Chapter 23 - Finding the Truth

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This morning I woke up I had my day all planned out which was doing some research and finding out what Edward really is.  I get dressed and go downstairs where Dad is reading the paper and eating cereal.  I do the same and began eating.

"Where's Mom?" I ask.

"She's on a road trip to Phoenix with one of her friends," he replies.

I nod.

"I'm gonna go down to the bookstore okay," I say.

"Alright hun!"

After breakfast, I head to a book store and search for a particular book with information on the 'Quileute Legends' that Jacob had mentioned once to me.  When I find it, I purchase it and quickly go home.  I go straight to my desk that has my laptop on it.  I read through the book and found a phrase.

"Cold Ones," I mumble to myself.

I type in the phrase into the Google bar and websites pop up.  As I look through, I find a page which seems to state all the facts to me... powerful hearing... cold touch... fast... strong... can jump incredible heights... immortal.

And a sentence reads 'vampires.'  I continue reading and I'm now totally convinced at what he was.  Of course.  Tom had known him so he must have been around 50 years ago and by Tom's reaction, he hasn't aged a day.

Plus there's the fact Tom had clearly cast the Killing Curse on him yet he was alive and well, walking around as if nothing happened.

I close the book and turn off the laptop.  I head outside and to the park where we would all hang out.  I find Edward sitting with his siblings and there are a lot of teenagers here today which is odd.  I glance at him for a few seconds before I head towards the woods.

I know he's following me so I keep going until we're deep in the woods.

I drop my stuff, stop and stand with my back towards him.

"You're impossibly fast and strong, I've noticed your skin is pale white and ice cold, you never eat or drink anything, I've never seen you come out in the sunlight, your eyes change colors which is weird, and I know Tom used the Killing Curse on you."

He comes right up behind me.

"How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen, Bella."

"Don't lie to me, Edward.  I've known you for years; I know when you're lying."

"Okay, I'm seventeen."

"How long have you been seventeen?"

"A while!"

I gasp.

"I know what you are."

"Say it... out loud."


"Are you afraid?"

I turn around and faced him.  "No."

"Then ask me the most basic question... what do we eat?" he says in a strained voice.

"You won't hurt me," I declare.

He huffs before he grabs my hand and starts pulling me through the forest.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Up the mountain out of the cloud bank... you need to see why I don't come into the sunlight," he says and pulls me onto his hack.  "Hold on tight."

I wrap my arms round him and he practically flies through the forest until we reach a spot where the sun shines through the trees.  He moves toward the sunbeams and begins to unbutton his shirt.

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