4. Just a dare

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hii guys!! i just wnana thank u all again for all the views, i appreciate it a lot <3333 anyway enjoy this part, it may be the second last part but im not sure.. in the future ill write longer stories once i get the hang of it!!!


Taesan POV
I was walking in circles around my room, trying to remember what I was missing. I swear I had 4 homework to be due today, but how come I only packed 3 inside my schoolbag? I can't ask anyone but Jihye since she's the only one in my class, but I'm scared to text her. Is she still mad? I checked the time, if I don't go out by 7:30, I'll be late for school. I gave up thinking and just exited my house. I'll just say I lost my homework, the teacher will accept that, I'm sure.

I arrived at school and saw Leehan talking to Sungho, Riwoo, Jaehyun and Woonhak. I walked over there and said hi. "Ooh!!! It's the new couple." Woonhak teased. "Shut up!" I replied. Me and Leehan had the same class for the first period so we went together. "Did you tell Jihye?" Leehan asked. "I'm going to." I reassured him and he smiled back. After the first period, we went to our next classroom. "Shit, Jihye's in the next class, and I have to hand in my homework in the next class, should I ask her or look for my homework more?" I thought. Leehan said he was going to the washroom, so I went to the classroom first.

I arrived at my classroom and continued to search for my missing homework, while I was looking, someone bumped into me. Looking up, I see Jihye. "Hi Taesan! Can we forget what happened please?" she said. Her attitude changed a lot, I don't know what has gotten into her... This is suspicious, but I don't want to lose a friend, so I nodded. "By the way, are you looking for this?" She held up one of my homework. I nodded quickly and grabbed it back. "Where did you find it?" I asked her. "Oh I don't know, I just found it." She crossed her arms. "Um by the way..." Jihye put a finger on her mouth. "I already know." She smirked. 

"So you're okay with it?"

"Of course! I'm your best best bestfriend! I'll never not support you. Maybe I don't like Leehan but I still like you as a friend, so I'll always support you!" She smiled weirdly. I smiled back awkwardly.

At this moment, Leehan came back and I was relieved. My conversation with Jihye was super awkward so I really needed him to come. "Hello Leehan! Sorry about everything I said disrespectful to you but I really have to tell you something." Jihye suddenly said as she came over to our seats, "my house after school? I have something to tell you." "Uh, why can't we do it in the cafe with Taesan?" Leehan replied. "I need to talk to you specifically." She said. "Okay then." Leehan said. Leehan looked at me to confirm if I am okay with it and I nodded back, and he smiled in response.

Leehan POV

I arrived at Jihye's house and I placed my bag down on her sofa. "So what did you want to say?" I asked her. "Um... so listen! You better trust me with what I'm about to say, okay?" Jihye said. I nodded. "One day, me and our friend group were playing truth or dare, and I dared Taesan to make you fall for him. Then you guys will date. So... Taesan doesn't really like you. The drama we had was scripted and we had a backup plan in case you didn't eavesdrop too! So... I'm sorry for you." Jihye admitted. "Are you sure? How can I know if you're telling lies?" I asked her, being suspicious. Jihye fished out two slips of memo paper from her pocket. On it has Taesan's handwriting and it writes:

hi jihye!!!!! im gonna start the plan. the drama will be like a few months after we r friends and then now im gonna sit in the staff room and attract him somehow cuz i heard hes going to the staffroom. - taesanie <3

hi taesanie!!! :)) good,, the dare should go very well. - jihye<3

Without thinking much, my heart dropped. Taesan was doing this all for a dare? But I liked him so much, he didn't like me back? Why am I even surprised anymore, why would such a handsome guy like me? I threw the memo papers on the floor and asked to go to the washroom. Jihye nodded.

I was filled with anger and sadness. How could Taesan do this? A popular guy - me, being pranked the whole time, very embarrassing. I couldn't dare to tell the public. I messaged Taesan angrily.

u were doing all of that JUST FOR A DARE?? im so mad at u, how could u? i shouldve known such a handsome man wouldnt easily fall for a random popular guy at school. u were tricking me all along and this is embarrassing me?? how could u do this to me? i trusted u, taesan. i really did. it's been 4 months of our friendship and it ends up like this bc u were doing all of the loveydovey things bc of a freaking dare. i hate u. dont talk to me. we're breaking up.

leehanie r u ok? what dare r u talking about??? what happened????

[not sent]
leehanie please reply 😭😭
[not sent]

Taesan POV

I was so confused when I read Leehan's text. What happened to him? Is he okay...? What does he mean by just a dare? What dare? I've never played truth or dare since elementary... i sat on bed. thinking. wow, our relationship ended fast... i really liked him...

Leehan POV

Once I rushed home, I plopped on my bed and started hitting my pillow while tears streamed down my cheeks. Why is life so complicating? Why's Taesan still acting innocent when he knows I know already? He should just accept the fact he never loved me... 

1 hour later...

There were a few knocks on the door that woke me up, it was my mom calling me to eat. "I'll be there!" I replied. My cheeks were dry of tears and I remembered what happened. I went to the washroom to wash up and suddenly realization hit me. Why did I determine so fast? What if Jihye lied, since she was jealous already? Oh wait, that was scripted. Or was it? A bunch of thoughts went in my mind while washing up. After dinner, I went to my bed and checked my phone. No new notifications. I left the groupchat because of what happened. After thinking a long time, I felt like I needed to talk to Taesan. 


hi guys!!! schools starting for me so i wont be able to start a new story but ill try to write longer stories in the future!!! :)) theres 1-2 more chapters for this story and ill try to upload it soon after some finishing touches!!!

next chapter release date: 6th sept

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