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***Moera is in Drench’s arm as he consoles her...she’s sniffing and he keeps brushing her arm gently***
Drench: don’t beat yourself up everything will be alright
***she sniffed***
Moera: nothing will be alright family will hate me and I can’t have that
Dre: how sure are you that they will hate you
Moera: she’s the baby of the family....everyone’s favorite....they gonna hate me I know
***Dre sighed***
Dre: you don’t know that Mo
Moera: I know Dre
***she said getting off his hold and she looked at him***
Moera: her sangoma boyfriend took the knife I used to cut the seal tape and the used seal tape I used to wrap the carpet
Dre: wha...i told you to get rid of that Mo!!!
Moera: I forgot the knife ok...i was panicking but the seal tape I threw it away and he found it when I left with the ambulance...what if he bewitches me using them or he gives them to the police if Masai opens a case against
***she said with a shaky voice***
Moera: now I know why he said I should leave with the ambulance
*** she wiped her tears off with her shaky hand***
Dre: don’t worry I’ll take care of it
Moera: how am I gonna face everyone....who knows maybe he already told mama everything
***she covered her face and she cried***
Moera: I wish Alex was still alive....maybe by now I would be happily married far away from her
Dre: don’t talk like that....she’s your twin
Moera: I wish she wasn’t
Dre: don’t ever say that Moera!!!
Moera: you don’t know how my life has been like be recognized and appreciated I had to hide how I feel and be there for her and I lost myself along the way....Me always protecting her and being there for her made my presence acknowledged
***Drench just looked at her***
Moera: she’s been sick for as long as I can remember and all the attention went her....” le sa mokwatisa thata” ( don’t make her too angry).... “Masai o jele” ( did Masai eat)....tlhatswa di jwana Moera dijoin tsa gae di botlhoko ka jeno, wa bona o palletse le go ya sekolong.... o tla di tlhatswa ka moso ge a le betere” ( wash the dishes Moera her joints are painful, you can see she didn’t even go to school today...she’ll wash them tomorrow when she’s better)  ....nywee nywee nywee nxa...she always gets every good thing and it’s not fair
***she put her hands on her face***
Moera: she always gets the best things in life while I always have to suffer to get the one that convinced her not to abort and now she’s happy with her boyfriend and im cast aside as if I don’t exist....She’s happy and im miserable.....i should be the one who’s happy Dre...i have always been there for her now why can’t she let me be happy just for once Dre
***Dre didn’t know what to say to her....he’s just shocked ***
Dre: how she maybe blocking your way to your happiness
***She looked away not saying anything***
Dre: Moera...
Moera: let’s just drop won’t understand
Dre: do you perhaps envy your twin
Moera: can we just drop it please
***she said getting up  and Dre shook his head not believing what he just heard....was this the Moera he knows and loves secretly ***
Moera: and no I don’t....i love Masai she’s my twin...we shared a womb stop assuming things please
***As she’s about to go to the bathroom there’s a knock on the door, she moved to the door to see who it she opens the door she freezes shaking***
Moera: ma...mama
***Doris grabs her with her gown and pushed her inside roughly and Dre got up ***
Dre: what’s going o....
***he saw that it was her mother and her mother’s friend ....his eyes landed on the sjambok (a long stiff whip) Vee is holding and he swallowed hard***
Moera: mama i....
***a loud slap landed on her face and Dre just closed his eyes***
Doris: so you wanna kill your sister Moera!!!
Moera: no mama it was a mistake
***she said hiding her face while crying***
Doris: o llelang heh...ollelang!!!  ( why are crying)
Vee: wena mmaspekere abore hwa!!! ( you coloured person leave!!)
***she said looking at Dre***
Dre: can we all calm down and talk....hitting her won’t solve anything please
***Doris looked at Dre***
Doris: Vee tshwara baby Jake Matlala mo ke deale le this boy ka bona ga itsi gore abore hwa e raya goreng ( Vee come and hold baby Jake Matlala here so I deal with this boy I see he doesn’t know what leave means)
***Vee got to them and held Moera who was trying to get out her mother’s hold crying and she gave the sjambok to Doris who went closer to Dre who looked spooked moving backwards***
Doris: what did you say
Dre: look mam I just said you should sit down and talk....beating her won’t solve anything
Doris: and remind me....who are you to this family
Dre: I care about her ok....she’s my late brother’s fiancée
Doris: did I maybe receive lobola money from your brother or maybe meet him in person
***Dre swallowed***
Doris: o sa nyako ntlwaela masepa boy (don’t piss me off boy).... ringnyana ya two bob  ( a two cent ring) and you think you have a right to say anything in this take your light skinned self and f*kof before o wela ke madi a kgofa ( before you catch stray bullet)
***Dre sighed***
Dre: I need to make sure she’s safe ma.... she acknowledges  that...
***the whip landed on his arm going to his back and he screamed taking cover***
Doris: OUT NOW!!!
Dre: damn it...are you crazy...are you out of your f*cken you know who I am
Moera: mama stop please
***she begged her mother***
Doris: o sa na le molomo wena baby Jake ( you still have mouth to talk baby Jake)....and wena Dr Phil you’re still here!!!
Dre: im not leaving her with’re crazy....she’s not safe with you here...eish damn it
***he said rubbing where he could reach and Doris rushed to him with the whip aimed high and Dre pulled out his gun from his back and pointed it to her and Doris stopped on her tracks while Vee and Moera screamed***
Dre: stop ok!!
Doris: pointing a gun at an old know how to choose them Moera shem
Moera: Dre stop please.....put the gun down
***she begged him***
Doris: so now you wanna shoot me can’t fight me man to man so you resort to guns now....o batla re tshameke gun-gun want me to go grab mine and show you how a gun is used to cowards like you
***Dre sighed shocked at how crazy and hectic this woman is....he has never met someone like’d swear she’s part of the mafia or something....he cant believe that she’s not even scared of a gun pointed at her while Moera looks spooked even though she was once trained on how to shoot by Alex***
Dre: I don’t wanna shoot you I just want you to calm down that’s it
***he said raising his gun up in a surrender mode then put it on his back again***
Dre: look I understand that you’re angry and disappointed at her but she was only defending herself
Doris: you still have mouth to talk huh
***she said rushing to him and he ran to the door and the sjambok landed on his back and he screamed as he opened the door running outside ***
Doris: nxa
***she closed the door and locked it then turned to Moera who was still crying***
Doris: areye ...from the listening
***Moera looked at her mother scared***
Doris: o batla go bolela ka mpama Moera!!! ( you want a slap to be able to talk Moera!!!)
Moera: no
Doris: o emetseng!!!  ( what are you waiting for!!!)
***she didn’t say anything she just cried and Doris went closer to her and she hid her face***
Doris: Moera
Moera: mama
Doris: o batla go nnya ( you want to shit yourself)
Moera: no
Doris: then what did you do to your twin
***still with her face hidden***
Moera: she slapped me and I punched her
Doris:  why
***she kept quiet***
Vee: praat man Moera ( talk man Moera)
Doris: she’s gonna wake up and tell me the truth so its better I hear it from you... now why did you two fight
***Moera sniffed***
Doris: bolela man !!!(talk)
***she said hitting her with the sjambok on her legs and she screamed crying***
Doris: talk
***she just cried trying to grab the sjambok but Vee held her arms turning her around a bit and the sjambok landed on her butt and she jumped screaming....another whip landed on her butt and another one and another one***
***Doris stopped and Vee let go of her***
Moera: YES I HATE HER!!!
***Doris looked at her as pain choked was really happening***
Vee: how can you hate your twin sister Moera
Moera: mama you chased Dre out and left her’re a hypocrite....why is she here
***she said pointing at Vee and Vee raised her eyebrows shocked***
Moera: Dre can’t have a say but she has the right to have one and the right to judge me
Vee: heh Bahurutse bantsetse !!!
***she clapped her hands not believing what she just heard***
Doris: Vee please go and pack Masai’s clothes and toiletries also pack Khai’s too
***Vee looked at Moera with a disgusted look on her face shaking her head and she went to Masai’s bedroom and Doris sighed looking at a sniffing Moera***
Doris: why do you hate her
***she said defeated***
Moera: she always gets the always put her first before don’t love me like you do her mama and you know it
Doris: how can you even say that Moera
***she asked with a pained tone...she couldn’t believe what she was hearing ***
Moera: it’s true
Doris: she’s always sick’ve seen her at her lowest where we thought we might lose her....where she can’t even get out of bed or lift a finger to feed herself....where she can’t even wipe herself clean after taking a shit cause every muscle join from head to toe is painful and stiff
***Moera didn’t say anything***
Doris: every day is a fight for your sister Moera....everyday could be her last....
Moera:  what about me then mama
Doris: what do you mean
Moera: should I also get a terminal disease to get the attention I deserve
***Doris just closed her eyes shaking her head***
Moera: im tired of always being there for her....she gets everything while I have to fight to get she has a man that loves her and I have to go around kissing ugly frogs to get a man that will love me
Doris: Moera you finished school first cause your sister’s Lupus was worse when you two did Matric....she had to drop out cause she was constantly at the hospital bed went to Varsity first when she was in Matric struggling cause some days she would be fine while some days she would be sick and found a job first while she was struggling in Varsity because her brain fog got worse so she was forgetful at times
***Tears ran down Doris eyes as pain choked her***
Doris: she loves Accounting but she ended up doing a course that doesn’t challenge her because of her brain fog....she would forget Accounting equations and graphs during a test and she ended up failing
Moera: mama it doesn’t change that you love her more than me
Doris: didn’t you hear what I just said Moera....why o nale pelo empe so ( why are this heartless) you’ve been pretending all along to care for her
Moera: im done with this conversation....
Doris: your sister is in hospital Moera.... in an induced you even care
***she said with a breaking voice***
Moera: o teng akere wena mma ( you are available mama) give her all the care in the world and forget about poor Moera
***a slap landed on Moera’s face then a whip landed on her arm and back and she cried  moving away from Doris***
Doris: I’ll exorcise you ka this sjambok to take out this demon that has possessed you....that’s your twin for heaven’s sake
***Moera cried running away from Doris***
Moera: she can die for all I care....i hate all of always take her side as if she was created by special sperms nxa
***she said limping to her bedroom fast and locked herself inside....Doris heard her crying painfully and she threw the sjambok on the floor and threw herself on the couch and put her hands on top of her head and cried.....Vee stood by the door as her eyes filled with tears and as they fell she wiped them off and went inside the bedroom to continue packing***


*** Joe ( Tshimo’s ex) is  done washing his car now he’s busy polishing it whistling, he’s inside his yard with the gate opened while the hosepipe is watering his lawn outside the gate...his phone rings and he doesn’t recognize the numbers but he answers anyway***
Joe: Joe speaking
***the caller keeps quiet***
Joe: hello???
***still nothing***
Joe: eish this stupid network....Hello...
***still nothing***
Joe: eish nxa
***he dropped the call and continued to polish his car...his wife got out of the house***
Wife: baby food is ready
***Joe sighed annoyed by her and he faked his smile looking at her***
Joe: im coming let me finish here first
Wife: ok
***she went inside with her huge belly***
Joe: all she knows is to get pregnant so she can eat like a pig and finish my food nxa....5 kids as if she doesn’t know where a clinic is for prevention nxa...maybe I should stop sleeping with her....i mean im being served somewhere better so I don’t need her pussy anymore...nxa...five....imagine one two three four five and im sure by next year she’ll be pregnant again nxa no this needs to stop man
***he said to himself as he continued polishing his car annoyed....his phone rang again and this time it was his best friend so he answered***
Joe: Matamela
Mata: sho-sho o vaar ( where are you)
Joe: ko ntlung ke busy ka transie ( at my house im busy with my car)
Mata: ok are we still meeting later on
Joe: for sure man...for sure
Mata: I hope you thought about what I told you
Joe: im not scare of him man....i’ll take her right under his nose...i mean who stays at his girlfriend’s house....o nne rra baki...sbara makoti...wannyela daai laitie....he doesn’t deserve my Tshimo
Mata: just tread carefully remember we don’t even know who he is...he could be dangerous....i mean did you see his tattoos
Joe: f*ck his not scared of him
Mata: ai alright shap I’ll see you tshwere stoko sa mepako ( I have honeys with round asses)
***Joe whistled exited***
Joe: ok later man
***Mata laughed and he dropped the call then out of the blue Joe froze and he looked on his chest and he was bleeding...another bullet hit him on his stomach and another one quickly hit him on his forehead and went out on the back of his head and he fell to the ground dead with his eyes opened.....a silencer was used so the was no loud sound of a gun....A passenger window of a black car closed and the car drove off ***

*** Alpha is inside Masai’s private ward alone...he asked the nurse stationed to care for her during the day to give him some alone time with her..... He’s massaging her feet gently with lotion mixed with natural herbs from his Ndumba (Ancestral hut) to help with blood flow since she’s not moving around cause she’s in an induced coma.....he’s telling her about the vacation he’s planning for them cause she needs it when the door opens and in came Stevens....Alpha stopped what he’s doing and anger took over him as he looked at his younger brother.....Stevens just looked at Masai frozen and tears filled his eyes***
Alpha: what the hell are you doing here
Stevens: will she be ok
***he asked looking concerned***
Alpha: I asked you a question
Steven: Ma told me
***Alpha kept quiet***
Steven: what happened....was she robbed?
***he asked concerned***
Alpha: none of your business
Steven: or did you hit her...i mean you have a temper and we all know it
Alpha: nkongwa ngwako san
***he swore at him forgetting they share a mother***
Alpha: mak*nde a wena na tatana wena...o bolabola matjemba....o bolabola ny*pfi ntsena nxa
Steven: ok I don’t understand you but I know you’re insulting see what im talking have a temper
***Alpha got up from his chair looking angry and he went closer to him ***
Alpha: why are you still here
Steven: I care about her too and I still love her regardless
Alpha: well she loves me now and she’s over you now go back to that baby mama you’re still f*cking and stay far away from my woman
Stevens: you’re not even ashamed...eating where your brother ate
Alpha: I ate first’re the one that likes eating where I’ve eaten and plus it’s a family thing remember you started it and with her im not just eating im wifing as well
***Stevens clenched his jaws***
Alpha: you’re still a boy Stevens....I’ll show you how a real woman is treated so go f*ck Aids ridden wh*res with grave yard wombs cause that’s what you love doing and deserve to have
***Stevens grabbed Alphalette by his shirt looking angry***
Alpha: get your f*cken hands off me boy before I have them turned into frogs
***Stevens let go of him***
Stevens: a coward who always threatens me with witchcraft
Alpha: says a man who hides under daddy’s balls all the damn time
Stevens: at least I have one
Alpha: not for long
***Stevens frowned***
Stevens: what did you just say
Alpha: nothing now leave...your bad aura will make my woman sick
Stevens: what did you say about my father Shangaan kwerekwere boy
***Alphalette grabbed Stevens by his shirt and pushed him towards the door with him trying to get of his hold but it was a futile thing to do....he opened the door and pushed him outside hard and he landed on his butt...nurses jumped startled ***
Alpha: this bastard should never be allowed in here or I’ll have anyone who’s on duty when he’s allowed in again fired and blacklisted all over the country.... That’s how much power I have.... now call security to throw this trash out now nxa!!!
***then he went inside the private high care ward and went straight to the bathroom to calm himself down..... Those words “Shangaan kwerekwere boy” are part of his traumatic verbal abuse rendered by Stevens and his father growing up....He did go to therapy but those words always trigger something in him....scratches his wounds even though they have healed***
Alpha: calm down Ntsako....soon you gonna rejoice....seeing pain in his eyes...seeing him breaking down will be fulfilling and the worst part is you won’t be responsible for any of it so calm down Thambolenyoka....
***he said looking at himself on the mirror.... he then saw his father standing behind him and they locked eyes for some time and he disappeared....Alpha looked down and sighed then he went back to Masai***



***He’s taking a nap in his bedroom...after Lolly left he tried to keep himself busy with some paper work but his mind refused to he decided to go take a nap to reboot his brain and maybe he can get some work done cause his employees needs to get paid in a couple of days.....Now he’s dreaming of his late baby girl holding his hands tight crying trying to pull him out of the dark hole he slipped and fell into....he’s holding on to the edge of the hole so he doesn’t  drop inside and  Jabulile is trying to pull him out with her tiny hands ***
Lile: papa...papa..phuma (come out)
***she said crying***
Lile: papa phuma
***he could feel himself slipping inside slowly***
Lile: nooo bhuti lets help papa.... bhuti sheshisa (brother hurry up)
***Jabu wanted to say something but his lips felt like they are glued together so tears just fell uncontrollably....he then felt a hand grabbing his leg inside the dark hole pulling him down roughly and he fell inside the dark hole trying to scream out loud but his lips still felt glued together***

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