, when I looked over at him I saw that he was asleep. I smiled and set my tail over his back, curling up beside him aswell. Before I even knew it I also fell asleep by his side.

I woke up to prodding on the side of my head, when I looked up I saw it was Autumn, another fledgling in our bracket. "Hey! Get up, we're about to go. Tell Tadpole as well." I nodded and he headed off, basically evaporating from the tree we were under. I poked Tadpole and he slowly stirred, blinking awake and yawning. "I-is it time yet?" He looked over to me and I nodded. "Yes, I'll try to get something to eat really fast." I snuck out under  the tree quickly after saying that and went a bit into the forest, quickly smelling vole. I looked behind me for reasons, obviously to check that no one saw me, then started stalking the scent. When I found the vole it was scurrying across a tree trunk, carrying something. And then it fell. Perfect. I pounced and landed squarely on the vole, killing it quickly. Happy with this tiny catch I carefully picked it up and headed back to the tree. I stuck my head in and saw Tadpole stretching, he perked up when he saw my prey and I dropped it in front of him. "You can have it, I don't want any." He purred a thanks and bit into it, eating it swiftly. I waited until he was done and helped him bury the vole. After that we headed out and everyone else was waiting. Once we joined the group we quickly started walking towards the cabin. It wasn't raining anymore but you could tell it was going to soon. Tadpole was  having some trouble walking, he was stumbling a lot. I let him lean up against me and he managed to walk much better and easier it seemed. Once we reached the cabin, my father asked me if I wanted to go in because I had been in it already. Worried, I looked at Tadpole, then back at him. He obviously saw that I was worried about him and let Wolf, another fledgling watch him while I was gone. I slid into the window, and he accompanied me. "Do you think they live here still?" He asked. I looked around and saw that the fire pit had cobwebs in it. "No I don't think so." He nodded and sniffed around, and I simply sat down. After we "explored" a bit we exited and I quickly went and sat down by Tadpole again, thanking Wolf as she left. "I didn't need watching." He growled quietly. I sighed and wrapped my tail around him like a hug. "I know I'm just worried about you." He snorted and started scratching his neck with his hind leg. "Prystone! Look!" A she-cat screeched. He quickly look at who said it, Omish, a Backbone. Then to where she was pointing with her tail. The humans were  there, and they seemed shocked by the amount of animals infront of them.   "Chase them! Don't hurt them unless necessary!" Prystone yelled, darting towards them. Everyone else followed, even Tadpole managed to keep up without stumbling. The humans yelled something in there language, then started running. We chased them for a long time, until a loud noise could be heard and we all halted quickly. A black almost box looking thing pulled up on four black circle feet, they suddenly jumped inside it. "What the." I muttered quietly. The strange creature ran off into the distance, leaving dust behind it. "What was that?" "Is that gone invade our camp?" "Why'd it swallow them?" Questions filled the air as everyone seemed on edge at the sight of...that. "Don't worry!" My father said proudly. "We chased them off, and I don't think they'll come back, even with that thing." Everyone paused then started yelping and caterwauling in happiness and excitement. We did it! 

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