Chapter 5 (part 1)

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Vanessa's pov
Less then two weeks had passed after the car crash they I young adult had cost, who by the way or Hank Voight's son. Matt had filled a report and he had write down everything that he had seen out on that call, but because of what my husband had done he was having some issue about the whole situation.
I was trying to act as normal as I could be, I was trying to not talk to Matt about the whole situation, I didn't want him to get worried when I was a little scared of what detective Voight could do.

I was back at the firehouse for another shift, I was in a good mood today and I was feeling that it would be a great shift.
Today it was Halloween and I love Halloween as well as my dad, I have always loved halloween and I am hoping that Jackson will love Halloween when he is older and can understand it.

Me and Matt had arrive at the firehouse in separate cars this morning, I had to drop off Jackson before the shift this morning and Matt had something that he needed to do but I didn't bother to ask him about it.

I had just walked inside of the firehouse after I had been out on the apparatus floor by my rig since the shift ha already started a little while ago.
I was walking in the hallway and I was walking towards the bathroom, but as I was walking in the hallway I saw my husband walking out of the bunker room.

Vanessa - hey!

Casey -hey, babe!

Vanessa - so I was thinking that maybe Jackson could come to the firehouse after daycare and sleep here with us tonight.

Casey - sounds like a good idea. But why?

Vanessa - you know how much dad and I love Halloween and I think dad wants to go trick and treat with Jackson, even if he is just 1 year old.

Casey - I can go treat and treat with Jackson.

Vanessa - I know, but it is easier for dad to go out then us. What if we get a call and you are out with Jackson?

Casey - I didn't think about that, but next year I'm taking Jackson out for trick and treat.

Vanessa - sounds good.

We both got closer to each other and we both leaned in with our heads, then we shared a kiss. We pulled away from each other after a few seconds, then I started to walk in to the bathroom and Matt went somewhere else.

General's pov
Some of the guys was in the common room and they weren't doing much, shift had started about three hours ago and there haven't been any calls for truck or squad.
Mouch was sitting on the couch and he was looking at one of the cabins, there was a big bag of candy that Vanessa and Dawson had bought and it was for the trick or treat.
Usually on Halloween Chief stands outside of the firehouse by the end of the driveway, and he give kids candy because of the trick or treat on Halloween.

Cruz - Just take the damn piece of candy already. They won't notice.

Mouch - I'm not climbing onto the counter.

Vanessa and Dawson had warned the guys to not touch the candy, all because of what happened last year. Some of the guys was a little scared of the two paramedics, since Vanessa is Chiefs daughter they had a little more respect for her and Dawson could be scary some times as well as Vanessa.

Cruz watches as Casey walks in to the common room but he walks over to the kitchen island to grab a cup of coffee.

Cruz - Hey, did you guys hear that Casey's gonna testify against detective Voight's son?

He told the guys that was sitting close by, Cruz wasn't talking so loud but he wasn't whispering either.

Otis - Apparently, Dawson's brother says it's a risky move, and Voight's a dangerous son of a bitch.

Mouch - I wouldn't put my ass on the line like that.

Casey didn't hear that the guys was talking about him, he was drinking his cup of coffee and reading the news paper.

Mouch - Uh, lieutenant, you need any help with the detective Voight situation, you let me know. When I became a union rep, they sent me a bunch of brochures.

Otis and Cruz was giving Mouch a look.

Casey - I'm good. Thanks. Just need to testify at the arraignment, once it's set.

He didn't really want to talk about this, Casey isn't that kind of guys who wants to talk about his own problems with his coworkers. Casey is not a fan of talking about his problems with his own wife and Vanessa are exactly the same way.
Bell Truck 81, Squad 3 and Ambulance 61

Vanessa's pov
A few hours had passed since the shift started, it was around 2pm and I was standing outside of the firehouse down by the end of the driveway.
Me and Dawson was already out to give kids some candy, me and Dawson had been out there for an hour and I was already starting to get a little bit tired of standing here.

Jackson would be here at the fires house after 3pm and our nanny would pick him up at daycare and drop him off here.
As I was standing outside with Dawson, I had an idea that I wanted to do but it was something tasty I couldn't tell my partner about.

Vanessa - I'm just gonna go back inside to talk to Casey, I will be back.

Dawson - okay.

She didn't say much and I didn't knew if she knew what I was gonna do, but I walked back since to the firehouse.
I was walking in the hallway and I had seen that most of the guys was sitting in the common room, which was good that they where in the common room.

I walked inside of the bunker room and I saw my husband sitting in his quarters by his desk, I didn't noticed anyone else in the bunker room.
I walked up to my husbands quarters, and I knocked at his door to get his attention which I got immediately.

Casey - Everything okay?

Vanessa - Of course. Why do you look worried?

Casey - I'm not worried. Just surprised.

I walked in to his quarters and I closed the door behind me, I saw the look on Matt's face and he just looked worried so I knew that he would need what I had in mind.

Vanessa - Well, I was thinking about our new plan to start fresh, and I realized...

Casey - What?

Vanessa -cThat there is something that we talked about doing and never did.

Casey - Yeah?

I gave him a smirk before I locked the door and pulled down all the blinds, I took a couple of steps closer to Matt.
I was siting on my husbands lap and we where making out, but after a couple of seconds Matt was taking off my shirt and the making out continued.
About a few seconds later I took of Matt's shirt and then we where kissing again but this time Matt lifted me up and carried me over to his bed and it all ended with sex in his quarters.

I'm sorry for a short chapter but there will be a second part of this, but it won't be out until next Sunday.
This weekend I was supposed to be working 14 hour for the whole weekend but instead I was working for 30 hours in two days.

I haven't been able to write for this story, and I hope
You will understand!

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