𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝗼𝐝𝐞 6

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Sinclair Washington

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Sinclair Washington

Sin woke up irritated as fuck this morning. The events from last night were still heavy on her mind. She didn't like how everyone was treating Chrisean and she almost got into it with Slim and Rollie. And she already know she gotta deal with more bullshit today.

Natalie rounds the girls to tell them the news of the bus leaving.

"We gotta get out of this house. We were supposed to be out a long time ago but unfortunately the baddie bus is gone. So another bus is coming to get us cause the bus driver said we were a lot to deal with."

"We can't afford to get left in cities like that. Like we can't do that. So right now, I just want to talk about what we can do to switch the drama that we are all having." By then Sin tuned out of the conversation but she was watching the body language of the girls to see wassup.

"Slim, you okay," Natalie asked. Sin unwraps her arms from her chest and proceeds to pop her knuckles making Rollie and Natalie pay a little more attention to her.

"Nah, you threw a water bottle at me last night. Wassup with that? Ma'am." Slim pointed to Chrisean and popped her neck. Chrisean looks at Sin and Jela confused.

CON: Chrisean: She not talking to me like. You too fuckin little to be...

Slim kept talking to Chrisean until she throws her shoes at Rock making Sin and Jela slide out the way.

"Get her Rock. Fuck that bitch up Rock," Sin encouraged Rock making Rollie come closer to her.

"What you tryna do Rollie? Why you so close to me huh? You wanna jump my bitch." Sin snapped.

"What the fuck you wanna do Sin. Ain't nobody finna jump her. Why you dickriding her?" Rollie takes her wig and cap off as security blocks the two girls from each other.

"Fuck all this talking you wanna get in the field or what." Sin slips pass security and walks into the grass with Rollie doing the same.

CON: Sin: You wanna act yo size bitch. Ima act big and bad too so come on let's go.

CON: Rollie: Since Sinclair wanna do the most right now I'ma show her why bitches don't fuck with me.

Sin punches Rollie and Rollie responds with punches of her own as she grips onto Sin's black sport bra. Sin lands a couple of face shots making Rollie's face a little swollen. Rollie puts Sin into a hold as she tries to punch Sin more eventually making her fall. She tries to take Sin down with her but Sin lands on top of her stomach punching her titties and face. Security grabs Sin and gets her off of Rollie making her kick her legs in the air.

"Yea bitch I just whopped yo fat ass. Now what," Sin shouts making Jela laugh. Security puts Sin down and Slim gets out of the hold she's in to run up and sneak Sin from the back. She gets a tight grip on Sinclair's hair and punches her a good few times. Sin still had security holding her making her defenseless in the fight. "Get the fuck off me bruh. Don't you see this bitch pulling my hair." Sin squirms in security's grip and uses her legs to kick Slim's stomach knocking the wind out of her. Thankfully Rock comes in and takes care of Slim for her.

Rollie tries to jump into the fight making Jela jump in to fight Rollie. Meanwhile security was too busy with all the fights to notice that Sin was left alone. Once she notice that she runs up on Slim and lands a good punch in the mouth making Slim bleed. Slim flys back but holds onto Sin's hair. Her punches miss making Sinclair laugh while she punches Slim head giving her knots.

Security tries to push Sinclair off Slim but she wasn't going for it. She kept going at it with Slim causing Rollie to punch Sin from the back. Security pushes Rollie off to the side and finally manages to get Sinclair off. They finally separate the girls and Slim leaves the fight with multiple wounds. A bloody mouth and knots on her head making the girls ouu silently as she throws a tantrum in security arms.

"Got yo ass leaking bitch ahh," Sin sticks her tongue out and puts her hands on the side of her side mocking Slim and Rollie. They both try to run up again but they fail causing Sin to laugh louder.

"Yall doing too much. Come on stop," Natalie stresses while rubbing her hands on her face. Sin rolls her eyes and picks at her sore hands. She sees that a few of her nails came off causing her fingers to bleed a little.

CON: Sinclair: Bitch shut the fuck up. You ain't doing shit but stressing out ya ass. You ain't no fuckin ep cause a ep would've been had that shit handled.

CON: Natalie: Sinclair, I don't feel like dealing with you cause to be honest you been too much from the get go. I got other shit to worry bout.

Rollie and Slim head into the house with security following them. Sin gets on the bus with other girls and tries to cool down while hearing Natalie speak.

CON: Sinclair: I'm trying my hardest not to jump across this table and beat the shit outta Natalie but I ain't tryna hurt my hand on that sharp chin of hers.

Natalie watches Sin set her purse down and move down the aisle to go outside. She looks Sin up and down making Sin stop walking to look at her.

"What you wanna get another ass whopping a'sum? Fuck is wrong with you." Sin holds eye contact with Natalie as she paces her knuckles again. Natalie looks down shaking her head while she's on her phone.

"Oh yea I thought so pussy ass bitch," Sin huffs and gets off the bus to talk with Jela and Rock. Natalie throws her arms up deflated and walks off to join Rollie and Slim in the house. Sin points towards her direction as the three girls watch her from afar.

CON: Sinclair: I been told yall Natalie was a weird bitch and she just be proving my point.

The three girls finally got onto the bus in peace and head to Nashville.


Yea Sinclair be beating bitches but y'all knew that already. I'm really fuckin with the trio of Jela, Chrisean, and Sin. I'm having a bunch of fun writing these chapters too.

y'all fw it?

thoughts on Sin?

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