CH.4 - S̶t̶i̶c̶k̶s̶ ̶A̶n̶d̶ ̶S̶t̶o̶n̶e̶s̶ Superfly Breaks Your Bones

693 15 25

TW: *!MUTANT MAYHEM SPOILERS!*, Broken Bones, Unconsciousness, Passing Out, CPR, Hospitals, Scary Medical Talk, Blood, Medical Supplies, Cursing

Era: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem

Summary: Aftermath of Mikey's shell getting cracked

A/N: I tried to be as medically accurate as I could but since humanoid turtles don't actually exist it's not like I can just google it. Don't use this to help an injured turtle or human. The photo on top shows some simple turtle humanoid anatomy so you can understand some parts that may not make sense otherwise. This was supposed to be Chapter 5 but I got a little too excited so now it's Chapter 4. Made some edits cuz when I re-read it not everything made sense. Sorry for the double update. 

*!IMPORTANT NOTE!*:  I can't believe I have to say this but this is NOT t-cest, CPR (the mouth-to-mouth part) is different from kissing OK?!

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A turtle's shell is a bone, it serves as their spinal cord and rib cage. A cracked shell is a severe injury and must be taken care of immediately or there is a risk of fatal infection. Even though the damage that you see on the outside may not be very severe, these shells are there to protect their organs. By cracking their shells, they are also causing damage to organs inside.

Mikey's always been prone to accidents, injuries, and getting sick. His bones were weaker than the average humanoid turtle so to say his shell cracking was terrible, is an understatement. His brothers knew he was delicate (much to Mikey's dismay) and were always prepared. As a matter of fact, Leo started to learn the basics of first aid after a sewer trip gone wrong (just a couple of scrapes and bruises but he's Leo what do you expect?). Leo was no vet or doctor though, he had limited supplies and abilities. To say the least, he was not prepared for this.

~ ~ ~

Mikey's POV:

I think I'm having asthma again, I haven't had to deal with asthma in ages so why is it acting up now? Maybe because you just fought a giant monster? Yeah, that'll do it. I won't bother telling Leo though because he'll just freak out, I can handle it myself anyway. Asthma is nothing new for me. 

Getting home was quick, maybe a little too quick, I can barely remember anything. Well, I remember that I was slower than usual but then again we all were slower so it's probably not a me thing. I start heading to our bedroom leading Raph and Donnie, Leo steps in front of us moving forward forcing us to move back into the living room. 

"Hey hey hey no one going to bed yet!" Leo announces earning a groan from everyone. "A cracked shell is a serious injury" 

"We're fine Leo, just let us sleep" I wheeze out, maybe the trip home took more out of me than I thought. "We just saved the world for god's sake" Leo looks at me with worry, shit, he noticed I'm having a hard time breathing- 

"He has a point" Donnie added before Leo could say anything

"Fine. But you can't run away from me tomorrow" Leo surrenders crossing his arms with a pout. As much as he doesn't like seeing us hurt he always wants an excuse to care for us.  

Finally, I can get some sleep. A sense of relief washes over me but only lasts a moment. It feels as if I've been hit by a truck, that'd be my adrenaline wearing off  (I learned that from Leo). My feet begin to move as if on autopilot but I think I left my head behind, everything is spinning. I'm so tired. I think I'm gonna take a nap, like, right now. The world looks fuzzy and white, it's like cotton candy, I can feel my eyeballs roll back, not a very pleasant feeling, my face collides with something hard and cold before everything goes black.  

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