Chapter 5 - Emberlee

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~Emberlee's POV~

Most people, or in my case, witches don't remember much about being babies but I do.

I don't remember being born, when I took my first steps, what my first word was or when it was but I remember my parents.

I remember my father's dark brown hair, his glasses and his smile, and I remember my mother's long dark blonde hair.

But most of all I remember they worshipped the ground I walked on.  We did everything together – went swimming, camping, took long walks in the woods, and they would teach me little bits of magic – that was until they came along...

Mom said she had a baby in her tummy, then it was two, then three and to begin with I was excited that I would have three new brothers or sisters to play with but when they were born, things changed.

Mom and Dad had three babies to look after and no longer had time for swimming, walks or any of the things we used to do.  They were always feeding them, changing them, rocking them to sleep and when the babies were finally asleep; my parents were too tired to play with me.  I was only two and didn't understand that one day the babies would be big enough to not need my parents so much but I never got to find that out.

Soon after the babies arrived, my parents started sending me to their friend's house to play with their son who was the same age as me.  Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were great people and loved having me round to play with Draco – and me and Draco were close – but they weren't my parents.

I was at the Malfoy's when it happened – when my world was torn apart – when my parents were killed.

I will never forget that day, any of it...

I was three years old, the triplets one but they were crying, again.  Mom and Dad were cursing, saying about not having any sleep in over a year, and then Mom came in and said she was taking me to play with Draco.

I hated leaving my parents but I also hated being anywhere near the triplets so I went willingly.

I'd been playing with Draco for almost the whole day, and it was dark outside when Narcissa and Lucius came into the living room where we were playing.  Lucius took Draco out of the room and Narcissa lifted me onto her lap.

That was when she told me my parents were dead – when my whole world crumbled.  I had screamed so loudly at that moment that I expect the whole world heard me.

Lucius and Narcissa said I would live with them which I was pleased about because I didn't know anyone else.

I was told that two of the triplets – Harry and Hollie – were going to live with my mother's sister in the Muggle world whereas Bella would be going to stay with another of Mom and Dad's friends somewhere else in the Muggle world.

To be honest, I didn't care what happened to them – I hated them – as far as I was concerned, they stole my parents from me and now I will never ever see them again.  No, when I get a chance, I am going to get revenge on those little brats for ruining my life.


It's the 1st September 2005, a month since the triplets turned 12 and I have a strong feeling I'm going to be seeing them again today for the first time in 11 years.

I was in my first year at Hogwarts when I found out how my parents died.  The Malfoys wouldn't tell me, kept telling me to forget about it but how do you forget parents you loved more than the world?

I was sitting on the train with Draco when two boys came to the door of the compartment.

"Hey, aren't you Emberlee Potter?"

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