How it all began

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I was taking a walk through the city. My headphones on and my eyes glued to my phone while i tried to find the right song on Spot*fy. I had my phone in one hand and my Frappuccino Chocolate Coffee in my other hand. Obviously, i wasn't looking where i was going, but most of the time, people move out of the way, so i didn't really care. That is, until i bumped into a well dressed fellow. When I bumped into him, he was on the phone. He looked like he wasn't paying attention to the world around him either, but right before i fell after bumping into him, he caught me. His hand was wrapped around my waist, while he kept talking to his phone. He didn't even look at me. His expression was calm and serious. I was a bit flustered, since i didn't expect to bump into someone and even if i did, i never would've thought that person would catch me in a way that made it seem like we were in some kind of romance movie.

He ended the call and his eyes finally landed on me.

"Sorry, did i bump into you? My bad." The man spoke. His voice seemed to carry a slight chuckle and a light playfulness that made him sound extremely sexy.

I looked down at the floor, feeling slightly embarrassed, when i noticed the string on the man's finger. I felt my heart throb. Of course this man was also connected to someone, why wouldn't he be? That's when i noticed that the string on his finger was connected to my hand. My eyes widened and i quickly grabbed his hand, while observing the string on his finger. It was definitely connected to the string on my finger, but how? I had never been connected to someone before today, so why now? Why him?

Then suddenly, the man cleared his throat and I realized i had just been holding his hand for a noticeably long time and I don't even know him.

I quickly let go of his hand and apologized. "Sorry..." i laughed awkwardly, hoping to relief some of my embarrassment and to make the situation less weird, but to my surprise, the man chuckled.

"It's alright," he smiled, "my name is William. What's yours?"

Despite the fact that William looked extremely busy, he seemed to have enough time to have a casual chat with me.

"I'm Louis... it's nice to meet you, sir" i responded. The man chuckled again and i could feel my cheeks grow warmer.

"Sir?" William repeated, "Do i really look that old?" He asked.

He seemed to be asking it as a joke, but i had a feeling that if i answered 'yes' he would get offended. Not that he actually looked old or anything, i was just trying to be polite.

Before i could answer his question, William's phone started ringing as he got another call. As i said, he seemed quite busy. He picked up the call and told the person on the other side of the line to wait. He put his phone against his chest and turned to me.

"I don't have a paper i can write my number on, so here's mu business card." William said, as he handed me a small beige card with his number on it that he had taken out of his pocket. "Call me if you ever feel like having a drink with me." He ended, and he put his phone back to his ear again and walked off.

I was completely speechless. After mentally collecting myself, i put my headphones back on, but this time, i decided to actually pay attention to where i was going. Later, i arrived at my apartment that i shared with my best friend, Collin.

Collin was the only person who actually believed me when i told him about how i can see people their fates. Although, he does think it's because i'm in a cult and he has repeatedly asked me how he can join. After a while, i got sick of explaining to him that i was not in a cult, but that i was born with this power, so i just told him that i was sworn to secrecy by the cult and that he is the only other person who knows about the cult. Luckily, he believed my ridiculous lie and stopped bothering me.

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