"It's because ■■■■■■ has gone missing and you think he had something to do with it."

The grip on Britain's cane tightened at the mention of her name. It seemed he underestimated the Russian, who figured it out so quickly. He could deny, but his body expression already betrayed him.

Russia noticed his shift in body language and realised he hit the nail on the head. He wanted to relish in the feeling of unnerving the country, but the confirmation only served to fuel his concern. His friend was missing, and he had no idea if his father was involved.

Hell, he didn't even know where the communist was.

Sighing, the British man calmed down as his face was composed. Well, as composed as a man with eyebags and sunken eyes was. Russia noticed how tired he looked and how it got worse as the visits increased. Just how serious was the situation if the ever composed Britain looked exhausted?

"I must commend you, Russia. You really have a functioning brain under all the liquor you drink." Russia growled lowly at the insult, reminding himself why he hated the west and its pretence.

"Just answer me before I lose my patience."

"Fine. You are correct. The Recurrence has been missing for a long time and USSR is one of the main suspects."

"How long has she been gone?"

"...around one and a half years." The man hesitated, his expression falling slightly to expose his worry before going back to its neutral look.

Russia flinched. He had a feeling she was gone for a while but not that long. It was unnatural for her to do so. For a brief moment, he began to think his father actually did something but dismissed the thought quickly.

"She has been missing for that long and you have kept it hidden?!" He accused, his hand banging the desk next to him as it shook from the sudden force, a crack forming at the spot it was hit.

"Well, what did you expect us to do?! If more countries found out--" Britain got interrupted once again.

"Us? So there are others who already knew?"

"That is besides the point, Russia." His eye twitched from being interrupted for the second time. His metal arm was in his pocket, hiding the fist that had formed in his frustration.

"Since you have figured it out, I might as well tell you. ■■■■■■ went missing on the day she was supposed to meet me for a personal matter with America. Her house was found intact save for the cup which held her untouched tea. We suspect the tea was laced and she was kidnapped. By who exactly, we do not know."

His eyes focus on the larger male before him, frowning at how similar he looked with his bastard of a father. "I was hoping to speak to USSR so that we can clear him from the suspect list."

Processing the information, Russia leaned against the desk and pondered on the situation. It made sense that his unwell father may have been involved in her disappearance, but he still couldn't get why he was the first suspect when he was no longer a threat.

"Even if I wanted to tell you where he was, I cannot. I have told you so many times that I don't know where he is."

Britain scoffed in dismissal. "That is what I cannot seem to believe. You promised us on the day you took power you would keep an eye on him just in case he tried something to rile up the people."

"And I have done my best in fulfilling that, however, my father is unwell!" He grit his teeth. "I do not think his beloved nation is in his mind right now, wherever he may be."

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