Chapter 1- Percy

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"I will return sooner than you think and I will rule so watch your back Perseus Jackson."

The ominous words of last night's dream still echoed in my mind as I made my way to the dining pavilion for breakfast. Despite having such a cryptic message delivered to me, I smiled as I watched some Apollo kids in the basketball court beating a group of Ares campers in a match.

I turned away before continuing to my table. My girlfriend Annabeth jogged over to me and laced her fingers through mine. "Hey Seaweed Brain," she said, squeezing my hand.

"Hi," I replied absently.

She frowned and asked, "Are you alright? You seem a bit distracted."

Startled, I pulled myself out of my thoughts and hurriedly stammered, "I, um... I'm fine"

Annabeth rolled her eyes before stating, "You know it's no use lying to me. Come on, what's wrong?"

I sighed. She was right: there was no point in lying. "It's just dreams; I'll be fine."

Her eyes searched my face for any signs of tales. I kept a straight face, my mind flickering back to my dream. After a few seconds, Annabeth stopped, having found no evidence. She shrugged and turned back to the dining pavilion. "Come on, we better go and claim our usual table before someone else pinches it.

Hand-in-hand, we walked over to our usual table and sat. Instantly, our craved breakfasts appeared in front of us. That's just one of the awesome things about Camp Half Blood: at meal times, all we need to do is think about what we want.

Annabeth got some eggs and bacon and in front of me, a plate of pancakes drowning in maple syrup appeared. "They're drowning Percy," Annabeth complained.

"I'm a son of Poseidon," I replied. "I can't drown and neither can my pancakes."

"Seaweed Brain"

I hadn't even taken my first bite when a horn sounded, signalling one of two things: the Hunters of Artemis had arrived or...

"An attack!" Annabeth gasped.

I sprang up and raced towards Half Blood Hill, where I saw the rest of the demigods gathering. When I arrived, my heart sank. This wasn't just a few monsters, it was an army.

Scowling, I uncapped my lethal ballpoint pen, Riptide. Instantly, a 3ft celestial bronze sword sprang into form. I sighed, gripped Riptide in both hands and charged.

I slashed and dodged, turning monsters into golden dust all around me. My body went into autopilot and my mind started wandering, once again turning to the ominous message from my dream. You see, demigod dreams are never just dreams: they can be warnings, visions or prophecies.

After pondering this for a few minutes, I turned my attention back to the battle at hand. Suddenly, I felt the coolness of a weapon on my neck and a pair of hands gripping me from behind.

A knot appeared in my stomach as a voice like a dagger being scraped on stone, a voice I had heard very recently hissed, "Hello Περσέας Τζάκσον, didn't I tell you to watch your back? Anyways, did you miss me?"

{Sorry about the wait. Anyways, here's chapter 1. Also sorry about the crappy battle scene, I'm not used to writing them. Hopefully they will get better further through the book. That's all from me for now. Byeeeeeee}

*Word count: 567 words*

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