Chapter 3

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General's pov
A couple of days later and everyone would be back at the firehouse for a new shift, Kelly Severide was sitting in the locker room after he had changed in to his work uniform and he had arrived a little earlier then he usually does.
Casey walked in to the locker room and Severide saw when he walked in to the locker room, everything seemed good between Severide and Casey but they weren't like they used to be at the moment but they weren't fighting anymore.

Severide - Morning.

Casey - Morning.

Severide - Hey.bHow are the Darden kids doing? You talked to Heather at all?

Casey - Uh, yeah. As good as can be expected, I suppose. You seen 'em?

Several - Yeah.

Casey - I hear they're coming to the barbecue.

Severide - Good. By the way, where is Vanessa?

Casey - she was leaving Jackson at daycare but she should be here soon.

Severide just nodded his head to Casey, Severide got up from the bench that he was sitting on and he walked out of the locker room.

About half an hour had passed and by the time the new shift had began, most of the guys was in the common room and drinking coffee and just hanging out.
Vanessa and Dawson was in the common room and drinking a cup of coffee, they had been in the common room for about five minutes and earlier they did some inventory.

Otis - Hey, lieutenant, why do we have a goat on our truck?

Casey - Years ago, truck 81's first fire was at a goat farm in little Italy.

Otis - Really?

Casey - Mm-hmm.

Otis was so easy to joke with and he usually believes in most of the things that casey tells him when he is just joking. But Otis has sometimes hard to define what is a joke and to what's not a joke.

Mouch - Nah. They used to have a goat at the station so they didn't have to mow the grass.

Otis - Huh. I thought that's what candidates are for.

Peter Mills was in the common room and he gave Otis a look but Otis didn't really pay a tension, Cruz laughed a little.

Vanessa - seriously Otis, you where the candidate just two weeks ago. So stop being a jerk.

Otis stayed quiet after Vanessa had told him to stop being a jerk to Mills. Vanessa hated when the guys where bulling a new candidate, kind of the the way Otis was towards Peter Mills.

Voice - Smoke eater in the house.

It was a voice they came through the firehouse, the guys that was in the common room got up from where they were sitting and they walked out of the common room and they went out on the apparatus floor.

When they all got out on the apparatus floor they was greeted by Herrmann who was walking on the apparatus floor with a cane.

Herrmann - Hey!

Everyone - Hey, Hermann!

They where all laughing and cheering, they where happy to see Herrmann again. Vanessa and Dawson was standing by the side of the ambulance and Vanessa had a hard time to look at Herrmann.

Otis - Welcome back. Jesus, man.

Herrmann - They ticked a nerve in my leg. I may not walk straight again.

Vargas - Candidate, get him a chair!

Mills walked over to the squad table and he took a chair from there and he walked over with the chair over to where Herrmann was standing.

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