Yeonjun rushed to put his boots on. He then picked Kai up and carried him to the couch. He warned "this is going to hurt."

"Just get it over with!"

Yeonjun grabbed some tweezers then carefully removed the glass from his heel. He cringed hearing Kai wince in pain. The bloody shard was carefully set into a bundle of tissues. He then worked to stop the bleeding.

Kai kept swearing to himself as pressure was applied to his wound. The stitches only made his cussing worse.

While Yeonjun was sewing the gash in Kai's foot, he decided to ask something he had been wondering for a while. "Why do you hate me so much? I'm just trying to protect you."

"I don't hate you. I envy you." The deepest part of the gash was sewn up. He winced in pain. "FUCK!"

"Sorry. I'm almost done." Yeonjun finished his work then began to clean up. "You envy me. Why?"

"Ugh. Why are we even talking about this?" Kai started to stand. He slowly tested his foot to see how much pressure he could put on it before it got unbearable. The answer was any at all. He fell back down on the couch defeated. "How much longer is your contract?"

Yeonjun slammed the lid of the trashcan down after throwing away the broken glass. At this point, he was over it. This spoiled brat was about to hear everything he had been keeping inside for the past four months. He harshly turned around then marched up to Kai. "Listen here you spoiled asshole! Your mother is paying me A LOT of money to keep YOU protected! SO KAI... I'M GOING TO BE HERE AS LONG AS SHE DAMN WELL PLEASES! GOT IT?!"

"I DON'T NEED YOUR PROTECTION! WHY DON'T YOU GO PROTECT THAT RED HEAD WHO YOU WERE TALKING TO EARLIER?!" For some reason, saying that made it all click in Kai's mind. He had been crazy about his bodyguard and never realized it. It felt weird. He didn't hear a word Yeonjun was yelling as his thoughts raced with this new feeling. It's like he had been asleep and he rebooted his own system.

Yeonjun kept ranting about the contractual obligations of his job. He noticed Kai wasn't paying attention at all. That pissed him off beyond belief. He started snapping his fingers in his face to get his attention. When Kai looked at him, Yeonjun couldn't tell what he was thinking. He looked oddly still. His attitude switched from frustrated to confused. "Are you okay?"

Kai was not okay. It was like he had run into a brick wall at full speed without realizing there was a wall to run into. Yeonjun was no longer his protector. He was someone he had very real feelings for. "You can have my bed. I'll sleep out here." Kai pulled the blanket over himself then turned to face the back of the couch.

Yeonjun struggled to understand what just happened. The silence reignited his anger. Apparently he wasn't even worth arguing with now. He ripped the blanket off then demanded "sit up!" Kai kept pretending to sleep. Yeonjun demanded he sit up again. "We're not done talking Huening!"

Kai harshly sat up. Jealousy was now pouring out of his mouth and he couldn't stop. "Go talk to that fucking red head and leave me alone! You don't want to be here! I'll be fine! You don't give a shit about me! NOTHING will happen so just GO!"

Yeonjun became amused by the insinuation. He smiled at the ground then faced Kai. "Why do you care so much about the girl at the theater?"

"I don't."

"Really? Second time you've mentioned her."

"Why are you still here?"

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours." That wasn't about to happen. Yeonjun smiled again when he saw Kai burry his head under the blanket. He had an assumption about Kai for a while now but was waiting for the confirmation. He decided to confess something himself. "I'm gay. I have literally no interest in the red head you keep bringing up."

Kai slowly sat up. He took a long look at the guy sitting on the other end of the couch. It was now past 1am according to the clock on the wall. He didn't say anything as he kept staring. Honestly, he just wanted this night to be over. The shock he had liked, maybe loved, Yeonjun was still processing in his mind.

The bodyguard kept smiling. He wanted to confess his feelings but that would amount to losing his job if he was wrong. The more Kai stared, the stronger his intuition became. Yeonjun inched closer to him until they were touching knees. "Red heads aren't even my type. I prefer black hair."


"Yes. Really." Yeonjun pretended there was a spec of dust on Kai's cheek. He gently brushed it away, barely touching Kai with his fingertips. "My contract ended a month ago. Your mom asked me if I wanted to renew it since the case was still going on. I said yes. My next contract doesn't end for another five months."

Kai placed his hand on Yeonjun's thigh. He pulled away out of fear. "Why did you extend it? I thought you hated me."

Yeonjun took Kai's hands in his. "I never did." He leaned in to kiss him. His heart raced from nervous excitement as he saw Kai close his eyes. He had been wanting this as soon as he saw who he was assigned to.

What should have been their first kiss, ended up being cut short, as a smoke bomb was thrown into the kitchen window. Yeonjun threw the blanket over Kai in an attempt to hide him. His gun was drawn. He moved to the other side of the couch towards the broken window. The smoke stung his eyes but he persisted forward. A crash was heard by the front. Gunshots competed with the sound of the alarm blaring through the condo. Yeonjun attempted to make his way back to the couch. By the time the smoke cleared, the front door was open and Kai was gone.

Short Stories- Kai ships only!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें