"No but when McGonagall and Snape hear that you've left the castle without authorisation," Hermione says.  "You three will be in big trouble."

"How dare you talk to me! You filthy little Mudblood."

"If you ever call her that again," Bella growls as she steps between Hermione and Malfoy.

"And what are you going to do about it, you little bitch?"

"Don't push me, Malfoy.  I have nothing to lose here."

"Oh, yeah!" he smirks.  "Cus your precious Edward left you didn't here.  He, like everyone else, didn't care about you.  Why would anyone love a poor little orphan like you?"

To my surprise, Bella bursts into tears and runs off, and then without warning, Bam punches Malfoy and goes after my sister.

~Bam's POV~

I find Bella sitting on a fallen tree, sobbing her heart out so I crouch down in front of her.

"Hey, why didn't you just punch him? You're the most violent girl I know."

She ignores me.

"Listen, I'm sorry.  I know you've been warned but Malfoy's wrong, you have plenty of people who love and care about you."

"Then why aren't they here?"

"Because they know when to give you space.  Me on the other hand..."

I smirk and she sniggers a little.

I sit on the log beside her and take her hand but she pulls it away.

"What? I can't hold your hand now?"

"No, of course you can.  I just think, maybe, it means something a little different to you."

"Okay, so tell me something.  You like me right?"

She nods.

"Brandon, please, don't do this."

Okay, she's never called me Brandon before, this must be serious.


"Because you're about to ruin everything and... I need you."

She sighs as she wipes the tears from her face.

"Well I've got loads of time.  I'm not gonna give up."

"I don't want you to but it's because I don't want you to go anywhere.  I know that's really selfish... I'm broken and I can't be fixed."

"It's because of him right?"

There's silence.

"Look, I know what he did to you.  But Bella, I would never ever do that.  I won't even hurt you, I promise.  I will never let you down."

She looks at me.

"You can count on me."

She rests her head on my shoulder and I put my arm round her before kissing her on the forehead.

~Hollie's POV~

We know Bam will look after Bella so the rest of us go back to the village where Harry tells us about the map Fred and George gave him.

"Those weasels! They never told me about any Marauder's Map," Ron complains.

"Harry isn't going to keep it," Hermione says.  "He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall.  Aren't you?"

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 1 (a Harry Potter/Twilight/Jackass crossoveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें