𝟸𝟷. ʀᴏʏᴀʟ ʙᴀʟʟ

Comincia dall'inizio

"What? Why?" Flora asked putting down her shoe and faced her. "Because I don't want to bumped into Diaspro's mom again, last time I did she give me the this bad feeling. It doesn't help that she called me horrible things after finding out I was the one who got in between Sky and her daughter when we met his parents at his kingdom." Bloom said and Flora puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Like Diaspro said last time, ignore her words and you know nothing had even happen between Sky and Diaspro. They made it very clear that they don't want any part of the marriage and they like each other as siblings, besides I'm sure Diaspro will make sure to get us away from her mother if she sees us uncomfortable." Flora said and push the dress on Bloom's hands.

"Now, go change so I can help with your hair." She said and Bloom smiles. "You're right, Diaspro won't let us near her mother." Bloom said and left to change.

____[Crystal empire]

Diaspro steps out of her changing room where Sky was waiting for her since they had been forced to join the ball and greet the guests together, meaning that Helia had to come with the others with the invitation in hand

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Diaspro steps out of her changing room where Sky was waiting for her since they had been forced to join the ball and greet the guests together, meaning that Helia had to come with the others with the invitation in hand.

"How do I look?" Diaspro said as she shows Sky her red dress decorated in gems on the top, she adjusted her headband ignoring how it was glowing meaning her mother was talking to her. "Smile my dear, we have very important guests coming over. Don't disappoint." Her mother said and Diaspro sighs with a glare.

"Yes, mother." She said and the link was cut off. "You look beautiful but I'm sure you like to hear that from someone else." Sky said once the glowing headband stopped, Diaspro throws a pillow at his face her cheeks feeling hot knowing who he was talking about.

"They arrived." Sky said hearing trumpets go off holding his hand out and she takes it, both making their way to the ball room. The double door were open by her guards, she smiles waving at one of them making the guard smile with a bow.

"May I present her Royal highnesses, Princess Diaspro and Prince Sky from Eraklyon!" The announcer said his voice sounding through the ball, Sky and Diaspro bow to the crowd. "And as tradition, they should dance as a celebration of their wedding!"

Sky and Diaspro eyes widen at the revelation looking at their parents. "This was a trap." They said at the same time walking at the center of the ball holding each other and began to dance seeing the frowns on Helia and Bloom.

"Again, don't disappoint me dear. Not in front of this people, is that clear!" Diaspro's mom said her voice echoing in her head, Diaspro looks at her with a glare. "I'm going to do something that our parents won't like probably even more of my parents." She said and Sky chuckles as he spins her around.

"What are you doing?!" Esther shouts making Diaspro have enough and takes off her headband earning a gasp from her mom before the link was cut off, Diaspro steps on the headband and gives Sky a nod. Sky seeing this grins and they danced their way to Bloom and Helia, he spins Diaspro around and pushed her into Helia's arms and Sky takes Bloom into his.

𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 [𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐋𝐒 ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora