018 | 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚜

Comincia dall'inizio

"Turns out my mother was a witch and Leonardo tapped into it at a young age. My father thought he was 'cursed' or 'ill' and it being the reasoning for his experiments." She waved her hand explaining.

Klaus sat up straighter at this. "You have witch heritage? Do you know from what coven?"

Leonora shook her head, her face sulking in an annoyed expression. "Marco never told me anything about my mother, just that she died at childbirth and her name."

Klaus felt sadness for the girl infront of him, he couldn't imagine not knowing anything about a parents - yet he truly understood the feeling. Leonora never knew who her mother was due to her death and Klaus never knew who his true father was. The two understood eachother.

"Beatrice Matisse..." Klaus mumbled to himself, trying to recollect any memory or facts on her, yet he came up empty. The Matisse family was buried deep within secrets and lies.

Leonora tilted her head with questioning. "You knew her?"  She swirled the liquid in Klaus's drink in thought.

He shook his head. "No, I just knew from looking into your families name." She stopped swirling the drink and looked up at the cheeky smile that was growing on his face. "Because that's normal." She teased, nudging him under the table.

He nudged her back. "Nothing about this is normal, love. Your father was a delusional scientist who experimented on you and many other people. Your mother and missing twin brother were witches, yet you never tapped into it. I wonder why..."

She laughed, loosening her tie. "Wish I knew." She took a sip of Klaus's drink before scrunching up her face in disgust and spitting it back in the drink.

Klaus grimaced as he looked at his drink, pushing it too the side. "I'm surprised you're not digging through every library to find out."

She started to play with his foot under the table, tapping his ankle with hers. "And I'm surprised you're not off fetching your family already. I did tell you the location."

"Just wanted to spend time with my girl before I go and get them." He smiled as Leonora hit him harder than a nudge with her foot and laughed as Klaus pretended to clutch his ankle.

The two of them spent the rest of the day laughing and talking - genuinely enjoying the presence of one another. Before nightfall had greeted them and Klaus decided it was time get his family back.

The two of them walked down the steps of the old witches house. "Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less." At Klaus's words, Leonora watched the candles ignite with bright flames and Klaus screamed clutching his head.

She caught him before he completely fell and willed her hands to glow blue, she held his temple as a blue shield surrounded him. She felt him relax in her hold as she still kept the force-field around him, protecting him from the dead witches clutches. "Carry on, and your thousand living descendants will cease to exist!"

Almost immediately after her words, the candles dimmed to a soft glow and Klaus was no longer bound to the ground. She released her force-field around him and helped him to stand.

She felt Klaus squeeze her waist in appreciation, before both of them turned to look at Damon, who was glaring harshly at her. Klaus walked towards him and said. "Now, please show me the coffins."

Leonora watched as three coffins appeared within the room, dust gathered on the top. In the coffins, she knew that Kol, Elijah and Finn- their eldest sibling as Klaus had told her, were all laying desiccated.

She looked to Klaus as she felt in demeanor shift, his face wasn't one of joy but of caution. "Where's the fourth?" Leonora didn't believe Klaus to have another sibling, and considering he already had Rebekah that left Kol, Finn and Eli. So who was the fourth..? She raked through her mental asylum of who could be hidden away, not his father, nor another hidden sibling. His mother. Leonora turned to Klaus with a raised eyebrow at her revelation, not only had he been carrying his dead siblings around but also his mother.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 | 𝐍.𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora