Sanji× Nervous!Reader

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AN:1st oneshot tell me how yall feel bout it
It was another beatiful day on the Thousand Sunny.
Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper were running and playing as Nami,(Y/N),and Robbin laid on beach chairs and Zoro was lost trainning somewhere.*💓❤️💓❤️* My golly what is that noise?!

"NAMI, ROBBINNN,(Y/N) MY DARLINGSS."Sanji had yelled from across the ship

The sound of a simp seems to be coming near...

"Hello my angles, may i offer you some of the finest drinks to cool you off.",Sanji said charmingly. You had gentle smiled at the cook in a thank you as the other ladies did the same sending the poor man into a heart attack.

As Usopp, and Chopper dramticly fell to the floor."GIVE ME A DAMN BREAK, WHY CANT YOU DO IT YOURSELF!"The cook yelled as he walked back to the kitchen.

"You know (Y/N), this would be the best time to talk to Sanji alone~."Nami said evilly," Indeed it is."Robbin agreed
Are they crazy?!
Sure i had taken a liking to the blonde cook but i couldnt tell him
Plus there are much more girl suited for him expectally Nami and Robbin....
"Im not sure i could do that." I said quietly."Well its now or now!" Nami said with a huge smile as she pushed me towards the kitchen.
" Robbin please help me!!" I peeped out."Im sorry (Y/N) i couldnt hear you, oh well" Robbin said with a small wave and smile.
*slam and click!*
Nami had locked the door, not to my suprise Sanji looked back to see me...praying?
"(Y/N) my dear whats the matter?" He said walking towards me. "Nothing at all Sanji, i just need to tell ypu someting..." I said trailing off, talking quieter and quieter.

"YOU CAN TELL ME ANYTHING MY ANGLE"Sanji spoke doing his weird worm dance. I looked to the side planning on how to word it...may as well go for it(at least Zoro is still an option)
" Sanji...I really like you"
"I said i like you Sanji"
Silince all aroung as he looks at me and i look at him, i could feel myself shrinking more and more.
"(Y/N) you really mean it?"
" Yes i do, i feel like i-"
"-love you"
"-love you"
Sanji had gently grabbed my hand and brought it up to his face and hugged me...

"I never would have though someone like you could love me back" The curly browed cook laughed
Then he did the best thing ever
" (Y/N) could i kiss you please"He asked holding me closer.
"Yes you can."
That way the first oneshot it was 471 words im sorry if that is a bit short
Again feed back is appertiated and have a wonder day/night

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