Chapter 16

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Chester wasn't as grand as Charmey had expected. Sure, there were plenty of buildings with old and antique architecture, but she preferred cities that offered more in terms of clothing and interior design, which she had appreciated in Thornhill. However, the clock tower with its pastel-colored stained glass windows was a beautiful sight, and she could spend hours watching the minute hand move between the numbers.

The move had been more or less on the horizon since she had settled into her previous apartment. As a professional assassin, she had to move between cities to make it harder for the police to locate her. Now, Fleur's discovery had also expedited the journey. However, Charmey didn't mind. The revelation three days ago had brought a kind of euphoria, an excitement that even the most enjoyable murders hadn't achieved.

Dread, knowledge, heartbeats that had frequently pounded in sync with hers. Charmey had had a hard time thinking of anything other than Fleur's rapid breaths. The memories were constant, as fresh when she took the train to the platform, strolled along the cross streets, and unpacked. It was unusual for it to linger so long—the feeling. She didn't complain, but there were also thoughts she didn't want to acquaint herself with. Breaking free from dangerous connections had never been a problem for Charmey before, but she had been unusually distracted. At worst, it could lead to her downfall. Maybe it was the punishment for letting Fleur get so close.

Urban was at least dead now. His followers could search for her forever if they wanted. Charmey was exceptionally good at leaving no traces behind.

When the last moving box was finally empty, she casually placed it to the side and stood up to inspect her new home. The layout was slightly smaller than Thornhill, and the wallpaper was dreadful—taking on a dark brown hue. Charmey rarely took the time to reflect on who had lived in the apartments before her, but there was no doubt that the previous owners had been an elderly couple with extremely poor taste. She felt like investing in renovations. The money was there, but she also intended to stay on the premises for an indefinite period. Was it worth the trouble? Her fortune would not be squandered so that someone else could enjoy the luxury.

She looked out once more through the polished window, observing the brick clock tower. Half-past five - excellent timing.

In the closet hung exclusive designer clothes sorted by color as always. Without much thought, she put on her fur coat and matching gloves. They hadn't been used for several years, and she had started to consider getting rid of them, but they would catch the 30-year-old woman's attention at the art museum.

Gang crime existed everywhere, regardless of the city. By now, most people were aware of her existence, and she had received three new orders in the last 24 hours alone. Often, they involved unsolved deals, revenge, and punishment, but this time, there were other underlying reasons.

Infidelity was a forbidden love affair that had bubbled to the surface and caused significant problems. Charmey couldn't care less about the backstory, but women were rarely the condemned. It didn't make it more difficult, but she had to reach out to these victims differently. They were often cleverer than the men they associated with. If her target had a close relationship with a gang leader, she was probably well aware of the danger she was in and the price on her head.

Charmey didn't linger any longer than necessary in the apartment, slung her handbag over her shoulder, and put the car keys in her pocket.


The city's art museum was hardly known for its paintings, although a few creative individuals had struggled to build a reputation. The mediocre brochures that hadn't blown away with the wind were pasted on every street corner in a desperate attempt to attract visitors. If Charmey had to guess, the institution wouldn't survive much longer.

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