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*** Gaza and Alpha parked their car outside his father’s yard next to his car soon as his father saw him tears filled his eyes...Gaza and Alpha got out of the car and walked to Gaza’s father***
Father: my son
***he said touching his face to make sure he’s not dreaming***
Father: it’s really you
***Gaza swallowed hard***
Gaza: it’s really me baba
*** His father pulled him into a tight hug and they hugged feeling emotional while his father’s tears betrayed him and they ran down his cheeks….. then his father also pulled Alpha into the hug and the three of them hugged***


Father: I want to ask what happened but im scared of hearing the answer
***Gaza sighed and Alpha just continued to drive silently***
Gaza: just know that your sister, her son and my mother in law are involved
Father: what...wh....
***he said shocked...yes he went to consult when his son disappeared and they did tell him someone in the family is involved in his disappearance but he never thought it could be his beloved sister....She was the one consoling him and checking on him and also helping him “search” for his son….he was suspecting his half-brother all this time cause they don’t get along or have any siblings relationship whatsoever***
Father: that...that can’t be
Gaza: well they came to see me where I was kidnapped except for Mdu ofcourse that’s how I knew they are the ones responsible
***his father swallowed hard with his heart beating fast...he couldn’t believe what he just heard....he looked outside the window lost in thoughts....after sometime Alpha spoke***
Alpha: baba is this the short left we are supposed to take
***Gaza’s father cleared his throat***
Father: ye...yes
***he said wiping sweat from his forehead....he couldn’t believe his beloved sister did this to his son....In his mind he was over playing all the time she showed concern and even cried when she saw the state he was in...He couldn’t believe she was faking it all***
Alpha: stop overthinking things baba or you will suffer a stroke or heart attack
***Gaza’s father sighed wiping sweat from his forehead again….the fight he had with his half-brother when he falsely accused him…..what has he done “ he thought”***
Father: I cant.... I cant believe the person I trust and also raised is the one responsible for my misery…..God why….how….
***he swallowed hard and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt ***
Father: she...
Gaza: you didn’t know tatane....and you did tell me you raised her after your parents died so kuri yena she chose to be evil is not your fault.....some people are born like that, they just need something to trigger that evil side of them for them to show you who they really stop beating yourself about it
***silence filed the car....after some time Alpha spoke***
Alpha: do I continue to go straight
Father: no turn right and a blue main house on your left hand side with many roundovals inside the yard is where we are going
Gaza: I can’t wait to see and hold my son
Father: I told your younger sister to keep him inside the house until we leave....the Sangoma said you cant hold him until you’re cleansed…he’s too innocent
***Gaza just kept quiet...he wondered if getting cleansed will be enough to help him....after a while they saw the house and Alpha parked outside the yard and he sighed....he could feel his ancestors closer which means they want to come out...he started burping with a weird scary sound coming out of his mouth***
Gaza: are you ok
Alpha: mmh
***he got out of the car and Gaza and his father followed....Gaza kept looking at his brother wondering what he was thinking, the Alpha he knows talks a lot but ever since he arrived this side especially since this morning he’s been quiet...way too quiet for his liking.....Closer to the gate under the big tree inside the yard an old man and his initiate got up and walked to the gate...greetings are exchanged between the sangoma and the guests and the initiate lays on his side on the ground and clapped his hands together***
Initiate: Thokozani banu la ba nkulu
Them: Thokoza
Initiate: minjani
Them: hai hi pfukile wena unjani
Initiate:  na mehe nipfukile
*** he got up and dusted himself and he knelt on the floor looking down and the old man looked at Alphalette and he nodded***
Sangoma: they are close don’t prevent them from coming out to greet us
***he said smiling at him and Alpha chuckled***
Sangoma: Mabunda you can go inside with Mkhulu here….his ancestors are impatient
***he looked at Gaza and his expression changed....he now had a serious look on his face***
Sangoma: but you stay behind I need to talk to you before you enter
***Gaza returned the serious look and he nodded***
Sangoma: Mahlebezulu
Initiate: babaa
Sangoma: take them inside
***Mahlebezulu clapped his hands together and he got up***
Mahlebezulu: follow me please
***Gaza’s father and Alpha followed Mahlebezulu and the old man stood there looking at Gaza***
Sangoma: you will not enter my yard with that thing behind you
***Gaza didn’t say anything***
Sangoma: tell it to remain outside the yard along with that dark cloud over your head
***Gaza swallowed hard***
Gaza:i...i don’t know how
Sangoma: but yet you wanna keep don’t want to get rid of it
***Gaza didn’t say anything and the figure took a step closer and the Sangoma moved back a bit***
Sangoma: you better not try it demon
***it stood still facing him and the sangoma looked at Gaza***
Sangoma: use your inner voice to talk to it....we don’t have all day
***Gaza looked at the sangoma and sighed then he spoke with his inner voice***
Gaza: “stay outside this gate....i won’t get rid of you I just want to be cleansed so I can give you the child you want with her and to touch and hug my son”
***he felt tingles all over his body and he growled ***
Gaza: “calm the f*ck down!!!”
Voice: “if you get rid of me I’ll kill your son before I evaporate...keep that in mind”
***a voice inside his head spoke and the tingles stopped as it moved away from him so did the dark cloud....Gaza swallowed hard and he breathed out***
Sangoma: Thokozani!!!
***he called another initiate and instructed him to bring the bucket with water inside mixed with traditional muthi and his traditional ( Letshobo) then they heard a deep scary scream inside the sangoma’s ndomba ( ancestral hut) ***
Gaza: what the hell
Sangoma: that’s your brother...his ancestors are now ready for him to see everything you went through
Gaza: what....why now...eish
***the sangoma chuckled***
Sangoma: he’s gonna see everything you went through...he’s gonna know everything and don’t worry Mahlebezulu knows how to handle mekwembu ( ancestors)
Gaza: damn it
***he said it in a whisper but loud enough for the sangoma to hear***
Sangoma: damn it indeed
***he chuckled shaking his head and the initiate brought the bucket and he sprinkled the water on Gaza using his Letshobo (ishobo)***
Sangoma: and before you enter this yard release that cant kidnap another man just because he likes a woman you also like....thats being a coward my boy
***Gaza’s eyes popped out***
Sangoma: fight for her love the right way cause one of these days her ancestors will warn her about you and your shenanigans and trust me you will lose her....she will want nothing to do with you
***Gaza swallowed hard as he remembered the dream she had about him***
Sangoma: she’s gifted....never underestimate her.....she saved you didn’t she....
***Gaza sighed and he took out his phone and made a call***
Voice: boss man
***Gaza cleared his throat looking at the Sangoma***
Gaza: release him and remember what we talked about
Man: yes…. Use his brother as bait
Gaza: yes….tell him if his brother doesn’t leave my territory his parents and his siblings will meet their ending ….make all of them shake with fear Taboo…show me what you can do…impress me
***Taboo laughed***
Taboo: roger that boss man….let me impress you….its nice to have you back boss man….im happy
***they ended the call and Gaza cleared his throat as the sangoma just shook his head disappointed***
Sangoma: you know the real reason you kidnapped him….
Gaza: im killing two birds with one stone…it’s a pity I knew about his brother when I did a background check on him cause he’s interested in what’s mine
Sangoma: coward
Gaza: im improvising….Tshimo is mine and mine alone
Sangoma: yet you want her to carry a demon shapeshifter’s baby….. on top of that  you did unspeakable things some in her name...just pray she doesn’t find out about any of those one in their sane mind will overlook them
***Gaza swallowed hard ***
Sangoma: it wont be an easy road....the question you should ask yourself is.....will her ancestors allow it to happen....will they accept you nah
***he pointed at him and he walked inside the yard humming a song and Gaza followed him while the demon/shapeshifter stood there watching***
Voice: “show her this love humans thinks is more important than wealth.....make her the centre of your universe....shower her with money and gifts...humans love that especially women....and you shall see she will never leave you”
Gaza: “shut up”
***he said with his inner voice closing his eyes as he suddenly had a headache***
Voice: “I want a baby with her....those children will have both pure and dark blood within them.....They will grow my lineage...even if you die and I evaporate my lineage will never will go on from generation to generation and remember the power im giving to you, the wealth…. No one will ever dare you….you are now one of the strongest people alive….i know you can feel the power within you….its addictive I know so give me what I want and you’ll always get what you desire…it’s a win win situation”
Gaza: “ stop it you’re giving me a headache damn it”
***he said with his inner voice stopping on his tracks as he held his head***
Voice: “they will never get rid of my sons and daughters she’s gonna give birth to cause getting rid of them will kill them where else with me it’s a different story so you better not even think of getting rid of me cause you know what will happen human....i wont evaporate gonna take everything and everyone you hold dear with me…me and you are one always remember that”
Gaza: stop it!!!!
***he said shouting out loud and blood came out of his nose and he bend holding his knees feeling weak....the sangoma rushed to him***
Voice: I forgot human species are weak
***he huffed as they carried Gaza inside the Ndomba ( ancestral hut) and as soon as his father saw him he quickly got up but the sangoma stopped him***
Voice: “you love our chosen one and I accept her you know that she was betrothed to your brother.....your brother was supposed to marry her to pay off a debt made by your useless ancestor”
***the voice laughed and Gaza screamed as he held his head as the headache got worse...the sangoma mixed Mpepho ( sage) and some traditional medicine and he burned them and blew them on Gaza’s face chanting some words ***
Voice:” but your brother already has his soul mate and he loves her dearly plus his father was gonna make sure that wedding never happens so he made you meet her instead but....but her father want her to marry your brother instead for his own selfish reasons...that’s why he was charmed by her when they met….you’re not off the hook yet, her father wants her to marry him not you and we can’t let that happen….never”
*** the demon said angrily and the connection got cut off as Gaza passed out and the sangoma sighed***
Sangoma: yeses
***he sighed and looked at Mahlebezulu***
Sangoma: is he still in a trans mode
Mahlebezulu: yebo baba
Father: what’s happening with my sons
*** he asked shaking....looking worried and scared at the same time....the sangoma looked at Alphalette as he sat there on the grass mat with his legs crossed and a traditional cloth covering his crossed legs and his arms stretched forward with his hands resting on his knees facing forward with his eyes opened....his eyes have changed colour now, they look like that of a snake…scary ….and his forehead looks deformed like it grew a thicker rough  skin with scales on it could see he wasn’t here spiritually ...he didn’t move or blink…it was an amazing sight to see for the sangoma….he was extremely impressed cause he has never seen something like this with his own eyes. He only heard about it from his elders that there are people with gifts like Alpha’s in this world and they are rare ***
Sangoma: Mkhulu here is ok they are showing him what his brother went through and other things and this one will also be ok
***Gaza’s father swallowed hard and he wiped sweat all over his face using his jacket***
Father: these boys will kill me with heart attack one of these days I swear they will
Sangoma: stop talking about death and go take your wife from that coloured fool...she’s not happy
Father: don’t start ...not now assomblief...this is not the time man
Sangoma: mxm stop being a coward and go take your wife from that fool....that’s the instruction given to you by your brother before he died to marry her but wena Mr faithful man with principles didn’t want to take a second wife cause it will hurt your now dead wife…I did warn you anere
Father: stop it ok
***he said through his clenched teeth looking at his sons***
Sangoma: does your son know who his mother died with in that car
***Mr Mabunda swallowed hard**
Sangoma: your brother is disappointed in you Mabunda that’s why all the women you dated and wanted to marry cheated and left you….even now you’re facing the same predicament anere….she has started being shady anere
***Mr Mabunda swallowed hard looking down***
Sangoma: the only woman your brother will let you marry is her so make peace with it....
Sangoma: you were faithful to a snake and let a good woman get married to another snake
***he shook his head***
Sangoma: its not too late....this time around she will leave him cause she’s had enough of him and that brat she birthed that took after his will make these boys happy trust me
***Mr Mabunda swallowed hard and he kept quiet***



AusVee: o reng wena ( what are you saying )
Hills: im telling you ausVee...Khai walked out of that bathroom and when we asked him gore why he went in there to talk to his father a re  itj  a shishkrits ( it’s a secret) imagine
***they laughed as they folded their washed clothes  sitting in the lounge.....Doris and Khai are sleeping and Masai is still in hospital***
Hills: Masai a re he’s weird these days....he keeps on talking about Mkhulu this and Mkhulu that
AusVee: why are you surprised...his father ke thokoza Mkhulu akere
Hills: yeah I guess maybe he also has a gift
AusVee: mmmmh mara eish he’s still young bathong....let hope his father will help him or ba ba ribege until he’s old enough.... yah something like that
Hills: they can do that
AusVee: I don’t not sure akere we hear people talking so you’ll never know if ba bua nnete ( they are telling the truth) or not
***she said shrugging***
Hills: hai he’s way too young to be seeing bo poor Khai
AusVee: I believe papagwe o tlile go mo thusa so don’t worry ( his father will help him so don’t worry)
Hills: mmh...Im happy for Masai gore she got pregnant by a responsible man like Alpha....even though her pregnancy was horrible and ka mo she didn’t have any support from him because it was a once off thing but as soon as they met again, Alpha took responsibility and he’s an amazing father and partner to happy for her...she also deserves to be happy
AusVee: mmmmh....there were times where I thought she won’t make it....she fought for Khai to be born alive...i remember the doctors told her to abort the baby cause they might both die and she stood her ground and said no.....yho Masai o tla re o di bone shem ( yho Masai has been through a lot shame)...and now Moera o tla ka motete wa gonkga nxa....
***Hills sighed***
Hills: yho Moera wanstressa ausVee ( Yho Moera is stressing me ausVee) and now she’s not even answering our calls and she’s not even at her apartment gore she doesn’t care about how worried we are about her...what if she’s hurt or she harms herself...eish
AusVee: she’ll never harm herself that one....she’d rather harm someone else but not herself.....ka mo rata Moera but what she did to Masai
***she shook her head***
AusVee:  before Doris went to take a nap today she got a text from her a re o right o nale that coloured guy Doris beat up
***she shrug her shoulders***
Hills: wait you mean Elex’s brother
***ausVee nodded***
Hills: amen
***she shook her head in disbelieve***
Hills: maybe he’s helping her track down the person responsible for the leaked recording and story
AusVee: but Doris is doing the same thing mos
***Hills sighed***
Hills: a kitsi ge ( I don’t know then***
*** She’s worried about Moera and she’s hurt she’s ignoring her like this....she’s wondering why Moera is not leaning on her for support like she always does when she (Hills) leans on her whenever she goes through pains her deeply......Anyway Doris walked inside the lounge limping and she sat down on the couch then she groaned in pain and decided to lay down instead***
AusVee: and then wena...keng...o tswile skaku mo leragong ( whats wrong with you have a boil on your bum)
Doris: eish emanyana lwena Vee man ( eish not now Vee man)
AusVee: emanyana ya eng....or ke di piles ( what do you mean not now...or is it piles)
***Doris looked at Hills***
Doris: tsamo koropa paiving ko ntle kwa o tla be wa utlwa ditaba tsa batho ba bagolo ( go and mop the pavement outside I don’t want you listening to old people’s conversations)
Hills: bathong mama
***Vee laughed***
Doris: keng...tla be o re im traumatizing you so tsa mo penta ceiling geh ko kamoreng since kontle gwa fisa ( what...the next thing you’ll say im traumatizing you so go and paint the ceiling in the bedroom since its hot outside)
***Vee continued to laugh her a$$ off and Hills rolled her eyes and she got up taking her phone and went to the bedroom***
AusVee: wa bora Hunadi...mmmh bothata keng ( you are too much Hunadi...mmh what’s the matter)
Doris: eish wena Vee....Mazwakhe  onjele ka mo morago wena....anal Vee...yho botlhoko bo ke bo utlwang ( yho Mazwakhe  f*ck*d me on the other*l Vee...yho the pain im feeling)
***Vee busted out with loud laughter***
Doris: don’t in pain wena wa tshega ( and you’re laughing)
Vee: before ba go fa kuku ya fake  (before you were given a fake p*ssy ) you were once a man so why cant you handle an*l
Doris: kuku ya fake ke dichubaba tseo o naleng tsona (a fake p*ssy are those dark blemishes on your face)
AusVee: wannyela a ke sana dichubaba nna ( p*ss off I don’t have dark blemishes)
Doris: mxm then kuku ya fake ke mokhino oo ( then a fake p*ssy is that gap of missing teeth you have )
***Vee got up and she went closer to her***
Doris: Vee im warning you
***Vee grabbed her and pushed his index finger between her butt cheeks and Doris screamed....she poked her again through her leggings and Doris screamed again...Hills rushed in and she stopped***
Hills: keng... aah mxm
***she rolled her eyes bored***
Doris: Vee wampolaya man ( you’re killing me man)
Vee: e re sorry ( say sorry)
Doris: sorry....sorry bathong
***she let go of her and Hills rolled her eyes***
Hills: I forgot how childish you two can be mxm....keep it down please Khai is still sleeping
***she went back to the bedroom and Vee went to wash her finger in the bathroom and she came back and she sat back down and continued to fold the clothes***
Doris: eish gwa baba now...mara Vee o swile pelo shem ( eish its more painful now...but Vee you have cold heart shame)
AusVee: you deserved it
Doris: mxm....anyway eish that man ravaged me wena Vee
AusVee: that’s what you get for opening your legs for a married man
Doris: hai suka married man ya eng....he was mine first
AusVee: and now he belongs to vasplanka ( a$$less)
***Doris rolled her eyes***
Doris: she doesn’t deserve him...she’s even making him raise another man’s children mxm
AusVee: se se salang ke the wife lala ( at the end of the day she’s the wife lala).....i cant believe o jaja Moera ( you’re judging Moera) for dating married men while you’re being f*ck*d by one...double standards need to check yourself
Doris: mxm wa bora ( you are a bore)
***she got up slowly***
Doris: ko robala.... Im going to drink painkillers and a sleeping pill maybe I’ll wake up mosoba o tswallegile le pain e didimetse ( my an*l hole closed and the pain gone)
***Vee laughed***
Doris: lwena o tlo mo kereya monna a go ny*be mot*t* oo and I’ll laugh at you until o lla
***Vee continued to laugh her a$$ off***
Vee: nna mine is made to take a sh*t and to fart not go nny*biw*ke bakgalabe ba di bisexual ba go tshwara ke tshukiri ( to get f*ck*d by old men who are bisexual and have diabetes)
Doris: mxm wa phapha wena le mokhino ( you are forward wena with missing teeth)
***Vee laughed***
Vee: go and sleep or I’ll poke you again
**she said attempting to get up and Doris rushed to her bedroom and Vee laughed....after she was done she took the clothes to the bedrooms and she packed them nicely in the cupboards then she took Khai from Doris’s bed and she went to put her in the bedroom she’s using cause she knows that once Doris drinks her sleeping pills she wont hear him when he wakes up....she decided to also take a nap***
***Hills is now sitting in the lounge  replying to her emails....She owns a beauty salon and three boutiques in Gauteng, she’s doing good for herself and its all thanks to Doris who adopted her after her twin committed suicide when they were doing grade 12 they were both orphans who grew up in the system ( orphanage) ....She stops replying to her emails and her mind takes her to a miracle that happened to her years back....It was a miracle that she was best friends with Masai and Moera and Doris decided to adopt her when he heard her story.....She was ready to die with her twin Mhlaba but fate had a surprise for her and the surprise is Doris....She smiles as she thinks of how fortunate she has been since that day she was told someone wants to adopt her.

She couldn’t believe that someone wanted to adopt her in her age, she even thought it was a prank and to top it all Masai and Moera accepted her as part of the family when the adoption process became successful ....It was a miracle for her and she’s grateful that Masai and Moera told Doris about her predicaments and Doris saved her from herself cause she was ready to take her life to follow her twin.....and now if she wasn’t strong enough or had the strong support system she has, she was gonna go through what her twin went through.....putting a man before herself....loving a man so much that she cant imagine life without him..... or even taking her life for a man just like her twin did.... She sighed as she thought of her late twin...the pain is still there and she still misses her dearly...A knock on the door disturb her train of thoughts and she gets up and go to see who it is and she got the shock of her life***
Hills: did you...
Tarek: thank God you’re the one that answered the door….your mother scares the sh*t out of me
***he said chuckling nervously***
Hills: what are you doing did you find me...wait...are you stalking me
Tarek: how can you say are my wife Hills
***she breathed out to clam herself down***
Hills: please leave Tar
Tar: we need to talk
Hills: talk about what about what!!!
***she said getting angry***
Tar: there’s no need for you to talk to me like that....i come in peace so drop that attitude
****Hills chuckled shaking her head...she moved back and tried to close the door but Tar quickly blocked it***
Hills: remove your hand or I’ll scream
Tar: I didn’t come here to fight sthandwa sam...please lets go somewhere and talk please
Hills: remove your hand Tarek....remove it
***she said loudly ***
Voice: you heard the lady shlama ( fool)....remove it
***a voice said behind Tarek and it was Mpande....Tarek turned frowning and that’s when Hills saw him***
Tarek: stay out of this wena....this is between my wife and i….and who the f*ck are you
***Mpande raised an eyebrow looking at Hills and then at Tarek***
Mpande: so this is the cheater the one that f*cks white women
***Hills looked away and Tarek got angry looking at Hills***
Tar: so you tell just anybody our business….our business Shalate
Hills: Tarek please leave
Tar: im talking to you Hills damn it!!!’ve always been dumb so im not surprised
Hills: wow
***she chuckled blinking fast trying not to cry….she didn’t want to cry in front of him and give him the satisfaction….she’s done with him….she’s done being embarrassed by him ****
Mpande: hey hey hey shlama senja....that’s not how you speak to a woman wena ms*nu
Tar: what did you just call me
***Mpande said to his face and Tarek grabbed Mpande with his shirt and Mpande also grabbed him with his shirt also and Hills screamed***
Mpande: what do you think you’re you know how expensive this shirt is wena ms*nu k*nyoko
Hills: guys stop it....Tarek let him go!!!
***Tarek pushed him letting him go and Mpande did the same and he fixed his linen shirt***
Tar: so this is what you’re cheating on me with... with this thing that dresses like this….this farm boy…who dresses like this in his age….how dare you embarrass me like this Shalate….how dare you cheat on me with this thing that’s way below my level like this
***he said sizing Mpande up and down***
Mpande: ms*nu k*nyoko shlama….golo loyihlo….you see her….im gonna take her and make me mine….she’ll forget about your tiny d*ck and fake accent….continue advertising your disability to white women I mean they are used to small d*cks anyways…..women like Hills here deserve a real man with a manly d*ck
Hills: yho Jehovah…Tarek leave bathong ...leave....Mpande stop insulting him please
***she said with her hands on top of her head…this was bad…really bad ***
Hills: im sorry so sorry….this is…yho
***she said moving forward and closing the door behind her….. as for Tarek he’s asking himself if what Hills said that other time she called drunk was true….was his d*ck really small….was all the women he slept with faking it all including Hills...his heart is beating fast and he wonders if Hills and Mpande talked about the size of his manhood during pillow talk cause no man can talk about another man’s d*ck size like this if he doesn’t have the inside info about it…..As for Mpande his fuse is about to bust….Tarek’s insults got to him ***
Mpande: weeh Ntabeni go inside and get ready I need to talk to this boy alone
Hills: Mpand....
Mpande: Ntabeni assomblief...
Hills: no there won’t be any fighting here Mpande please
Mpande: who said im going to fight this fool
Tar: hei...this…this is my wife...who the hell do you think you dare you disrespect me like this....this is my wife damn it!!!
Mpande: Ntabeni....
***the door opened and ausVee got out***
AusVee: and then leshata ( what’s with the noise)
***Hills heart is pounding fast as he looks between Tarek and Mpande***
AusVee: and then wena cheating husband forward slash polygamist o batlang mo ( what are you doing here)
***she said looking at Tarek with a frown***
Hills: he was just leaving mama awake
***ausVee shook her head no and Hills breathed out feeling relieved then she looked at Mpande who was still looking angry***
Hills: this is Alpha’s brother Mpande
AusVee: ooh ok so leshata ke la eng ( what’s all this noise for)
Mpande: Ntabeni im still sure Masai called you
***Hills swallowed hard***
Tarek: you’re not going anywhere with my wife!!!
Hills: Tarek leave
Tar: im not going anywhere until we talk… done being lenient with you…now you’re letting things like this disrespect me like this….does he know who the f*ck I am….how dare he disrespects me like this….in fact you know what go take your sh*t we are going home now!!!
AusVee: o rasetsang....kao bona o batla ke tlogele Bokgatla  ba ka ke ntse bopitori ba ka cause ka bona o na le lenyatso mosimane ( why are you making noise...i see you want me to put aside my Tswana side and take out my Pretorian side cause I see you’re now being disrespectful boy)
***Tarek clenched his jaws and ausVee looked between Tarek, Mpande and Hills and Mpande chuckled containing himself because of ausVee…he’s mad angry…the last time he was this angry he……***
AusVee: going inside to boil a kettle of water and when I come out here, the one that is not supposed to be here will wake up in hospital a tlhobegile letlalo ( with his skin burned) nxa
***she left them there***
Tarek: go take your things and lets go home!!!
***she swallowed hard with tears in her eyes....then she heard the kettle being turned on and the water starting to boiling***
Hills: Tarek leave now...ausVee is serious and when mama wakes up all hell will break loose so go if you value your life
***Tarek swallowed hard...he couldn’t believe she was choosing Mpande right in front of him...he has never been humiliated like this before...right then ausVee came back and Tarek moved back with his heart beating fast thinking she had the kettle with her..... she looked at Hills***
AusVee: so ke mang a tlhobiwang  (who am i burning) the water is boiling sure its you Mr forward slash cause im sure abuti Mpande here is here to see his nephew
*** Tarek swallowed hard....he looked at Hills thinking she will change her mind but she didn’t say anything then he looked at Mpande with an angry look on his face  and he walked away  fuming ***
AusVee: thought as much nx….Mr polygamist ya masepa
***she went inside leaving Mpande and Hills there***
Hills: im sorry about what just happened…im really sorry
***she said with a shaky voice***
Mpande: go and get ready....we are going out to talk about the accident....i have the invoice in my car...I’ll wait for you there
***he then walked away and that’s when her tears ran down her cheeks....she walked inside wiping her tears off***
AusVee: yah Doris o tlo swa ka pelo shem...sebete sa forward slash ka se respecta ( yah Doris will die of a heart attack shame...i respect forward slash’s guts)
***she said picking a now awake Khai up***
AusVee: a reye o tlhapa papa ( lets go and bath papa)
***they walked away and Hills threw herself on the couch***
Hills: God give me the strength to deal with all these

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