"Yeah... didn't want to lose a good partner. So, what happened?"

"Got locked in my room for three days. I was at least given a box of cereal this time. Last time I wasn't given any food at all."

Taehyun cut his parachute. They landed near the jail then begun to hunt for supplies. "I know it's not my place but why haven't you called the police?"

"I don't have any family and I don't really feel like going to foster care. My birthday is in 10 months. I just need to hold out until then."

"Why don't you just stay with a friend?"

"Don't have any."

Taehyun felt really bad for him. To cut the tension, he started taking the lead in the game. They were taking out teams left and right. The fog started moving in. They found a helicopter and began to fly towards the center. After the two found a good hiding zone, Taehyun suggested "I can be your friend."

Kai quietly laughed. "Please don't feel bad for me. I'm really okay. Plus, you probably don't even live near me."

"I live in Boston. How about you?"

"Virginia Beach."

"Oh... I can still be your friend! I'm not on here too often though. School and stuff."

"Well. I'll be on here for the next three days. There's a squad to your left behind the hill. We should move."

Taehyun lead the way down the stairs. They went in opposite directions to take out the team behind the hill. As they progressed, he got to know Kai a bit more. He learned they were very different people but that's what made his partner so interesting to talk to.

Their duo ended up in 3rd. Taehyun was forced to call it a night because he had school the next day. He promised to come on tomorrow to talk to him some more.

Kai wasn't upset. He told him to have fun at school and thanked him for making his night a decent one. After Taehyun left, he joined a few other games. Call of Duty eventually got boring. He switched to Animal Crossing on his phone. It was 2am by the time he went to sleep.

When he woke up, he ate some of his dry cereal with one hand and grabbed the TV remote with the other. The TV turned on to reveal a message Taehyun left for him. "I can't game tonight but add me on snap!"

Kai scrolled through Taehyun's profile before he decided to add him. He saw how many friends the other had. It made him envious. He decided to add him thinking nothing would happen with it.

There wasn't a single post on his own profile. He only created the account so he would be ready to add friends his freshman year. Three years later, he got his first friend when Taehyun accepted. He was asked to send a couple of pictures of himself. Still not believing anything would happen, Kai threw a hoodie on and began to take mirror selfies.

Taehyun looked at the pictures in class. He couldn't believe Kai was real. He zoomed in on one of the selfies to see a two inch scar cut into his left eyebrow. The stories of abuse seemed more true now.

Soobin looked over and asked "whoa. Who is that?"

"No one!" Taehyun hid his phone away so his friend would stop being a creep. His smile returned when he saw that Kai sent him another selfie. The phone was clutched close to his chest so it would be harder for Soobin to see.

During lunch, Taehyun went to the bathroom to take a few pictures of himself. He deleted 7 out of 10 of them. The best three were sent before he returned to his friends.

Kai thought he was really cute but that's about it. He didn't get too attached to anyone since no one had ever bothered to get attached to him. That especially rung true considering how far away Taehyun lived. There wasn't a point of feeling something in his mind. He responded "cute, funny and smart. I can see why you have so many friends. It's okay if you can't join me tonight." He set his phone down and went back to eating his cereal. A hot shower was next.

Short Stories- Kai ships only!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя