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Prompt: A repetitive scary noise without any apparent source
Character(s): Tobio Kageyama
Scenario: Kageyama is alone on Halloween, he was settled into bed for the night when he started hearing a weird noise. Now terrified, he decides to investigate. 

It was the night of Halloween and Kageyama was stuck at home by himself. 

He hated being alone and being alone on the spookiest night of the year was even worse, his parents were on a business trip overseas and they were supposed to be back earlier that morning. But sadly, their trip was extended due to a meeting that got moved. 

The boy sighed as he brushed his teeth, he was trying to calm his nerves. He had no idea why he was so afraid, he knew the old stories that his sister told him weren't real. 

Kageyama was in high school for crying out loud!

He rinsed his toothbrush off and walked into his bedroom, he had all the lights on in the house. Despite his reasoning telling him that he was too old for this, he still followed along with his childhood fears. His parents were definitely going to be mad about the electric bill but he'll deal with that when they get back. 

He was beyond tired, besides making himself worry, the team had a Halloween party earlier that evening. It was fun, and being with the team helped ease his worry. But when it was time to head home he was scared. Kageyama had half a mind to ask Hinata to walk him home, or one of his Senpai's but he didn't want to be a bother. Hinata had to go over the mountain and Kageyama's house wasn't really on the way. And each of his Senpai's lived in the complete opposite direction.

The boy settled himself into bed, as soon as he went to sleep he knew he would be fine. 

He was starting to drift off to sleep when he heard a peculiar thud downstairs. Kageyama started shaking in fear, it was only one noise. He lives in an old house, old houses make noises all the time. He took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves and tried to head back to the sleepy state. 

The noise started up once more, this time it sounded more like a scratching sound then a thud. He forced himself to sit up, he didn't want to go investigate but the sound didn't seem like it was going to stop soon. 

Kageyama swung his legs over the side of his bed, he paused as he placed his feet on the ground. He didn't want to do this, he sleeps alone all the time and he's never once heard noises like this. He should just wait it out until morning. 

The boy huffed as he stood up, he should check just in case it was an animal or something. There are stray cats in the neighborhood, maybe it's just at the front door or something.

He stepped gingerly into the hallway and carefully made his way down the stairs, the noise was still sounding out throughout the house. Every step he took, it sounded like he was getting closer to the sound but he couldn't see anything peculiar. As he stepped off the stairs he paused in his steps before he rounded the corner towards the kitchen. 

The light was off!

Kageyama definitely left the light on when he went upstairs!

He gasped as he stepped into the kitchen, the floor was unusually cold.

The scratching noise sound like it was everywhere now, but he couldn't pinpoint it. He should just go back upstairs. His heart was beating quickly as he made his way back to the stairs, as he was about to step on the first step..

All the lights went out. 

The noise was much louder than before, he could barely hear his own quickened breath as he ran up the stairs. Kageyama slipped on the last step as he yelled out in fear, he ran towards his bedroom only to find that his door was locked. He jiggled the door handle trying to pry the door open, he was crying at this point. He was terrified. 

He screamed as the scratching started to come up the stairs, he ran towards the bathroom and tried the door handle. Luckily, it was unlocked. 

Kageyama ran inside and shut the door and locked it in a frantic panic. The scratching noise was upstairs with him now. His phone was in his bedroom..

What the hell was he supposed to do?!

He couldn't call the police!

The noise started towards the bathroom, he frantically hid himself in the shower. He had no idea what to do anymore! 

He wished his parents were here!

The noise stopped as it got to the bathroom door. 

He held his breath as he listened for anything, the silence was almost deafening compared to the noises. 

Kageyama jumped as the bathroom door burst open

He was sure he locked it!

His scream echoed throughout the house as the scratching noise started up again, coming near the shower. 

The shower curtain flew open and..

Kageyama was never seen again.

..is what you wanted to hear right?

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