One Step at a Time - Part 12

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A/N: You know those chapters you sometimes write way in advance and are very excited to get to for whatever reason? Yeah, this was one of those. As always, thank you to the outstanding Teletraan_1 (AO3) for beta-reading this chapter for me (TJ turned this around in record time and so EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU)!

Warnings: non-explicit sexual content (Rated E version of this chapter can be found on Tumblr), language


The first firework illuminated the small apartment with a bright purple glow as Endi's hands tangled in the fading blue of Chuckles's mohawk, tugging lightly and drawing a grunt from him. She pulled him towards her, and he followed willingly, stumbling in the dark until he had her pinned against the kitchen wall, his hands finding their way to her waist. Their lips worked frantically against one another, his chapped ones gliding along her silky ones.

How is she so soft?

The flash of the firework was short lived, plunging them into the inky black of Lothal's night as it faded. Blue spots danced in front of Chuckles's eyes in the sudden darkness, and he blinked rapidly to clear his vision. The sudden quiet was punctuated by the blood pounding in his ears and the sharp breaths coming from Endi's nose as she pulled him even closer to her. He could smell her perfume, sweet and enticing, and all he could think of was how much more he wanted to taste. Her tongue hungrily traced along his lower lip, and he granted her entrance, unable to stop a groan from bubbling up within him as her teeth grazed his lip.

He wanted this. He wanted her.

Two more loud blasts emanated from outside, and in the flash of bright pink light, Chuck could see Endi's eyes were blown wide, her golden irises tinted by the magenta explosion, but somehow, impossibly dark. Her lashes fluttered closed as her hand clenched the front of his shirt, tangling in the buttons before she popped the first one open with ease.


His heart raced as her nimble fingers undid another button and then another, exposing his chest to her. As the light faded again in the kitchen, her hands finally touched him, no longer an innocent, potentially accidental graze, but with her palms pressed firmly against his chest, trailing through his chest hair and tracing the muscles the mine had carved into him. Her touch sent electricity licking up his spine as her hands slid further under his shirt to his back, her fingers digging into his skin.

In the darkness, she panted his name in his ear.


His hands slipped under her, bunching in her long skirts until he found the backs of her thighs to hold, and she practically leapt into his grasp. She was surprisingly light as he pinned her against the wall, and she writhed in his grip as his lips trailed down her jaw to her throat. His teeth grazed her skin, and she inhaled sharply, tipping her head back to grant him more access. Chuckles nosed at the collar of her blouse, and her hands frantically flew to undo the snaps holding it closed to reveal more skin to him. The first clasp came undone, exposing her collar bone, and Chuckles couldn't wait another moment, trailing his tongue along the newly uncovered flesh before latching onto her skin and sucking a bruise there. He pulled back just as a rapid burst of white strobing fireworks popped sporadically outside, and in the bright light, he saw confirmation of his claim to her in the form of a dark purplish mark forming where her shoulder met her neck. They were panting, staring at one another as the light from the fireworks strobed around them.

"Bedroom," Endi said quietly.

It was all the invitation Chuckles needed. He lowered her to the ground before crashing his lips against hers again clumsily in the dark. Her hands were already working at his belt as she stumbled backwards, haphazardly tugging him along with her. He did his best to stay on his feet, reaching out his hands to fumble around any obstacles as she led him through the darkened apartment to her small sleeping quarters. Another salvo of fireworks exploded outside, casting the tiny bedroom in shades of blue and green. Chuckles barely had time to register the humble desk, wardrobe, and small bed before she jerked him towards it with a surprising strength. He almost fell on top of her, landing between her knees on the mattress.

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