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***Tshimo is lying in bed lost in thought, a lot happened after she left Bushbuckridge...That day she got home and the bleeding got worse, She knew something  was wrong but she was way too stressed to go see a doctor so she just bathed and went to bed.....The following day the bleeding was better but she felt drained so she called in sick at work and slept the whole day....A few days passed but the bleeding didn’t stop so she decided to go see a doctor cause she usually sees her periods for three day and they are not heavy and it’s been a week of her bleeding.... Tshimo just told her doctor of her heavy bleeding with big blood clots and the doctor took her for a scan and what he told her left her in total despair and confusion...The doctor told her that her uterus is stretched which means she had a miscarriage, they cleaned her womb and gave her medication....She still doesn’t know how she got pregnant cause the last time she had intercourse was two days before she started bleeding....She even thought that maybe someone broke in and drugged her and that person maybe forced themselves on her but she checked her cctv footage installed by Gaza and it doesn’t show anyone entering the premises so she’s been wrecking her head trying to think how she could’ve gotten pregnant***


***Alphalette haven’t seen Masai and his son for two weeks now....Doris, Vee and Hills left Bushbuckridge and went straight to Northwest with her after she was discharged...Alphalette would call her and she would give the phone to AJ so he speaks to his father and she would refuse to talk to him....Its been hard for him cause she send him a message on their way to the Northwest to tell him that she going home with their son and he shouldn’t even attempt to follow her.... She told him that he shouldn’t dare come to her mother’s place or else she will tell her family the real reason she ended up in hospital so he stayed away and only called to check up on them even though he only spoke with his son only***
Mpande: you asleep this time
***Alphalette sighed and he sat up on his bed rubbing his eyes***
Mpande: you ok
Alpha: I miss her
***Mpande sighed***
Alpha: I think she’s pregnant
Mpande: what
***he was surprised***    
Alpha: another child born out of wedlock
***he sighed***
Alpha: and its all my fault
Mpande: its not over until the fat lady sings bafo...the fact that she hasn’t told anyone what happened it means she still loves you, its just she’s still hurt
***Alpha got off bed and he went to the bathroom....after he was done he came back and laid down again***
Alpha: how’s you and your Ntabeni
***Mpande sighed***
Mpande: she’s pulling back but I won’t let her
Alpha: nawena Mpande, why did you initiate sex when you know you still have issues with plus size women
***Mpande sighed***
Mpande: eish...i know ok....but I don’t have issues with her
Alpha: you have issues with her body
***he didn’t say anything***
Alpha: I think you should let her go.....for now....let’s be honest, you’re not ready
Mpande: don’t piss me ready.....she’s mine and I’ll get over that sh*t
***Alpha looked at him and chuckled and Mpande laid down facing up***
Alpha: you really like her
Mpande: ungidlisile uNtabeni ( Ntabeni has given me a love potion)
***he said shaking his head and Alphalette laughed***
Mpande: she’s all I think about
***he sighed***
Mpande: I have a problem with plus size women but I don’t want her to lose her weight....she’s perfect the way she is...i know it doesn’t make sense but that’s how it is
***Alphalette sighed***
Alpha: that’s true love for you man....finally you found it but you had to mess it up....i guess we are both f*cked up
Mpande: im better than you....i didn’t cheat
Alpha: tsek
***Mpande laughed***
Alpha: I miss her man....i wanna hold her and....
***he sighed***
Alpha: I cant live like this man....i need her
Mpande: relax they are coming back today
Alpha: I need her man
Mpande: I know....wena just do anything in your power to win her back....i also need my bro look horrible man
***Alphalette didn’t say anything***
Mpande: and....fix things with Gee two need each other
***Alphalette continued to keep quiet for a bit***
Alpha: I cant lose her Mpande.....i cant
Mpande: I know ok...i know
Alpha: I hurt him too...Gee....the reason that I haven’t reached out is im ashamed man....he did warn me but I thought im powerful and stuff and I relaxed.....he was right and I proved him right
***he sighed***
Alpha: I won’t blame him if he doesn’t forgive me.....i would’ve done worse if I was in his shoes and he kissed Masai
Mpande: he loves you man....he will forgive you eventually
Alpha: I hope so....when im done with my shame I’ll reach out and hopefully he wont reject me and my apology
***Mpande nodded***
Mpande: you have lost weight Alpha....all you do is drink and sleep....She’s coming back so pull yourself up and win her back.....never give up even when she tells you its had her last time and you let her kept looking and you missed a lot of time with your could’ve been worse but you met her and your son while he’s still young so fight for her and her forgiveness
Alpha: I hear you..nawena fight for also had her and you kept even fell for her sister and now you had her again and you messed up again
Mpande: mxm
***he said sitting up***
Mpande: this whole sh*t is about you so don’t involve me and my shortcomings
***Alpha laughed***
Mpande: nobubi nxa
***he said getting off the bed and he walked to the door***
Mpande: come and eat nentshebe yamasimba ( with your shitty beard) 
***Alphalette laughed as Mpande walked out.....he sat up and he got off the bed and he went to take his phone and send Masai a message***



***Masai, AJ and Hills arrived two hours ago and they are now eating....Masai received an sms from Alphalette and she opened it and it read: ***

“ I love you mommy....more than you’ll ever sorry I hurt you...i was weak and I failed myself....please find it in your heart to forgive me...i wont stop apologizing until you give me another chance....nakurhandza Masai and ngopfu (I love you Masai and a lot)”

***she sighed and put her phone down***
Hills: yho this guy
***she says reading Mpande’s text and it read: ***

“Ignoring me makes me want you even more in case you don’t know”

Masai: Mpande
***She asked and Hills sighed***
Hills: the one and only....he doesn’t give up shame
Masai: you know I cant believe you two are a thing
Hills: we are not
Masai: that’s not how it looks sis
Hills: well we are not
Masai: why not
Hills: well I told you about his “trauma” and....
***she sighed***
Hills: its just too complicated Masai and im still trying to move passed what Tarek did and now ke boMpande kamo
***Masai rolled her eyes***
Masai: come on sis the poor guy was traumatized have a heart bathong
Hills: sambora Masai ( don’t bore me Masai)
***She said giving her a bored look and Masai laughed***
Hills: him having traumanyana ya two bob ( a two cent trauma) doesn’t change the fact that he knocked my confidence down...he made me question my own hygiene.....he once called me fatty bom bom Masai and he had a disgusted look on his face when I opened my thighs kere a ra le pipi ya robala Masai ( his dick went flat Masai)....flat as if o nale tshukiri ( he has diabetes)
Masai: askies Shale
Hills: yho the embarrassment Masai.....the hurt....yho mh mh....i just im still married so mojolo ( dating) should wait
***Masai sighed***
Masai: I hope he understands cause the way he’s calling and massaging you shows gore moguy wont let go just like that
Hills: mmmmh just like Alphalette the cutie wont let go
***Masai’s face fell***
Masai: can we not talk about him
Hills: why not
Masai: just nje
***she sighed***
Hills: what really happened Masa
Masai: a lot
***she sighed again***
Masai: it wont work out between us....there’s a lot that happened and I cant move passed it...i love him but I just cant
Hills: he cheated didn’t he
***Masai kept quiet a bit***
Hills: I knew it.... that son of a bit....
***she sighed***
Hills: i know you two love each other and suddenly you are hospitalized and he came to the hospital bruised....he looked like his world was coming to an end
Masai: don’t hate him...he’s still Aj’s father and I still love him...and don’t tell mama or sis Vee
Hills: do I know the b*tch
***Masai swallowed and she shook her head no***
Hills: ke ex ya gae yako Bush right ( it’s his ex from Bush right)
***Masai nodded and she sighed***
Hills: bastard nxa
Masai: Hills mh mh
***she said shaking her head no***
Masai: he’s still AJ’s father....he messed up and he acknowledges his mistake
Hills: so you gonna forgive him
Masai: yeah but it’s over.....i don’t trust him anymore with my heart
***Hills sighed***
Masai: plus his mother doesn’t like me anymore
Hills: mxm don’t tell me about that toe nail of satan....the way she was cold when I called her
Masai: I don’t even wanna think about her.....she made mama angry when she refused with AJ ekare ba patetse damages ( as if they paid for his damages)
Hills: sebete se se kana ( such nerves)
***Masai sighed shaking her head***
Masai: it wont work out between Alphalette and I...we should just co-parent peacefully....eventually I will heal and meet someone who’ll  appreciate me and who will be faithful and also adhere to my concerns and not brush them off or make it seem like its all in my head or that im overreacting
Hills: yah neh Mjolo wa re nyesa shem ( yah dating is showing us flames shame)
Masai: let us just be boLess ( lets just be lesbians)
***Hills laughed and her phone rang***
Hills: yho motho ashu bathong ba modimo ( yho this person)
***Masai laughed***
Masai: answer it
Hills: no
***she said letting it ring to voicemail and she put her phone to flight mode***
Hills: it wont work out so he should move on
***Masai’s phone rang and she laughed showing Hills who the caller is and it was Mpande***
Hills: if you decide to answer it tell him im not around
***Masai answered it shaking her head***
Masai: hey Mpande
Mpande: mami how are you
Masai: im good considering.....wena
***Hills rolled her eyes getting up***
Mpande: im not good....Ntabeni is ignoring me
***Masai sighed***
Mpande: can you give her the phone ngiyakucela ( im begging you)
Masai: she....left not so long ago
***Mpande kept quiet for a bit***
Mpande: where did she go
Masai: her lawyer
***Mpande kept quiet a bit***
Mpande: ok if you say so
Masai: for real
Mpande: you paused a lot when you answered Masai.....she’s there....just tell her I always get what I need and I need her....she’s not gonna get rid of me that easily
***Masai sighed***
Masai: askies
Mpande: she’s your sister I understand but don’t make it a habit to lie to me’re like a little sister to me so don’t ruin that with lies...anyway say sho to my boy....shap
***he ended the call and Masai sighed***
Hills: keng ( what)
Masai: im never lying for you....
***she said getting up***
Masai: o feditse papa ( are you done papa)
***he shook his head no***
AJ: mommy
Masai: mmmmh
AJ: where is mama
***Masai looked over at Hills and Hills shrug her shoulders***
Masai: she went to work in another province papa but she....
***She looked over at Hills***
Masai: she will be back
AJ: why asha founi ( why doesn’t she call)
Hills: there’s no network where she is boyza
AJ: mmmhm
***Then he kept quiet a bit as he continued to eat***
AJ: Khulu shays is mommy
Masai: ummm.... I don’t know but I’ll google it neh
***AJ nodded and he hummed his favourite song eating***
Hills: yho
***she whispered....Masai walked away shaking her head defeated***


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