Of Course

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Tara's POV

It's been at least 1 week since me and Amber made it official not much has happened since then either. I found it weird how ghost face only attacked once I haven't seen Sam either, Amber still hasn't been to her house we decided to walk there so she could get her car

"I'm disappointed in my self, I should've came to get my car a lot sooner" Amber mumbled kicking rocks, when Mindy and I called the police about Ambers dad murdering Kathleen it was almost like it never happened.

They probably thought it was a group of kids trying some sick joke "It's fine Amber at least you won't have to walk to get to where you want"
When we got to her house she pulled her keys out of her pocket

When she opened the door nothing was here. He probably came back and cleaned everything up, Amber ran upstairs to see if anything was missing and see if her mom was home. Nope

"No one's here" she walked downstairs "My dad was probably here though, the grass is cut there's no spoiled food" Amber said looking through the fridge she looked around

"Come on T" Amber said grasping my hand and pulling me out of the house, she looked a little worried "What's wrong" I said as we got into her car "I don't know I guess I just get paranoid when I think about him"

I've heard Amber say multiple times that James isn't her biological dad. She's never told me who her real father is though and I wasn't going to pressure her to tell me "After what happened you have every right to be Ambs"

She gave me a kiss it cut short when someone knocked on the window causing both of us to jump, I was able to see who was at the window first god damn it, Amber froze when she seen him but eventually got out of the car

"What do you want" Amber said avoiding eye contact with him "Your with Tara now?" James said smiling as he clapped his hands "I'm proud of you, as your father-"

"You don't get that title, you don't even deserve it. Something is telling me that my real dad would be way better at this than you" James eyes widened as he choked Amber I instantly got out of the car "Oh really that psychopath!" James yelled

I kicked him in the groin he fell down me and Amber quickly got in the car. Okay I know this is selfish but now I've gotta know who her real dad is. "He's fucking insane" Amber mumbled driving away

Jill hangs out with the group sometimes, I really don't like it when she does, I don't think Amber told her that we're together yet. I'll make it known next time she's hanging out with us I'll make sure she knows

Weses POV

I was home alone looking at pictures of Tara on instagram, I don't think Amber realizes how lucky she is to have Tara as her girlfriend man I heard something fall downstairs. It might be my mom needing help with the groceries

"Mom? Do you need help" no reply she might've went back outside to get more groceries so I went downstairs, nothing here and nothing out of place must've been in my head I shrugged and walked upstairs

When I got in my room I heard another noise
"What the hell" I whispered grabbing my taser from my desk, I then heard something coming from my moms room I called the cops before walking into her room

Ghost face POV

I was standing behind sheriff Judy without her knowing in her own fucking basement, with her being the sheriff and all I'd think she would be better at checking her surroundings. I slammed her head into the dryer she was quick to fall

"So now your back. Why'd you disappear for so long" Judy groaned as she grabbed her gun pointing it towards me "Plan arrangements it's not easy being a killer Judy" she shot at me but I instantly ran off into the dark

"Why are you hiding" she yelled turning around, huge mistake Judy I knocked something over as I went in the other direction as she searched that area. I ran up behind her and stabbed her three times in her back

She fell yelling in pain, "Don't worry Sheriff Judy your baby boy is next" I pushed the knife into her throat and instantly ripped it out watching as she choked at her blood as tears ran down her face

I wasn't going to toy with Wes. I want to get straight to the point I walked upstairs and seen him in a room "Hicks" I said stabbing his stomach as he dropped his taser

"I always hated you. Your such a mama's boy" I raised the knife and plunged it into his throat I left it in his throat as I dragged him downstairs to his mother.

I plant their bodies as if they were hugging I called Jill "What do you want" Jill mumbled in a raspy voice "Wes and Sheriff Hicks are dead"

"Good, I'll get Chad tomorrow night" Jill yawned as she hung up

She's gone soft for Amber, she wants Amber to stay alive but I won't allow it, all of them deserve what's coming to them. Especially Amber and Tara

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