2 ('23)

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Prompt: Character A is a time traveler and  Character B asks him if he wants to make jack-o-lanterns. Character A is all for it and heads to the ever scary Walmart where he learns about retail as well as the fact no one uses turnips for jack-o-lanterns anymore.
Character(s): Yami Yugi and Yugi Muto (Yu-Gi-Oh) 
Scenario: Yami is a time traveler that learns that turnips aren't used for jack-o-lanterns anymore.
(Prompt was given to me by  Ima_tortoise)

Yami was a little surprised when Yugi had mentioned that they should make jack-o-lanterns for Halloween. 

"That's still a thing?"

"Yep! I'll get the supplies ready! Why don't you head to the store and buy whichever one you would like to carve?" 

The crimson-eyed man wasn't going to be told twice. This was his second holiday with this other version of himself and he was going to spend it doing something he was excellent at. It was a win!

Yami took the short walk to the local Walmart and entered it quietly, this was the first time he was in there by himself. The amount of newer technology was something he could never get used to and some of them flashed with weird moving pictures and weird music. Others made loud beeping noises for no reason that he could figure out. And don't get him started on the devil doors!

The crimson-eyed man made his way through the store as best as he could. He didn't get too far before he found the produce. He searched the weird water mist shelves for turnips and soon found two perfect ones. He picked them up with a bit of satisfaction and tried to find a way to pay for them. 

He took out some of the money Yugi had gave him, it was a piece of paper with the number 1,000 on it, and walked to a populated area in the store. Next to the loud beeping machines.

"Excuse me?"

A woman (who he assumed to be a worker) turned to him with a smile "Yes?"

"How do I pay for these?" He asked holding the two turnips up. The woman gave him a funny look and then pointed at the beeping machine. Yami gave his thanks and walked up to the beeping machine and set the turnips down. He looked around at the people using the other machines and saw them swiping their items on the weird clear looking thing. He tried to do the same thing but the loud beeping noise never came. 

"You have to search up the produce." An older woman said with a mocking tone

Yami tilted his head and turned back to the machine "How?"

The older woman sighed and pushed him aside, she then searched up the turnips and weighed them.


Yami put the turnips into a weird bag that was quite flimsy, Yugi told him that this was made of a thing called palstik? 

"Give me your money."

Yami turned towards the woman "What?"

"I'm not robbing you, I'm trying to help you pay." 

"Oh! Right." 

He handed her the money and watched in surprise as it disappeared into the machine, the woman handed him his change and his receipt then shooed him away. He thanked her and walked out of the store with his flimsy bag of turnips. 

"I'm back." He yelled out into the game shop as he shut the door behind him. 

"Welcome home!" Yugi's voice rang from upstairs, he was probably in his room.

He walked upstairs and entered his other self's room.

"Where are the pumpkins?" 


Yugi took the bag from Yami and looked inside "Turnips?"

"That's what you use to make jack-o-lanterns?"

Yugi laughed as he set the bag down on the floor "We haven't used turnips in quite a few years, we use pumpkins now!" 

Yami could feel his face burning, well that was a little embarrassing. 

"I'll be right back." 

The crimson-eyed man left the game shop in a hurry and reentered Walmart he stopped and looked around for pumpkins but couldn't find any. He walked aimlessly around the store until he came across a big box with a pumpkin painted on it. Yami looked inside and grabbed two that he thought would be easy to carry home. 

He went to the beeping machines again and put the pumpkins on the clear thing 

"Those you can scan." The same woman from before stated as she grabbed a weird looking hand held object with a red light coming out of it. She aimed it towards the watermelons and it made the loud beeps. Yami once again thanked the woman and grabbed the pumpkins off of the beep beep machine. 

He made the trek back home, his arms growing tired and soon he was back at the game shop. He miraculously opened the door and walked upstairs, he entered Yugi's room and set the pumpkins down on the floor.

"You're back!" 

"I brought the pumpkins." 

"I see that! Let's start carving them!" 

Yami smiled at Yugi's excitement and nodded.

This was worth the two trips to the store. 

Or was it?

31 days of Halloween OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang