~Chapter I~

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I quickly darted through the trees as I caught up to my bracket. We were traveling through a dense, almost jungle-like forest. We had been gone for about two weeks by now, traveling until the leaders and healers found a place suitable by their standards. My bracket was the Seb bracket, was the ones that controlled nature and everything revolved around there. There was two sections, really. You can have pure greenery, such as vines and stuff like that. The other section was wood and stone. My friend, Tadpole walked up to me. I purred as a greeting and he swished his tail. "I hate this" he complained. Staring at him I paused and looked forward, starting to trot slower. "I don't enjoy this much either." I admitted quietly. "And I love nature." I looked over at my father in the front, talking with another leader. I saw blue fur and assumed it was Frozenstep. I shrugged and got smacked in the face with Tadpoles tail. "We all like nature, idiot." He had a joking expression on his face, as usual. I didn't take offense to him saying stuff like that anymore, it was how he talked. All of the sudden, the leaders all made their brackets stop and jumped up on a tree. I sat beside Tadpole, waiting to hear what they had to say. "We have agreed to stop here for the night, as it is getting quite late and we don't want to be down before the sun goes down." Magi, the Jadis brackets leader was lashing her tail, I assumed she wanted to keep going but the others decided against it. Christopher wanted to listen but his mind was elsewhere, imaging when this trudge through the jungle like forest would end. Tadpole didn't seem to care, laying on his back and staring at the sky. The groups broke up as the "meeting" ended. My father quickly came over to me, he was the leader of the Seb bracket. "Hi." I perked my ears as he sat by me and started purring. "Hello, I was wondering if you and Tadpole wanted to be on a hunting group together. I got Oasis and Shoreline to go on one with their kids, but that's all I've assigned." Tadpole perked his ears up and I felt my spirits lifting. "Sure! I'm sure you want to, right?" I turn to Tadpole, who nodded happily. Prystone nodded and told uh the route to go. Me and Tadpole and I went down the route, ears perked and paws hardly touching the ground. All of the sudden, Tadpole stopped; hearing something. I carefully watched as he pounced, catching a rabbit-squirrel. I congratulated him happily and kept walking. "Think we'll have the best catch? We know the forests best we know the habitats of where they live." Tadpole mumbled around his prey. "I don't know. Aneon is good in water they might catch a bunch of fish." I jumped over a log while he went under it. Making a dramatic gag he spit out his prey. "Fish." 

We returned a while after, he caught the Rabbit-squirrel and a rat while I caught three mice and a  sparrow. We were heading back to camp, but all of the sudden I heard a sound of distress. I paused and apparently Tadpole heard it too, perking his ears towards the direction it was coming from. I dropped my prey and quickly put dirt over it, running towards  the sound. I stopped and looked up, Copper, a guard had fallen into a hole. I looked down with a worried look on my face. "Copper! Are you okay?" He looked up with his one good eye and nodded. "I didn't see the hole, but i'm okay. Im glad you heard me!" I nodded and jumped down with him. Tadpole slid down as well. Copper couldn't do much magic because of his eye being destroyed. We lifted him up and made a vine wall for him to climb up fully. I jumped up then Tadpole followed. We headed back to the sleeping area for tonight and set our prey by our brackets "camp" area. A few beds out of soft materials, such as cotton, ferns and leaves were Stuck in a transparent layer of leaves. It wasn't the greatest but it would be good for one night. Laura, our healer was in the corner, talking with Blaze - the Cymbeline healer. I dropped my prey by the pile that has been made and settled down. I felt exhausted, we've been walking all day! Tadpole sat next to me and sighed. "I'm tired." He looked up at the sky and I followed his gaze, the sun was still setting. "Wanna go explore?" I looked at Tadpole in shock. "It's almost nighttime!" I said in a hushed voice. "So?" He responded, also quiet. "That's what makes it fun you bastard." I sighed and nodded reluctantly. "Okay. Let's wait until everyone's in their beds though."

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