Episode 10; Homecoming.

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Hello princesses, if the star is left, thank you, but if it is not left, thanks anyway.🔥😍🥺🤧

Let's get started.🔥❤️💅


3 Days Later;

I've been with daddy james for three days.
I want to see my other daddies.
It's finally time to go home.

We had a great night with daddy James.

He even said he wanted to go home after a week.

But he grumbled like a child when I told him that we had to go back both for school and for my other daddies.

We got up early in the morning and set off for home.

Half an hour later we arrived at our house.

James; "I'd love to be alone for a while, honey, but we're back because I have a job and your school."

James; "There is also my brother because he hasn't seen you for 5 days, so he and the others are confused about what to do."

Lora; "I definitely understand them."

We got out of the car and started walking towards the house.

Just then, the door opened and Daddy Kevin ran to pick me up.

Kevin;" There's no excuse tonight, you'll be with me, little darling, I can't take it anymore"

James; "Calm down Kevin, she's not going anywhere."

After saying that, he laughed.

Then we went home.

Daddy Kevin still hasn't left me, I'm sitting on his lap right now.

Daddy David came and took me from him and placed me on his lap.

David;" You were finally able to come or I would have come and picked you up, little girl."

James;"She's only been away for 5 days."

After saying that, he laughed.

David;" Of course, the weather is nice, you've been with her for five days, go there, there are a lot of paperwork, deal with them."

James; "I've just come, let me sit down and my little girl didn't give me a rest at night, right? "

I'm pretty sure I blushed after saying that.

Lora; "Daddy!!!!!"

Of course, I may have been a little mischievous, but I can't say that he was innocent either.

David;" So that's how I want to be left alone at night baby."

After saying that, he said all of them at once.

I believe my face is red so I buried my face in Daddy David's neck.

They all laughed at my action.

Offff what am I going to do with these guys???

Do you think it was too short or long?
I'll take a star if you like it princesses
I love you guys let's see.💅❤️🔥🥺☺️

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