Eun so says, gradually making her way out of the chamber with the maids in tow.

Jimin shuts the door behind them. Breathing in and out through his nose, he stopped for a second and turned to look at Jungkook. Jungkook had not noticed how, but somehow Jimin knew that something was wrong, and somehow he'd concluded that hugging Jungkook would be a good idea.

The veil had been tossed aside to help the omega breathe easy, but somehow, for the first time in years, even for the shortest time, it seemed that Jungkook could breathe easy. The other omega was warm, and the hug grounded him. The cold sweat, the mild shaking, and the chill in his bones could all be forgotten for the time being. Jungkook never knew that he so desperately needed a hug but was immensely thankful for it.

Jimin felt the fellow omega relax. One of his hands rested on Jungkook's back while the other was on his shoulder. Momentarily, Jimin felt Jungkook give in and surrender his being, and it called to his omega to protect and care. Gently, he sat both of them down without breaking away from the hug. While one of his hands rubbed soothing circles on the omega's back, another found it way to the omega's head which he gently patted.

Jungkook clung to him and fell asleep. Only when Jimin was sure that Jungkook would not wake up. He gently placed the omega on the makeshift mattress, covered him with the thin sheet and left the room determined to bring the fellow omega something warmer.

The next morning Jungkook woke up in relative comfort and warmth. It was not Jimin's call that he rose to, unlike most days. Today he woke up hearing some commotion outside his room. Seeing that there was nothing he could do or comprehend, the omega simply sat swaddled in what he noticed was a thin blanket.

'I'd have to thank hyoung later.'

Deciding to get up, the omega wrapped up the sheets, poured himself a cup of water from the pitcher and waited.

'The shrubs would have to be trimmed again, the moss will have to be removed..... I'd added the fertilizer only last week, so it'd be good for a while...... .The climbers would need support. I hope that there will be no diseases while I'm gone.....The weeds will have to be removed...the leaves..'

"My prince, apologies for my delay." Heaves Jimin rushing into his chamber, followed by two guards.

" Today is a busy day." He adds in almost a whisper.

"Forgive my lousiness, but we have to hurry, my lord. " He adds, all perked up.

"What is it all about?"

"We have to go my lord, the monarch has ordered that you be at your best, we have to go."

He says, pointedly avoiding eye contact as well as answering the question. Jungkook nods as the duo makes way, but instead of the usual bathhouse, they are headed someplace else. Jungkook looks around curiously as Jimin gently tugs him forward. The veil is back on his face again.

" We're here, my prince," He says, stopping outside yet another ornate door and gently pushing it open. The guards take their positions outside the door as Jimin leads Jungkook inside, closing the doors behind him.

" The talks of the alliance have progressed." He says. "Apologies that I took this long to reply my lord."

"Just Jungkook, hyoung."

Jimin looks at him surprised before a wide grin takes its place! A soft hug follows, and Jungkook concludes that he likes Jimin's hugs- warm, soft and safe.

"The representatives from the Kingdom would be here soon to delegate further , before things are finalized. " Jungkook nods slightly.

"You don't want this? Do you?"


"Are you seriously not the prince?"


"I knew it! You're too good to be the brat the prince is rumoured to be."

At this, Jungkook looks up alarmed. "You spoke ill of the prince, hyoung. Someone could have heard!!" His eyes, wide.

"Don't worry, we're okay here. The doors are much too thick for the sound to pour outside...... Now my lord, I'll have to warn you that what comes next isn't something that you'd essentially like."

After what feels like hours, Jungkook is allowed to return to his room, dressed in the softest, lightest clothes he had ever worn, ready to give in to sleep. He'd been used to the removal of body hair with creams soft on his skin, but Jimin had done step after step, layer after layer of herbs and powders, his argument- " You need to look your best. You don't even know how beautiful you are, after I'm done with you, my prince, the world will look at you all different. You'd be the prettiest, I tell you." It had been a while since Jungkook had cut his hair, and they'd grown into locks that could be braided and folded; Jimin had trimmed them too; they remained long, but more of it framed his face, "You'd look softer" he'd said, looking all too pleased with his craft.

He'd scrubbed Jungkook's body, too, and now his skin felt the softest it'd ever felt. The balm Jimin had later applied had been quite helpful in soothing his irritated skin as well. He was thankful when Jimin had handed him a different set of clothes, for the other had been quite rough.

"Hyoung, that balm had lemon, right?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"It smells like it, the small flakes in there seem like lemon peel shreds as well."

" They are."

The younger omega smiles groggily, rubbing his eyes.

" Sleep my prince, I'll wake you when I return with your meal." He says, covering Jungkook's sleepy self with a blanket

Jungkook does wake up later to have his meal, but tiredness seems to weigh down on his conscience. He eats and falls asleep again. Later that night, a thud has him jolting awake. He knows not where the sound originated from, but he does notice the moving shadow of the guards that probably rushed past his door to address the same curiosity. Retreating to the corner farthest from the door, he curls into himself, a thin blanket covering his frame, laying on folded sheets he sleeps. It brings him some comfort, for he dreams of his trees and meadows.

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