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I awoke to myself being positioned in a clearing of the forest, as I feel something cold and hard pressed against my back, I look up to find myself tied to a tree by something that is gut-wrenching. My arms ache as they feel like they could drop off at any moment. A metallic taste fills my mouth.

"Ghost! König! Roach!" I shout, before seeing something amble slowly towards me, a shadow. Its footsteps are heavy and deafening as it slowly drags itself across the overgrown forest floor, the ground and trees tremor in trepidation. Fear begins to set in as my breathing quickly becomes heavy and frequent, as my heart starts pounding, almost humming like a mockingbird. Tears rapidly begin to well up in my eyes.

The shadow emerges from the clearing. I look at it. 

My eyes widen as I realise who it is. Keegan. But something is extremely wrong with him. He looks exhausted, but with a hint of madness in his eyes. Something squirms beneath his skin, something that makes him look content, yet unresolved at the same time. He looks like he's in pain, but not in pain at the same time. He looks almost... changed. His arms and legs are disproportionately skinny and gangly. His masked face is scorned with rips, inside writhes decomposing flesh, which falls off of his face onto the floor, steaming as it does so.

I resist the urge to throw up as Keegan then begins to saunter towards me, before he lays his long fingers on my face, wiping one of my tears as he does so.

"It didn't have to come to this." Keegan croaks, looking at me. His voice is abnormally hoarse.

My eyes widen as Keegan looks at me. He puts a finger on his lips, signalling me to be quiet.

"Everything has been a lie from the start." His voice quivers. "There is no "Lazarus Virus", there is no hope, there is no nothing - no happy endings. This "Lazarus Virus" is out of your control, and it will wipe the Earth forever. We are all one mind in separate entities." His voice then trails off a bit as he glares at me.

His voice then begins to take on an almost manic tone, as he chuckles sadistically. "But then again, there is something that... I want to share with you."

He then whispers into my ear. "I am the Messiah. I am God."

"What do you want from me?" My voice trembles, as I look at him. Tears fall rapidly off my face as they hit the floor.

"I will cleanse the world. I will bring salvation." Keegan at first dismisses my question. "The people that died." He continued, "Are unworthy."

A brief moment of silence fills the air as Keegan pauses.

"But, you... Y/N... are." A needle drops, as Keegan then looks at me. His speech almost beginning to derail.

"I have something planned for you, Y/N... you will be the one that gives life to this salvation, the catalyst, the one that changes the world." He finally answers my question, his voice takes on an extremely euphoric tone, as his speech then progressively begins to become quicker before slowing down once again. His eyes glint, as multiple appendages then begin to slowly protrude from his blood-soaked clothes. 

"But first..." He looks at me. "I have a surprise for you."

Keegan then produces Soap's body, which has been ravaged. He looks completely unrecognisable. Colours of sunset reds and purples encompass his skin, some of his flesh being exposed. "I made him... just for you." He says, almost being proud of his crude creation, almost dwindling Soap down to his carcass. Keegan then begins to fuse Soap's body to his own, making him larger, and taller. He now towers over me, much more than König.

"And now..." He suddenly croaks, before turning around. Then several appendages then drag Ghost, Roach and König through the clearing and position them so that their arms are outstretched, and their legs are straight. He then restrains them against their own will, before putting them against individual trees.

"I will break the backstabbing Judas." He glints at me, before I realise that Keegan is talking about Roach. 

"Keegan... please." I then start pleading. He then turns back towards me.

"You don't have to do this." 

It's too late.

Keegan then rapidly fires appendages to Roach, who looks ominously silent at me before moments later, I see him being disembowelled by Keegan. Keegan then cruelly wraps Roach's intestines around Roach's head. His body falls limp as he dies. He then fuses Roach's body to his, making him grow even larger, and he becomes extremely tall, probably even taller than Ghost and König's height combined.

I hear Ghost throw up a lot.

"Please!" I then shout at Keegan, who turns his head towards me.

"Do anything you want to me, but please!" I then plead even more, my throat beginning to hurt, as I pause mid-sentence, being brought to a state of sheer terror and panic. "Don't kill Ghost and König... please! Spare them! Spare! Them!" A hint of utter desperation and concern fills my voice as Keegan then slowly turns around to me, before he agrees.

König and Ghost then get released by the appendages. Ghost looks utterly terrified as he stares at me. König looks at me in disbelief, with a hint of delirium and terror in his eyes. Their eyes both glint silently as I hear Ghost mumble under his breath.

"Y/N... don't do this." Ghost pleads silently, before staring at me. 

Keegan then begins to march towards me, the sound of stomping is heard as near shockwaves are sent careening through the ground. Then Keegan begins chuckling almost maniacally.

"You know... that is sweet." Keegan sneers, his voice now being extremely deep. "Doing anything to protect your friends, you are brave." This almost seems like a game to Keegan.

"I'm not going to kill you." He then scoffs. "It would be a waste of potential." 

Keegan then stares at me.

"You wanted this." He says, before lifting several appendages towards me. Two of them go into my mouth and nose. One opens up the scar on my ankle, before going into it. It's agonisingly painful, excruciatingly agonising. I fall to the floor as Keegan quickly flees from the scene, the sound of deafening booms growing fainter.

I can barely make out the sound of footsteps as the sound of ringing is heard in my ears. Ghost then rests my head on his lap, as König cries onto my chest. My eyes flutter as I begin to fall into unconsciousness.

"No... Y/N." I can just about make out König's voice, as he looks at me in despair. He sinks his head into my chest before beginning to cry violently.

"Y/N... FUCKING GET UP! PLEASE!" Ghost shouts, to no avail. He droops to the floor. He then rests my head on his lap. He then picks me up, putting me over his shoulder. 

A third pair of footsteps can faintly be heard as a third grumbling voice is heard, as I pass out.

Is this death? No... it can't be, not just yet.

Surviving with Soap, Ghost and König in an apocalypse.Where stories live. Discover now