Dear Diary

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This diary is intended to document my progress on healing from whatever Keegan did to me a few days ago. Well, if you can even call it that. I just decided to scrawl this message on a blank piece of paper that I found in one of the drawers.

Today started out like any other day. Another day trying to recover. It's been 1 day since I awoke from the coma, but I still feel ill. König and Ghost waited until I woke up to surprise me with breakfast in bed. Then, we went out to the park, which felt refreshing. König got me and Ghost some ice cream to lighten the mood up a bit. Then we went home, as I began to get tired. We then had a nice dinner. 

Throughout the day though, I couldn't help to think that someone was watching me. Keegan. It then begun to peak at sunset, as I began to grow more unsettled, and my hallucinations were getting worse as the hours went by. 

I hear him. I hear him in the walls, I hear him in my head, I hear him almost everywhere. I catch occasional glimpses of him in my vision.

He said that he wasn't going to torment me anymore, but he still is. It's almost like he's lying through his teeth to me at this point.

Why? Why me? Am I going mad? Is this the price you have to pay for being possessed?

Right now, Ghost and König are asleep whilst I'm silently jotting this extract down. But I can't help to feel like I'm not alone. I can't help to feel like Keegan is about to destroy the walls of the house, and kill Ghost and König in the process of doing so.

I'm scared.

It's almost as if I can feel him writhing around in every part of my body. It's almost as if he's stalking me. It's almost as if he can hear everything that I do, every altercation that I make is seemingly being spied on, almost to the point where I feel as if I have no secrecy or privacy anymore. It's almost as if he can feel my emotions, my heartbeat, my breathing. It feels as if I live another life, as well as a third. Two of them are mine and Keegan's life, but the third... I can't describe it. It feels almost as if I'm reliving my own, yet there's no mistakes, and everything is perfect.

Please help me.

I'm afraid of the storm that is rapidly approaching.

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