Chapter 45 - Dragons

Start from the beginning

We all stay silent.

"Very well," Dumbledore says.  "Good luck, champions.  Mr Diggory, at the sound of the cannon, you may..."

The cannon goes off, shaking the tent, and the crowds begin to cheer.

Dumbledore points Cedric towards the door as the crowds begin chanting his name.

Me and Harry sit together like frightened little children as one by one the others go to complete the first task.

"Why are we so scared?" I ask.  "We faced Voldemort, twice."

"Voldemort, I guess, was more predictable than any dragon."

'Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task,' Dumbledore announces from the arena.  'And now our fourth contestant, Harry Potter.'

"Good luck," I say.

"You too.  See you at the end."

~Harry's POV~

The crowds start chanting my name as I make my way outside.  The egg is within sight so I stop and look around for the dragon.

I can't see it so I start toward the egg but then there's a roar from above so I look up and watch in fear as the dragon flies in front of me but it tilts its head and stares at me like it recognises me and then something occurs to me...


The dragon seems to smile before it puts its head down and nudges me so I smile and stroke him on the top of the head.

"Well, this is new," Dumbledore says.

"It's Norbert," Ryan shouts.

I simply walk across the rocks, pick up the egg and hold it up.  That was easier than I thought.

"Harry, Harry," everyone begins to chant.

I join the other champions and I look to the tent, waiting for Bella to make an appearance.

'Now for the fifth and final contestant,' Dumbledore announces.

Bella appears at the cave entrance as everyone cheers her name.

Like me, she looks around for the dragon but cannot see it's above her and none of us are allowed to shout out to help her.

As she goes for the egg, the dragon's tail comes down and nearly hits her, making us all gasp.

It tries hitting her again but misses so breathes fire at her.  I can't watch so I turn away – but only briefly.

The dragon continues to attack my sister as she tries to get away and so far she's avoided every hit.

The dragon manages to throw Bella before firing at her again but Bella manages to avoid it.

"Your wand, Bella," Hollie shouts, breaking the rules.  "Your wand!"

"Accio Firebolt!" she shouts but nothing happens so Bella makes another run for it.

Suddenly her broom appears and she jumps onto it, barely avoiding another fire breath.

We all cheer.

Bella flies at the egg but misses when another fire breath comes at her.

The dragon tries going after her and snaps its chain.

Bella flies into the audience, making many of us scream as the dragon follows her.

We lose sight of both of them and I am shaking with fear until Bella returns and grabs the egg, ending the task.

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