Little ghost adventure

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Dear diary,
Its currently 3:09am and I feel like a one week kept trash bag. Currenly I am

I was forced to stop writing because of a weird noise around my house. Keiko told me she'd be having a sleepover tonight and won't be home, so I have a valid reason to be paranoid about the noises.

Of course, my go to call would be Hu Tao in situations like these since she talks to spirits and is known to be the best exorcist around the block.

All I have to do now is wait for her to pick up my call.

I was looking out my window and it was really dark outside, even with all those street lights. Suddenly I saw a shadow in a form of a person and-

Creak, creak.

I looked around my room, trying to notice where that sound came from until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hehehe, did I scare you?"


I was still feeling very afraid, looking around every corner of my room to see where the sounds were coming from.

"The creaks?"

"Oh. That was you." Seems Hu Tao had answered my call and I didn't even notice.


While Hu Tao was making fun of me I saw another shadow figure in the background, but now it was inside my room for a split second.

"Listen Tao this is a very dangerous situation I need you to be here with me."

"What situation?"

"I think there's a ghost in my house. I-"

Call ended.

Why would she end the call with me right now? Don't tell me a ghost cut off my signal.

I took my table lamp and turned it on, also closing the blinds, not wanting to be startled if a ghost is right there.

After 10 minutes of paranoia and not being able to fall asleep, I heard a knock on my door.

I ignored it the first time I heard it. Maybe I was just imagining things just like Hu Tao always tells me.

But then I heard another knock on the door... and another...

I was thinking it was all over after the last knock but suddenly I heard my phone ring.

I picked up the phone and it read 'Yae Miko'. She was calling me through... instagram?

"Y-yes Miko?" I sat down on my bed, still being wary of my surroundings.

I slowly began going towards the front door, even though nobody would do that in a situation like this.

"I'm surprised you're still awake, I was calling to just check if you had actually edited anything today."

While listening to her talk, I peeked through the front door, and to my surprise, it was none other than Hu Tao.

"Oh, I finished it, don't worry... but why are you calling me so late?" I closed the door in front of Hu Taos face, not letting her in just yet.


Yae stayed silent for a bit but then spoke up.

"No reason really... ac-" Her voice cut off a bit and I couldn't hear the last words, but I didn't think much of it.

I suppose I'm not really surprised that she called me in the middle of the night asking me about the book. To me it seems like she thinks I don't follow deadlines.

I opened the door and Hu Tao rushed inside.

"If that was all then goodnight Miko." I smiled.

"Right... goodnight little one."

I ended the call and turned to Hu Tao. "Please do some ritual here Hu Tao, I swear."

She had a smug face splattered all across her face. "Goodnight Miko~"

"Aish, stop that!" I playfully pushed her.


We were silenced once we saw a big shadow coming from my window again, the lights were hitting the windows curtains and the shadow was seen right on the bottom side of the window.

Hu Tao then slowly and quietly started taking steps towards the window, grabbing a random candle that was literally in her pocket for some reason and lighting it up.

As we both moved closer, the shadow started moving and-

"AAAH!" We both jumped from fear latching onto each other after Hu Tao had opened the curtains.

"Oh it's just a pigeon."

We both looked at each other, and not even a second later burst out laughing.

"You called me FOR THIS?" She took her phone out taking photos of the pigeon while laughing like a maniac.

"Listen I didn't know okay!" I sighed, looking at the pigeon.

"I can't believe I drove 10 minutes here for this. You owe me one Y/n~!" She then laid on top of my bed yawning. "Let's do something else that's fun, since the ritual wasn't needed!"

"Tao I literally haven't slept not even one hour." I sat down on my bed right next to Hu Tao. "I was working on editing my book for hours, not to mention I came home late from tutoring because little Rob didn't understand anything at all." I sulked.

"Alright, I'll let you sleep then. But treat me to dinner today, I did do my job after all~!" She giggled and I made my way to the living room to sleep the night there. No way I'm letting Tao sleep on a rock hard couch.

"Today is going to be a long day indeed..."

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