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    Nami's trees are imortant to her, maybe more important then money. So to have her trust in taking carr of them for her, it makes me feel very special....

  I had secretly aboad the ship when i here my big brother Usopp was going with them, i was found within an hour by the green haired swordsman. Good thing Luffy like me enough to let me stay, Usopp wasnt happy. But that was a year ago.

      "Hey (Y/nnnn)!!"Luffy called out to me,
"Sorry Luffy i gotta take care of Nami's trees first then i can."
    I heard Luffy groan and the footsteps, "You wont play because you want to *win* Nami's love before Sanji"
   I turn to see Franky behind me and as well as a beatiful orange haired girl walking towards me. I glared at my blued hair friend to tell him to buzz off....she is here

"Hello (Y/n)! How are my beatiful babies!"
"Just wonderful Nami"
" I expexted nothing less from my lovely girlfriend" She said smiling then kissed my cheek
"  Maybe you can help me with some other fruit like melons later~" she said tgen walked off

...Whats that mean? Then i heard Usopp yell at Nami
  Thus was 215 words im sorry for the short one btw i do know othe hot charaters then the strawhats but they will come soon have a good day/night

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