Sanji x Reader

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Live Action One Peice is out and i love Sanji even more now.
Luffy and the crew walked into a bar that was having a night party....

"Please follow me" the Host said leading us to a table. We had talked for a while till i went to the bathroom
"What do you want to drink?" Robin said
"Strawberry Lemonade please"
She did a small smile as i walked off

When i was leaving the bathroom i saw the crew dancing and Usopp singing quite well on the stage.

"(Y/n) dance with meee!" Sanji said grabbing my hands
"Oh..h sure!"
(Yes inspo is the dance in the vid)

We had kept dancing till early in the morning and everyone was asleep. Except for me and Sanji

"(Y/n) follow me)"
"Sure Sanji"
He took me to the roof and took my hand and placed a kiss on top
"May i have this dance my dear?"
I nodded yes as he grabbed my waist and hummed a tune and did a waltz with me
(Like the notebook dance in the rain)

I had yawned a little placing my head to his chest. He stopped a looked down at me
"Just a little"
He picked me up and carried me to the ship passing the rest of the crew
"We'll go to the ship to be alone okay darling?"
Sanji had walked to his room and layed me down getting next to me

He pulled me close and soon fell asleep smiling at the thought of us.
Watch live action one piece i think its pretty good
Have a good night/ day and ill try to put more oneshots

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