Chapter 36 - Revelations

Start from the beginning

"What?" Bella asks.

"I thought I saw... never mind."

"Let's go," Edward urges so we make our way up the hill where we stop and look back at Hagrid's, watching with sadness as the executioner kills Buckbeak.

Bella moves closer to Edward and he puts his arms round her as Hollie does the same to me, and Hermione with Ron.

Ron gasps and drops his rat.

"He bit me.  Scabbers."

Ron looks around and then runs after him.  We chase them both, calling Ron to stop but he's more interested in catching his rat.

When Ron catches the blasted thing, we stop.

"Harry, you do realize what tree that is?" Hollie asks.

"That's not good.  Ron, run!" I shout.

Ron looks up at us and a look of fear appears on his face as he looks at us.

"Guys, run!" he says back to us.

We turn to see the Grim standing a few feet away.

"Move aside," Edward warns as he shoves the four of us in different directions before turning to Ron.  "Ron, put the rat down and stay still."

The Grim begins to run at Ron.

"Ron, the rat," Edward shouts again but Ron ignores him.

The Grim grabs Ron's leg and begins dragging him away.

"Ron," we all shout and start towards him but Edward stops us.

"He's gonna kill Ron," Harry shouts.

"No, he's after the rat," Edward informs us.  "Ron will be fine."

We watch helplessly as Ron is dragged underneath the tree.

"We can't get in that way, come with me," Edward says.  "All of you take my hands."

We do as he says and he apparates us inside an old hut.

"We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione asks.

"Come on," Edward says before he leads us up some stairs where we find Ron sitting on a sofa with Scabbers in his hand, and he's whimpering like a baby.

We go over to him.

"Where's the dog?" Harry asks.

"It's a trap, he's the dog," Ron whimpers.  "He's an Animagus."

We turn to see Sirius Black standing beside Emberlee.

"You?" I hiss at my older sister.  "You were the one who let him into the castle?"

"Yes, but you've all jumped to the wrong conclusion as usual," she says.  "When will you learn to keep your nose out of things?"

"Does Malfoy know what you're up to?" Bella asks.

"Of course he does, we don't keep anything from each other.  He just doesn't want to get involved."

"I'm surprised he hasn't reported the two of you," Hermione says.

"We also stick together and would never get the other into trouble."

Hermione stands in front of me, Hollie and Bella.

"If you want to kill them, you have to kill me too."

"Hermione, relax," Edward says.  "Emberlee's right, you have all jumped to the wrong conclusion, again."

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 1 (a Harry Potter/Twilight/Jackass crossoveWhere stories live. Discover now