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Prompt: You hear the scream across the hallway, but your eyes won't open and you can't move.
Character(s):  Rin Okumura
Scenario:  The ex-wires go on a trip to an abandoned insane asylum to get rid of demons. Big mistake. 

This wasn't supposed to happen. 

It was supposed to be a normal mission, but it ended horribly wrong. 

Yukio had explained to them that they were going to an abandoned insane asylum to get rid of demons that were taking negative energy around the area. As soon as they entered the place they were ambushed by demons and before anyone knew it, every single ex-wire was taken by something. 

Each of them were blindfolded and gagged. 

Rin was thrown into a room and his blindfold was taken off but he was too scared to open his eyes, everything about the room he was in was off. Starting by him sitting in a sticky substance and the horrible metallic stench attacking his nose. He blindly stumbled around the room until he heard footsteps coming near him. Was somebody in there with him?

He finally got his answer when hands grabbed his shoulders and dragged him somewhere else in the room, he couldn't get his legs to move to walk after them. He was strapped to a bed and the gag was taken off. He refused to move even his mouth. Whoever did all this was extremely powerful. 

Especially if he took down the Son of Satan. 

When the being left the room, screams immediately sounded from across the hall. Rin couldn't decipher what kind of screams they were. Screams of terror, screams of pain, who knew. 

He felt terrified himself. 

They should have done their research on past investigations on this place, then they would've realized that the abandoned asylum wasn't abandoned. 

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