On Terran Loneliness

Start from the beginning

Johnathan thought about that for a moment, a sinking feeling starting in the pit of his stomach. All of a sudden he realized what exactly he was standing next to, and the potential explosive capabilities of such an object.

"It should be fine. The reaction is stable... mostly. I can probably stop the reaction. Probably... All of this was just theory before I put this experiment together soooo..." The Terran took a moment to scratch his head in worry, looking a little more concerned at the glowing potentially explosive energy source he had created. "Hmmmm I'll stop this as soon as I can..."

"Query: Is The Johnathan's Doctorate real?"

The insult caused Johnathan to raise his hand for a moment, as if he was about to argue against this insult of his intelligence, before realizing that the Scythen had a point.

"In my defence, It seemed like a good idea at the time."


On Terrans

Written by Dr. B Sonettex - Quoxxett researcher.

Publishing date - 48 PST (Post Stasis Time)


This is the question most people have when you talk about Terrans. Terrans are well known in the galaxy as one of the most empathetic and friendly species. That is not to say that bad Terrans don't exist, but that on average their governments and people have and will continue to do acts of major altruism far outside the average expected results from the rest of the universe

Many people wonder why this is the case, especially as Terrans tend to have a reduced empathetic response to other Terrans, as if their willingness to help and understand is diminished by similarity.

I believe that this can be explained through two things: their media and their stubbornness.

I invite you to watch Terran movies, in particular, their "Sci-Fi fiction", anything created pre-contact. If you watch enough of them you'll start to see a pattern, a rather worrying one to be frank. Terrans seem to hate themselves and to a lesser extent other Terrans. While they do have the standard affair of stories about alien invaders and other external threats, the vast majority of their tales revolve around how terrible Terrans are. There seemed to be an assumption that when they eventually found other life, they would be the ones found lacking, that far more enlightened beings would have to tell them how to behave in a civilized manner.

Of course, if anything that is the opposite. The galaxy is full of suffering, full of evil. Genocide and slavery are common and the idea of universal unity and friendship is a tale you tell to young pups to keep them happy. Upon their first entry into the galactic community, Terrans immediately had war declared on them by the Hatil, due to no fault of their own.

Even during such a disastrous first contact, Terrans seemingly can't accept the reality of their kindness. During that initial war, the Terrans ended up planet-cracking a Hatil colony. Galactically this was considered nothing special: the Hatil had been the ones to start the war, and anything that happened to them after that was considered their fault.

Even the Hatil themselves accepted anything that came their way; most species would respond to such actions with at the very least an enforced vassalisation of their government, and many would consider genocide to be a perfectly reasonable response to such a blatant act of aggression: to remove any potential of the threat coming back and declaring war on them in fifty years.

But Terrans, Terrans lambasted what they did. The one who had given the order for the destruction of the colony now lies in prison for "war crimes", and the Terran government has poured significant amounts of resources into rebuilding the Hatil government and society, very often against the wishes of the Hatil themselves: The Hatil believe in retrospect that they deserved far worse than what they got.

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