Chapter 4

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General's pov
A couple of weeks has passed and it was in the early morning and it was just two hours until the shift would be over. Some of the guys was in the bunker room and sleeping in their beds tsar they have, Herrmann, Mouch and Mills was in the common room. Mouch was sitting on the couch and Herrmann was sitting on a chair next to the couch, the tv wasn't working so they couldn't watch some tv and Mills was cleaning up a little in the common room.

Mills - Two hours left in the shift and no calls yet. That happen very often?

Mouch and Herrmann gave each other a look before they turned there heads towards where mills was standing and they gave each other a look.

Herrmann - He did not just say that.

They knew that something was gonna happen because of what Mills had asked them, and what they knew was gonna happen it did happen.
Bell truck 81, Squad 3 and ambulance 61

Around three minutes had passed and truck 81 and squad was on there way to the scene where they got called at, the guys on truck had already heard what Mills had said in the common room before the bell went off.
Lieutenant Casey had also heard about what Mills had said and he wasn't so happy about it, like the rest of the guys.

Casey - Mills. Pitcher's got a no-hitter going in the eighth inning. Do you go up to him and say, "looks like you got a no-hitter going"?

Mills - No, but...

Casey - Don't do it at the damn firehouse either.

Mills - Yeah, I got it.

No one else in truck was talking to Mills and he was just looking down on the ground after Casey told him to not do it again.
Everyone in the firehouse knew that they should never say the same thing as Mills did, usually it is one of the first things you get to know when you start as a candidate.

Vanessa's pov
Two days has passed and I was back at the firehouse for another shift which had started a little while ago, I was out on the apparatus floor by the back of the ambulance with Dawson.
Me and Dawson was doing some inventory that needed to get done before any calls would come in, me and Dawson was also talking about her love life and things that I had heard at the same time as we were doing inventory.

Vanessa - what happened between you and Mike?

Dawson - nothing, it was just one dating and nothing else.

Vanessa - that's too bad, Hallie told me yesterday that Mike has been asking about you.

Dawson - he wasn't really my type. And by the way I have eyes for someone else that doesn't see me.

Vanessa - who?

Dawson - you're gonna kill me if I tell you.

Vanessa - I won't, I promise. I'm your best friend, so tell me!

Dawson - Severide.....

She was whispering as she said my best friends name who also is like a brother to me, and I was surprised to hear her say his name.

Vanessa - omg. How the hell couldn't I know about that.

Dawson - I have been hiding it pretty good.

Me and Dawson didn't really get the chance to continue to talk about this, because my lovely husband came walking up to us and interrupted us as well.

Casey - Good morning.

Vanessa - Uhhh. We're either in trouble or he wants something.

Casey - You got a sec?

He asked Dawson and she gave me a look.

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