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Context: They're friends.

Place, time and form: A beach, any year, human forms.

Personalities: Canonical personalities.

Henry's P.O.V:

It was an overcast day, and I was at the beach with Austin. I had just had a boring and pretty tiring day, to be honest. 

"First, I bit down on a chip the wrong way, then I spilled my rice on the floor, and then to top it all off I stepped in a puddle with my socks on!" I threw my hands in the air in frustration. "What am I supposed to do?!" I will admit that I was being maybe a touch dramatic. Okay, a lot dramatic. The whole situation was comical, however. 

"Well uh- I'm...very sorry that happened to you, Henry-" Austin seemed slightly annoyed, but he found my overreacting humorous nonetheless. I looked around. I was the only one wearing a sweater. I smirked and laughed to myself upon that realization. 

"How are you wearing that it's kinda hot-" Austin asked me. I was a bit surprised by this question; I didn't expect it. I tried to think of  good excuse.

"Uhhh- I like it," was the only thing I could think of. While the truth behind my clothing went into a lot more depth, I wasn't prepared to explain it all. I sighed and lay down on the sand. 

"You don't get out you...?" said Austin.

"Eh. Not really. How'd you know?"

"It's obvious!" He laughed and punched me softly on the arm. We lay there for a while, just listening to the waves and and the birds. It was nice, honestly. However, a thought was constantly nagging at me. It took me a long time to muster up the courage to say it, but I finally did.

"So, wanna hang out again sometime?"


(Sorry for not posting in a while. I've had a lot pf stressful stuff going on and I haven't had the time or motivation to write.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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