Chapter 49 - Underwater Task

Start from the beginning

She edges towards me, smiling.

"The handsome one... Cedric."

I grab the egg.

"Well, go on.  Open it."

I put it into the water and open it but can't really see so I put my head under the water.

There are beautiful voices singing as bubbles float around the egg.

"Come seek us where our voices sound... we cannot sing above the ground.  An hour long you'll have to look... to recover what we took."

I need to catch my breath so I resurface, and Merida, who was under with me, also comes up.

"Merida... there aren't merpeople in the Black Lake, are there?"

She edges closer to me.

"Very good.  It took Cedric ages to riddle it out."

I move away from her but she keeps moving with me.

"Almost all the bubbles were gone."

She pretends to snap at me and I move further away as she laughs.

She moves closer and rests her head on my shoulder, making me feel uncomfortable but I'm not getting out of the bath while she's here.

Later, in the library, I'm tired of looking through books and I'm scared of what's to come so I lay my head down.

"Harry, tell me again," Hermione says.

"Come seek us where our voices sound."

"The Black Lake, that's obvious."

"An hour long you'll have to look."

"Again, obvious.  Though, admittedly, potentially problematic."

"Potentially problematic? When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?"

"Look, Harry, we can do this.  We can figure this out together."

"Hate to break up the skull session," Crouch Junior says as he approaches us.  "Professor McGonagall wants you in her office."

I move to stand.

"Not you, Potter, just Weasley and Granger."

"But, sir," Hermione protests.  "The second task is only hours away, and..."

"Exactly.  Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep.  Go.  Now!"

Hermione and Ron leave the library.

"Longbottom," Crouch calls and Neville appears.  "Why don't you help Potter put his books back."

Crouch leaves the library and Neville comes over to me as I sort out the books.

"You know, if you're interested in planets you'd be better off with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology.  Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal who's growing gravity-resistant trees?"

"Neville, no offence, but I really don't care about plants."

He turns to leave.

"Now, if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breath underwater for an hour then great.  But otherwise..."

"I don't know about a turnip.  But you could always use gillyweed."

~Bella's POV~

Everyone's leaving for the boats for the next task.  I sit on my bed just thinking about what's going to happen.  There's a knock at the door and Bam walks in.

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