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I had this really weird dream that jake gyllenhaal was trying to break into my house to fight me and that was truly terrifying.


Chief T.swizzle👩‍🍳
U suck lol

Damn how nice
Not my fault if I'm not a lyrical genius 😔
Anyway I'm going out with Anna and the band we can play later !

Chief T.swizzle 👩‍🍳
I was going out anyway !
Talk to you soon :)


"Who makes you smile at your phone like that ?" Asked Gigi over the music, trying to see over Taylor shoulder as they sat at a table in a bar.

"Yeah and don't say Tom cause he's nice and all but we all know it's not him" continue Karlie, making Taylor sight.

"I was just playing scrabble with Elio that's all, no big deal" she huffed, turning off her phone before putting it in her bag.

"Elio? As in Elio Nikolas, aka the cute guy from Game of Thrones?" Questioned Martha as Taylor nodded to her statement

"As in the hot guy you danced with at the met ?" Added Karlie making Taylor nodded her head again.

"As in the guy you openly flirt with on Twitter and under his Instagram posts?" finished Gigi.

"Omg i don't flirt with him ! But yes Elio Nikolas what about it ! He's nice and he doesn't ditch me when I ask for a scrabble game " argued the blonde singer, her friends giggled at her statement because who the hell play scrabble online other than Taylor ? And most important who would want to play with a freaking lyrical genius like her !

"Okay girl sorry but you're too good at this game it's not fair!" Said Karlie

They were too focus on the conversation about the actor to notice a group coming to sit at the table adjacent.

When Elio arrived at the bar he was greeted by his sister Ellie and the band making him grin at them, they decided to go in and wandered about the security guards at the opening of the bar but quickly brushed it off as they started talking.

The group walked in the bar trying to find a place to sit, ending up at a table near a group of girls. Being too excited about the karaoke, they didn't pay much attention to who it was and Matteo went to the karaoke machine to put a song making the others join him.

"Taylor what are the chance that your crush and his friends are partying at the same bar as us ?" Asked Karlie, watching the group of friends argue over what song to choose.

"Oh my gooood" grumbled the blond singer, dropping her head in the table dramatically.

The four of them looked at Elio and the band taking microphones before starting to sing 'obsessed ' by Mariah Carey , Taylor suspected them to have smoked something on their way here as they looked slightly high.

Elio, Matteo and Anna were singing to each others dramatically, as Ellie filmed them laughing.

"WHY YOU SO OBSESSED WITH MEEEE?" Sang Elio and Matteo simultaneously going on their knees. " BOY I WANNA KNOOOW"

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