1- patient

137 5 0

Caregivers: Changbin, hyunjin

3rd POV

Felix just woke up from his nap, felt little and craved a lot of attention from his caregivers. he climbed on his adult-sized crimb and fell on his butt in the process, but nothing bad, it doesn't hurt since its a little fall.

he got up and continued walking towards the stairs and went to the living room, he saw minho and jisung watching a movie. he went towards them and sad on the floor infront of them.

"Minnie?" felix said, Minho and jisung looked towards at the little sitting on the floor and smiled, minho asked "what do u need sunshine? woke up from ur nap?"
"mhm!" felix nodded with his head "and dwo you know where Apa wnd Mama at? i no see them!" felix said with a pout on his face

"well, mama and apa are out for 5 minutes, but dont worry they will come back soon alright? pls dont be sad my kitten, and since you woke up from ur nap, do u want me to make u lunch?" 

felix nodded he was really hungry since he didnt eat breakfast the morning, he was too tired to do anything since he went to sleep really late bc of the practice yesterday. so his caregivers gave him a few more hours to rest with.

"alright, can u pls wait with jisungie?" felix nodded his head once again and smiled, he went over and climbed on jisung lap while playing with his shirt. "heyy baby, what are you doing with my shirt?"

 no response, felix looks like he is zoning out. "baby?" then felix looked at him "wha?"
"what are you doing with my shirt?" "a- it just womfy and warm!! lixie like it, but.." felix looked up at him with a pout "jisungie want lixie stop?" jisung looked hurt by seeing his expression "noo- nonono u dont need to stop baby i was just confussed why u were doing it" jisung said looking at him with a smile and kissing his head "yay" felix giggled.

felix then turned his head to the side when he heard the door open. 
"APA, MAMA!!" felix ran up to changbin and hyunjin when he saw their sight at the door, but ofc the clumsy one he is. he slipped but changbin luckily caught him "hey Sunshine be careful!" 
"sworry apa.."

"its ok but be careful next time, anyways i missed you so much sunshine!" changbin said as he picked felix up "i wissed you too apa!" felix said as he gave a short peck to changbin's cheek "heyy! what about mama? i want a peck from my angel too!" felix giggled as he hard hyunjin whine.

felix felt himself get moved from changbin's hands and was on hyunjin hands now. "wheres my peck from my angel? i bet i missed you way much more then apa!" felix giggled as he hard hyunjin whine, but then he kissed his mama's cheek like he did to his apa's.

"liar! i missed him way more then you and you cant prove me wrong!" changbin kinda yelled at hyunjin, "well my angel knows i love him more then you, right angel?" "uhh well-" "see!?! he knows i miss him more then you!" changbin cut felix up and shouted back at hyunjin.
and they just fought like that and felix couldnt stop laughing. it went like that for a few minutes.

"kitten! your lunch is ready- what the actual fuck is happening here?" minho came to the living room and saw changbin and hyunjin fighting while hyunjin is holding giggling felix. "well this gu-" "nuh-uh i dont wanna hear that, i made my kitten lunch, so go feed him if yall dont mind, even though id like to, he missed you both too much plus i gotta finish a movie with jisung." hyunjin then went over to the dining table and sat felix down on the chair.

changbin followed them aswell, he wants to spend time with his sunshine. "lets see what minho hyung made you yea?" hyunjin said to felix "yas yas yassss! i hwngry!" "well looks like he made you your favorite sushi and a few boiled eggs!" "yayyy yummy!" "what do u want to drink sunshine? ill get it from you" changbin asked "awpple jwice!" felix said giggling "alright then baby ill get it for you" changbin said while giving felix a peck on the head" 

~after felix ate his lunch~

"pway pway!" felix yelled running around the living room "your so energic after you ate your lunch angel you gotta calm down.." "owayyyy but you and apa pway with me?" "yes we will play whatever you want! what do u want to do?" "hm....... hide nd swek?" "sure baby, do you wanna hide?" "naur! i wanna seek!!" "okay then go count to 20, and we will go hide, ill tell apa dont worry!" "oway! 1... 2..."

hyunjin went over to changbin "lixie wants to play hide and seek hes seeking, so go hide" "alright"

"19.. 20! hwere i go!" 
felix went over the living room and found no one, he went to the 1st floor bathrrom and still, no one. he then went to the kitchen, opened the counter and found.. "MAMA! i find ya!! hehe" "oh no... my angel found me!, well now we gotta find apa yea? "yas!!"

felix and hyunjin both went to look for changbin, felix went to changbin and chan shared dorm and found changbin under chans desk table "APA! i find you!!!" "congrats! you are so good baby proud of you!

after that they all played a lot of other games together, drawings, catch etc.. but it was getting dark.

hyunjin checked the time and saw it was 9pm, "oh angel its your bedtime now" "but me no want sweep! i pway more" felix said with a pout and puppy eyes, "i know sunshine but you need to sleep early today! yesterday you slept really late and woke up late, you're lucky me and mama gave you extra time, so no more pway, you are going to sleep now alright?" "okay apa i sleep.." "good boy my sunshine"

changin then picks felix up, puts him in his pyjamas, and puts him in his adult-aged crib and ofc he doesnt forget to put Bbokkari next to him "goodnight sunshine" changbin gives felix peck on his head.

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