Im going insane

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Tara POV

When school was over Mindy dropped me off at home Wes tried talking to me but I didn't want to talk to him after what he did to Amber, I took a nap when I woke up it was 10 pm I texted Amber back and went downstairs Wes is blowing up my phone I'm truly thinking about blocking him
I heard the landline ringing I ignored it no one ever called me from the landline Amber and Mindy are coming over tonight, The phone started ringing again I answered it
"Is this Christina?" It sounded like it was a man because if it was a woman I would be dying right now "No she's not home I can leave a message" he started breathing heavy I texted Amber


Hey T I'm going to pick up Mindy now

Okay, I think some guy is jerking off to my


That's.. Wow💀

Yeah💀 I'll see you when you get here

"Okay just tell her Charlie called from group" I could hear him shuffling around
"Okay Charlie what does she talk about when she's in group with you " it sounded like he was mumbling something "Sorry but that's overstepping-" I sat down on the couch "I'm her daughter so what does she talk about" he sighed "You.. Your sister" I could've sworn she said that she wouldn't dare to even say Sam's name or mention her in any type of way "Okay bye" I tried to hung up but he yelled something "I have a question" I groaned
"What is it Charlie" he laughed "What's your favorite scary movie" his voice got a little deeper and I ignored it since he is a man I guess? Still deciding if it might be a woman "I really like the babadook" I said getting up from the couch and going to get water "Hm I don't really like that one.. have you ever seen Stab?" He said as I put my cup in the sink
"Maybe like once or twice it's my friends favorite movie" I said referring to Mindy and Amber "Which friends" I heard him walking in his background "Why do you need to know" I said as he laughed "Are you talking about Mindy.. and Amber, would you like to play a game" he said in a sickening tone making me hang up I asked Amber when she was coming she was just now picking up Mindy he started calling again
I answered trying to end whatever he was trying to do "Listen asshole-" I said he huffed "No you listen asshole all I want to do is play a game are you to selfish to do that? If you don't play I'll kill Wes Mindy Chad Ethan even Amber"
"Now I'm going to ask you questions about stab" he said and I honestly didn't even know the movies I was crying, I had a knife "I don't know the movies, ask me something else-" he just started asking questions I got the last one wrong and he hung up the doors unlocked
I kept locking them and it kept unlocking I tried to run upstairs but someone grabbed me and pulled me down making me fall down the stairs he had on a ghost face mask he stabbed my side 3 times "I like you but I have to do this for the movies Tara" I heard his voice and realized it was who I was talking to on the phone "Your psychotic" I yelled kicking him

Ghost face POV

When Tara kicked me I was honestly surprised she was fighting back I thought she would just give up when I got back on my feet Tara was crawling away I quickly stomped on her foot making her yell in pain as we both heard it snap "Next I'm going to kill your precious Amber" she cut me with the knife she had I quickly stabbed her shoulder, she dropped the knife "Please stop" she cried
"Sorry I can't Tara" I rose the knife up and plunged it down in her stomach I could hear a cat pulling up and I ran from the back door I called my partner to let them know it was done, I wasn't trying to instantly kill Tara I know she has to be alive in order to bring
Samantha back the daughter of Billy Loomis meanwhile we already have the daughter of Mickey Altieri right here in Woodsboro. They didn't realize that the man they were sleeping with were slightly psychotic? But it's fine if I was the relative of a killer I would be so fucking excited.

Amber POV

I pulled up to Tara's house making sure to put my car in park, I knocked on the door Tara didn't answer Mindy stood behind me with her bag I knocked a couple more times I had a key so I just unlocked the door. I called out Tara's name to let her know we're here I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink as Mindy sat on the couch my heart dropped I screamed when I seen Tara I kneeled down and lifted her up Mindy ran in
"What the fuck!" Mindy said crying "Call the police right now" Mindy stood there still in shock I was trying to be strong I didn't know how much longer I could act like this
"Call the fucking police Mindy" I yelled making her snap out her thoughts and run to get her phone Tara opened her eyes for a slight second
"Amber?" She mumbled I could tell that she's still in pain of course she is "It's okay Tara I'm right here with you I promise" I said as I held her hand,  "I love you T, you have to stay with me" I seen Tara start to close her eyes again "Please Tara you have to stay with me, I don't know what I'll do without her" I cried holding her tighter I felt her grip on my hand loosen I cried the whole time until the police and paramedics arrived. I still cried after that the medic said that I couldn't go since Tara needed surgery immediately I was tired from crying
I was covered in blood.. my best friends blood
Mindy said she'll stay with me not trusting me to be by my self right now when Tara couldn't be by my side sometimes I was unpredictable, and in this case I felt like driving my car off a cliff if Mindy wasn't with me I probably would.
I shouldn't think like this but I don't care right now I was a alcoholic last year the only reason I'm not right now is because when Tara found out she made me stop and made me get help, plus she said if I didn't stop she would stop talking to me I went to bed as soon as I got home Mindy slept on the couch.

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