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Lowkey shitty, and kinda short, but also has it's sweet and wholesome moments lol.

"You want out? You know the price you have to pay." Buggy told Luffy, who was drowning in the water tank. Luffy then smiled and tapped the glass. Buggy turned to see Nami, Zoro, and I, then I used my bow to shoot an arrow at the glass tank, which caused a break in the glass.

"Where are my freaks?" Buggy yelled in panic, as the glass containing Luffy kept cracking.

"They're not coming." Zoro told Buggy. The glass then shattered, and Luffy fell out, along with all the sea water. I rushed over to Luffy as he began coughing up water, and I patted his back, trying to help him. That's when Luffy (basically) threw up the map. I grimaced, thinking it was lowkey disgusting, but still, it was cool too.

"My map."

"My hat." Both Males began to crawl towards what they wanted. I just sighed, and lifted Luffy up so he had his arm around my shoulder, and walked him to his hat. I picked it up, and handed it to him, making him smile. By this time Buggy had grabbed the map, and started to laugh.

"You want a piece of me? Let's see what you got." Buggy told Zoro, who was getting ready to slice him. Zoro then sliced Buggy, several times, only for Buggy to separate his body. "Surprise shithead!" Buggy laughed again, as he split his whole body, floating around. I stared at him blank faced, not really in the mood for his bullshit.

"How do I slice a guy who's already in pieces?" Zoro questioned, irritated.

"This is not part of the plan." Nami was also not happy. Buggy flew around the two, and they kept wacking him away from themselves. He then knocked them backwards, off the stage. Luffy managed to stand up by himself, and Buggy reformed his body.

"Ah. Would you look at that? Somebody escaped my tank of doom. Well, I'll be back to finish you off. Right after I tear apart your sad excuse for a crew." I just flipped him off, but Buggy didn't notice, he just laughed at his own words.

"You can dump seawater on me, and I'll let it slide." Luffy put his hat on, getting serious. "But don't you ever threaten my friends." Luffy punched Buggy in the stomach, only for Buggy's stomach to detach.

"So you want to die first?" Buggy questioned, as he held several knives between his fingers. "Be my guest." He separated himself again. "Chop chop cannon!" Buggy's body came flying towards Luffy and I, and Luffy dodged like a badass, while I just slapped away the body parts with the flat side of my sword. Luffy got close to Buggy's abdomen, and held it down, only to be knocked back by a flying body part. Buggy's hand, which was holding knives, flew at Luffy, and stabbed Luffy's straw hat into one of the wooden pillars. Luffy ran to his straw hat, only to be knocked down, and then was choked by Buggy's hand. While Buggy was distracted by Luffy, I snuck up behind him, and smacked him on the head with the flat side of my blade. This did nothing but anger him, so he sent me flying backwards, landing right into Zoro. Zoro and I groaned in pain as I tumbled into him. I got off him as quickly as I could, and then helped him up. Luffy, still being choked, shouted something to nami.

"Nami! The crates!" Luffy flipped himself up, and flung Buggy's hand (the one that was choking him), into one of the crates and Nami shut it. Buggy stared in shock and confusion. Luffy then grabbed another body piece, and flung it into a crate, this time Zoro helping to throw it in a crate. The four of us worked together, trapping Buggy's body in different crates, piece by piece. Luffy picked up his straw hat, which now had some tears in it.

"What have you done to me?" Buggy yelled.

"Cut you down to size." Luffy said with a smile.

"The One Piece will never be yours. You're just a sad, lonely little boy wearing another man's hat!"

"I know exactly who I am. " Luffy put his hat on. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. And I'm gonna be king of the pirates." Luffy stretched his arms back. "Gum gum..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait, wait!"

"Bazooka!" Luffy yelled, and his arms shot forward, flinging Buggy's leftover body out the circus tent. Luffy grabbed the map, and Zoro, Nami, and I walked over to Luffy. Luffy handed Nami the map.

"You're giving this to me?"

"You're the navigator."

"Let's get out of this clown show." Zoro said, and started to walk away until Luffy stopped him.

"Still one more thing we have to do." I nodded my head at Luffy's words.

"Yep." I smiled. Luffy and I then started to release the chains on the people.

"Are you our new captors?" An old man asked.


"Well, you're a pirate, aren't you?"

"I'm a different kind of pirate." Luffy told him with a smile. I released a stand of people, and several of them ran to each other, hugging their friends and family while crying. Once we finished releasing everyone, several of the children ran up to me.

"Miss! Miss! The mean pirate said you were an angel! Is that true?" One of them asked, making the other children nod their heads. My crew and the villagers turned to stare at me, wondering what my reaction would be. I smiled, and took off my cloak. Luckily the blood on my wings from earlier wasn't too noticeable, so I didn't have to worry about scaring them. The children awed at the site of my wings.

"Wanna see something cool?" I asked, making them nod their heads. I smiled even more, and my wings grew, making them extend out and be very big. The children, and even my crew and the older villagers stared in wonder. I flapped them gently, making a slight breeze, and the children giggled. One of the little girls came closer to me, and hugged my leg.

"You're so pretty, Miss angel! I wanna be just like you when I grow up!" The other kids surrounded me, some hugging me and others just staring at me in awe.

"You think I'm pretty? Well I see lots of very pretty little girls. And lots of very handsome little boys." The children smiled and giggled even more. "Now, I think it's time to go back to your parents." The children whined, but they saw my smile and listened. Luffy, Zoro, and Nami walked over to me.

"I didn't know you were good with kids." Nami said. I just shrugged.

"I think the little munchkins are adorable. Plus they had to deal with all the traumatic stuff due to Buggy, they needed to smile and be happy after all that." This made Nami stare at me shocked, while Luffy smiled and hugged me.

"That's our crew's angel for you!" I just laughed, and hugged Luffy back.


"We don't have much, but please, take this as a token of our... of our gratitude." The mayor told us, as he held out some food.

"You need it more than we do." Luffy stated. The four of us walked to our ship, but Luffy turned around. "Well..." He ran back. "Maybe just a snack." I chuckled at Luffy's adorableness, as he grabbed a piece of food, then ran back to us. We got on the ship and set sail, the people all waving goodbye and saying their thanks. I noticed the children waving extra big, so I smiled at them and waved back, making them smile even more.


I smiled as Nami fixed Luffy's hat.

"Almost finished." She told Luffy. She then handed it to him, and he smiled.

"You fixed it. Thanks."

"Well, you said it was your treasure, right?"

"Is every day going to be this crazy with you?" Zoro questioned, making me laugh.

"Knowing Luffy? Most likely." I told him.

"Shanks always said... that if the path to what you want seems too easy... then you're on the wrong path." Luffy said.

"This Shanks guy sounds all right."

"Next stop! The Grand Line!" Luffy shouted.


We were chilling on our boat when I asked Luffy a question (despite me already knowing the answer). "Hey Luffy." Luffy turned to look at me, and so did Nami and Zoro.

"Yeah Ashlyn?"

"How old are you anyways?" He smiled.

"Seventeen! What about you?"

"Luffy! You don't ask a woman her age!" Nami scolded him, making me laugh.

"It's fine. I'm nineteen Luffy." I then Smirked. "Since you are younger than me.... I announce you my little brother!" Nami and Zoro just stared at me in shock, while Luffy laughed.

"Okay! Cool! I have a big sister now!"

"That's not how it works-" Nami started to say.

"Awww come on! Luffy just feels like a little brother to me! Besides, I think he's the cutest little brother ever!" I teased, as I pulled his cheeks, making him laugh. Zoro stared at us confused, while Nami just sighed, already done with our bullshit.

"Ash is the best big sister ever!" Luffy said.


"Yep! You're new nickname!" I smiled. 

"Alright, Lu." Luffy and I smiled at each other, knowing our bond as (now) siblings would last forever.

Hope you guys enjoyed this! I'm finally done with episode 2, and now we're onto episode 3! (Only 5 more episodes left, each an hour long.... send help- T^T Jk jk)

Angel of Mine ~ Zoro x Oc x Sanji ~ One Piece Live ActionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora