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Warning, lowkey cringe and (kinda?) torture scene. Not graphic, you'll understand when you reach it.

Please don't be silent readers! I love your comments! <3

It was night time now, and Nami was trying to open the safe. Luffy was irritating her of course, and Zoro was attempting to sleep. Like me. Yet as usual, the slight insomnia as I called it, was kicking in. I laid by zoro, trying to sleep, but also not too close to him.

"Trying to sleep?" He questioned.

"Hint word trying. I struggle to sleep usually. No matter how tired I am." I sighed, feeling exhausted and irritated. Zoro stayed silent, before speaking.

"You know, I had a friend that used to have trouble sleeping. She later learned if she was with someone else, she'd sleep better."

"Wise words. Only problem is, Luffy won't stay still, Nami is too busy trying to crack the safe, and I'm pretty sure you don't want me sleeping close to you." Zoro sighed.

"You need good sleep to be able to fight." He said, before he grabbed my arm, pulling me closer to him. I smiled, and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks. I'll try to not sleep too long. And if you get uncomfortable, please wake me up." He nodded. Sure enough, like he said, all I needed was to be with someone. So soon, I was fast asleep.


I woke up to the sound of an explosion. I quickly lifted my head off Zoro's shoulder.

"Is that the marines?"

"How did they find us?" The four of us rushed to the outside part of the ship, to see red in the night sky.

"This smoke smells weird."

"Cover your mouths!" I yelled, but Nami and Zoro dropped to the ground. I watched as Luffy quickly took the map, and swallowed it. I used part of my cloak to cover my mouth, but I had already breathed in too much, so Luffy and I dropped unconscious as well.


I woke up to Luffy shaking me awake. I yawned, and looked at him confused.


"We got captured." He told me, then went next to Zoro, and whispered in his ear. Zoro woke up, startled, then looked for his swords.

"They took my swords."

"And my rucksack, ugh, with all my navigation gear."

"They took my sword and bow." I hissed in anger.

"They didn't take my hat." I smiled slightly at Luffy's adorableness.

"Yeah, small blessings. Damn it, we've lost the map."

"No!" Luffy then started to whisper. "No. We didn't. It's in a safe place." He then touched his stomach with a smile.

"Ew." Zoro started to kick the crate we were in, which startled me at first.

"Hey. Stop that. Stop that."

"What? I'm trying to find a way out."

"We've been captured. We need a plan."

"I don't need a plan. I just need to beat the hell out of every Marine I see."

"Hey, everyone, relax. We're fine."

"We're not fine. The Marines will throw us in jail if we're lucky. Execute us if they don't."

"Oooooo. Death. Fun." The three of them stared at me for a second, faces of concern.

"They.. they are not Marines. Before I got knocked out, I saw a Jolly Roger. We've been captured by pirates."

"That's much better news."

"No, he's right. Marines have training. Pirates are easier to kill."

"Shanks used to say not every situation could be solved with violence."

"Who the hell is Shanks?" Zoro asked.

"We don't need to fight. I can talk to them. Pirate to pirate."

"That won't work." Nami told Luffy.

"Why not."

"To start, you're not a pirate."

"Yes, I am."

"No. You are just some stretchy guy in a tattered hat."

"Aye, no disrespecting the hat Nami." She ignored me, but Luffy nodded in agreement.

"I'm a different kind of pirate." Luffy told her.

"Pirates are pirates. There's only one kind." She was interrupted by the top of the crate being lifted off, startling us, and the light blinding my eyes.

"Damn that's bright!" Luffy, being the angel he is, quickly covered my eyes with his hands. "Thanks Luffy."

"No problem!" I could tell he was smiling. We heard circus music, making us all confused. Luffy then uncovered my eyes so I could see what was going on. We all stared at the weird circus thing around us, well except for Luffy, who seemed thrilled. The circus people, I think, started to remove the box around us, until we were technically free. Luffy was clapping, but Nami stopped him. I stared at the shackles on the villagers feet, and felt enraged.

"No. No, no, no, no." A voice said, causing the attention to turn towards it. "Stop clapping! No stop! It's all wrong!" There he was, in all his glory. Buggy the assho- I mean clown. "The spotlight was large. You completely missed my entrance. And where, oh where, was the dancing lion?"

"Hey. I know you. I saw your wanted posted on Shells town. You're the clown guy. Um uh.... Binky, right?"" Luffy said, like the innocent bean he was (JK, he could beat my ass. He's still innocent in my eyes though-). I held in a laugh when he called Buggy 'binky'.

Angel of Mine ~ Zoro x Oc x Sanji ~ One Piece Live ActionWhere stories live. Discover now